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Parents: Living and Living. Parents: Living
and Living.
Living. Parents: Living and Living.
Parents: Living and Living.
Living. Parents: Living and Living.Spouse:
Living. Children were: Living, Living. Spouse:
Living. Children were: Living, Living.
Herman CARROLL440
was born on Aug 24, 1898 in Kentucky.440
He died on Jul 18, 1982 in Stanton, Powell, Kentucky, USA.440 He worked in/as Miner; Farmer.440Spouse: Milah
KNOX. Children were: Lillian Velma
Living.Spouse: Eleanor VANSWERINGEN. James King CARROLL and Eleanor VANSWERINGEN
were married before 1719.
Living.Spouse: Living. Children were: Living.
Lillian Velma CARROLL440 was born on Nov 5, 1933 in Stanton, Powell, Kentucky.440 She died on Aug 18, 1997 in
Bradenton, Manatee, Florida, USA.440
She worked in/as Personnel Manager; Bank Receptionist.440 Parents: Herman
CARROLL and Milah KNOX.Spouse:
Living. Children were: Living, Living, Living, Living.
Nancy Agnes CARROLL209 was born on May 8, 1779 in Lincoln County, North Carolina.209,211,213,346,347,441
She died in 1865 in Reynolds County, Missouri.209,210,211,212,213,346,347,442 2 SOUR
4 TEXT Date of Import: 12 Apr 2002
Ed Doughty says she is supposed to be full-blooded Cherokee.
Stephen and Charles Carroll are on the 1779 tax list of Orange County and are
still there in 1805.Spouse: John Adam
COUNTS. John Adam COUNTS and Nancy Agnes CARROLL were married on May 8, 1797
in Tryon, Polk County, North Carolina.209,210,346,347,443
Children were: Mary Ann COUNTS, Nicholas "Nicky" COUNTS, John B. "Big Nose John" "Walking
John" COUNTS, Malissa Elizabeth
COUNTS, Henry COUNTS, Rebecca "Becky" COUNTS, Nancy
Ann COUNTS, Richard COUNTS, Peter COUNTS, William COUNTS, Nancy Elizabeth
COUNTS, George Washington COUNTS,
Andrew Jackson COUNTS, James Carroll COUNTS.
Living.Spouse: Living. Children were: Living.
Living.Spouse: Samuel MARKLAND. Samuel MARKLAND and Clara CARSON were married
on Jan 6, 1866 in OH-Hamilton County.
Living.Spouse: Living.
Living was born in 1929 in Sunnybrook, Clinton County,
Kentucky. Parents: Living
and Living.Spouse: Living. A living couple were married in 1950. Children
were: Living, Living, Living, Living.
Living.Spouse: Living. Children were: Living.
Living was born in 1888. Parents: Living.Spouse: Archibald Chales Montagu Brabazon ACHESON. Archibald Chales Montagu
Brabazon ACHESON and Caroline Mildred CARTER were married on Jun 21, 1910.
They were divorced in 1928. They were divorced. Children
were: Living, Living.
Living. Parents: Living and Living.
Living.Spouse: Living. A living couple were married in 1969.44,45 Children
were: Living, Living, Living, Living.
Living.Spouse: Living. Children were: Living.
Living.Spouse: Living. Children were: Living.
Doreen CARTER was born on May 2, 1925 in England.
She died on Feb 25, 2001 in Byrdstown, Pickett Co. Tennessee. Was
burried in Simms Cem., Pickett, Tennessee.Spouse: Shirley HASSLER. Children were: Living.
Living.Spouse: Geroge Washington WEST.
Living.Spouse: Robert HUDLESTON. THE FENTRESS COUNTY, TENNESSEE GROUP 1 .................................................(Series
p) The tax records of Buckingham County, Virginia, for 1782 show Robert, Robert,
Jr., and Thomas; for 1783 Thomas, Jr., was added; 1785, George; 1796, Jarrett
and Simon; 1798, Thomas, "son of Robert." 2. In 1774 Thomas and Millie
Tanner,"both of Raleigh Parish," Amelia County, Virginia, were married.
In 1799 Thomas of Buckingham gave bond, with Wiley as surety, to marry Patsy
W. Tanner in Amelia, Thomas "of Buckingham" giving consent as the
groom's father. Jarriott A., Thomas, John, Wiley, and Simon, said to have been
brothers, migrated from Buckingham to the locality later called "Huddleston's
Knob" in what was formerly Overton (later Fentress, now Pickett) County,
Tennessee, about 1800. Overton was organized in 1806. Its first Census (1820)
lists, as heads of families, "Milly," 3 aged above 45; "Jarrod,"
above 45, with two females and seven males in family; Simon, above 45, with one
female and two males in family; and John, between 26 and 45 ,with four females
and three males in family; "Field," 4 between 26 and 45, with four
females and one male; "Wilie," between 26 and 45, with three females
and one male; and Willis, under 26, with three females and one male in family.
5 John received a deed to land on Obeds River in 1811; Wiley was named as attorney
in fact in 1812. After these dates numerous deeds, etc., appear of record showing
members of the group active as landholders, etc. This group was sadly shaken
by the rancors of the Civil War-- members close akin faced each other as intense
partisans of the opposing sides, there was hatred and bloodshed, and the resulting
chasm has not fully closed even to this time. 6 Numerous members of this group
reside in Fentress and Pickett Counties, Tennessee, and in neighboring counties
of Kentucky. 1 This chapter does not include the group which m. from Rutherford
Co., N. C., about 1800 to the neighboring locality now included in White, Putnam
and Jackson Cos. (See chapter on The Rutherford Co., N. C., Group.) 147
148 ................................HUDDLESTON FAMILY TABLES ................................FIRST
GENERATION No..Name..................Born..Died..........Married......................................Children
p1 Thomas.............................................Millie Tanner..1774..................p2-p6
................................SECOND GENERATION ................................Children
of Thomas, p1 p2 Jarriott A.1...........1774....................Charlotta Hill.............................p7-p16
p3 Thomas 2.........................................Patsy W. Tanner..1799 _______________________________________________________
2 See chapter on "The Huddlestons of Buckingham County, Virginia."
3 Obviously she was the Millie Tanner who m. Thomas in Amelia in 1774, and the
mother of Jarriott A. and his brothers. 4 Fielding's relation to others of group
is not certain. Census of Fentress 1840 shows him "of 40 and under 50"
with family of 7 males and 6 females all under 20. He witnessed a deed in Overton
in 1812. He served in 2 (Cheatham's) W. Tenn.Militia, War 1812, and had grant
of lands in Wayne Co. (Tenn. 26412) in 1835 for such service. 5 In addition
to the members of this group as shown by the tables, the following appear in
Overton censuses; (1830) Leonard, bet. 20 and 30 wife, 1 male child--William,
bet. 20 and 30, wife, 1 female child; (1840) John C., bet. 40 and 50, wife, 2
sons, 2 daughters--Wiley, bet. 20 and 30, wife, 2 sons-- Jarret, Jr., bet. 20
and 30, wife--John, bet 20 and 30, wife, 1 daughter--William, bet. 50 and 60,
wife, 2 sons, 2 daughters--John, bet. 40 and 50, wife, 5 sons, 4 daughters;
(1850) Willis 25, wife Mary, Sarah 3, James 1--Stokely 30, wife Mary--Elam 25,
wife Arlena, Thomas--Kezia, 54, Doctor B. 16, Sarah 11--John 57, wife Elizabeth,
Rebecca 11; (1860) Wiley J, 36, wife Susan, Alsey 14, Vina 12, Mary 10, Pleasant
6, Elizabeth 4, Ollie 2--John B. 45, wife Sarah, James 19, Pastena 21, Charlotte
15, John 13, Wilburn 5, Lonan 2, Dowell 1--Charlotta 70 --Wilburn C. H. 27,
Mary 24, Madison 1--Stokely 41, wife Mary 35, Anna 17 --Simon W. 25, wife Feriba,
Sophronia 4, Robert 1; Fentress census (1840) Leonard, bet. 30 and 40, wife,
5 sons, 2 daughters--Thomas, bet 40 and 50, wife, 2 sons, 1 daughter; (1850)
Wiley 24, wife Susan, Elsa 3, Vina 2, Sarah 25, Katherine 18, Moses 14, Mary
11--Philip 28, wife Ester, Ambrose 6--Thomas 20, Nulda (probably wife), Nancy
1 mo.--Leonard 44, wife Hannah, Elizabeth 19, David H. 16, Wiley 14, George
W. 12, Kezia 7, Martha 4, Ester 2--David 21, wife Minerva, Lynn 6 mos.--John
35, wife Sarah, Porter 11, James 9, Charlotte 10, John 4, Polly 2, Isaac 3 mos.--John
33, wife Melinda, Joel; (1860) Thomas 44, wife Matilda, Joel G. 14, William
E. 9--John 77 (b Va.)--Joel G. 42, Tennessee (probably Joel G.'s wife), James
8, William 5, Bonaparte 3, Demetrius 9 mos. --Ambrose F. 28, wife Lucinda, Mary
4, Martha 3, Joseph 4 mos.--C. A. 28, wife Malvina J., C. W. 3, Sarah Q.1--Philip
M. 38, wife Esther, Ambrose J. 16, Kezia E. 7--Leonard C. 53, wife Hannah, David
F. 26, Wiley W. 24, George W. 22, Kezia 18, Martha A. 16, Esther 13, Sarah
A. 8--Edward E. 36, wife Arlena, Mary E. 7, Bethel C. 3, Permelia C. 7 mos.--Mary
22--.J. A. B. 21--Daniel E. 31, wife Elizabeth, Adam 5, Delilah 3, Killus E.
3, Elijah L. 1 mo. 6 Upon the outbreak of the war, Gov. Harris of Tenn, commissioned
Stokely as a Confederate Colonel. Elam E. was a violent Unionist and leader
of a band of irregulars. Stokley, while at the head of a small body of his troops,
in attempting the capture of Elam E., and his companions, was ambuscaded and
killed by the latter--Patriots and Guerillas, Brent (1862). Tennessee sent 110,000
soldiers into the Confederate Army and 35,000 into the Union Army. In some localities
neighbors and even families were divided, and feudism and violence raged even
among the old and the young upon their farms, while opposing bands of "bushwhackers"
and guerillas murdered and plundered the partisans of the other side.
149 ........................THE FENTRESS COUNTY, TENNESSEE GROUP No..Name..................Born..Died.........Married......................................Children
p4 John C.3...............1784....................Elizabeth___ p5 Simon 4................................................................................................p17-p19
p6 Wiley W.5...........1777....................Elizabeth___.............................p20
1 Also written "Jarrett," also "Jarrod." 2 Thomas witnessed
deed in Overton in 1811, name not found in Census 1820, or afterward. 3 Overton
Census 1840 shows John bet. 50 and 60 with family of wife and 2 sons under 30;
1850 shows John age 66 with family of Ann "74," Joel G. 31, James
18, Wm 16, Sarah A. 14. 4 Also written "Simeon." 5 Overton Census 1830
shows Wiley, Leonard, William, Jarrett and Willis, all with families. Wiley
may have been cousin to the others instead of brother.
................................THIRD GENERATION ................................Children
of Jariott A., p2 p7 Pleasant..............1817....................Mary Graham.............................p33-p44
p8 Thomas S...........1810..1863...........Jane C. Zackery........................p21-p29a
p9 Jarriott A............1818.....................Caroline Brock..........................p29b-p32
p10 Charlotte........................................___Murphy p11 Benton...............1828....................Judith
Story...............................p45-p46 p12 Lucy...............................................___Combs
p13 Carroll.............................................Polly Story p14 Wiley
H.............1814..1881...........Permelia E. Brock......................p47-p59
p15 John 1.............................................Mary Ferguson p16 George
W. 1 1 John and George W. c. second wife; name not known
................................Children of Simon, p5 p17 Simon 1 p18 Willis
2 p19 Creed T.3...........1818..1847..........Bethira Martin...........................p60-p64
1 See chapter of "The Huddlestons of Limestone County, Alabama." 2
b. about 1795. He is shown by Overton Census 1840 with family of wife and 5
males and 2 females 3 He d. while s. as Captain in Mexican War
................................Children of Wiley, p6 1 p20 Elias W..............1808..1860............Edna
Filkins..1832....................p65-p76 1 Census of Overton 1820 shows Wiley
with family of 4 males and 2 females, all under 16; 1830, 5 males and 4 females;
1840, 2 males and 1 female; of Fentress 1850, wife Elizabeth 65 and Vina 21;
1860, "Vina P.," age 33
................................FOURTH GENERATION ................................Children
of Thomas S., p8 1 p21 James A.............1834....................Melinda___.......................Florin
1858 p22 Eliza....................1837
150 ................................HUDDLESTON FAMILY TABLES No..Name..................Born..Died.........Married......................................Children
p23 Thomas B.........1843 p24 William E...........1846 p25 Jarriott A. B......1839.........................................................................p77-p79
p26 Edward P. p27 Mary L...............1849 p28 Cumanza C........1852...................___Mullanix
p29a Shigail...............1855 1 All b. Fentress Co
................................Children of Jarriott A., p9 1 p29b Permelia...........1847
p29c Mary................1846 p30 Lucinda.............1850 p31 Charlotte...........1852
p32 Ganima 2...........1859 1 All data from Overton Census 1860 2 This name possibly
error in copying
................................Children of Pleasant, p7 1 p33 Martin V............1837
p34 Elizabeth............1839 p35 Allen...................1840 p36 Sarah..................1842
p37 Margaret............1844 p38 Louisa................1846 p39 Delilah................1847
p40 Joseph...............1849 p41 Catherine...........1850 p42 Creed..................1852
p43 Franklin..............1857 p44 M. Henry...........1858 1 All data from Overton
Census 1860. This could have been some other "Pleasant."
................................Children of Benton, p11 1 p45 John...................1848
p46 Charlotte...........1849 1 Data from Overton Census 1850
...............................Children of Wiley H., p14 p47 Mary..................1842.....................Willis
Groce p48 Amilda...............1844.....................Joseph Gunnels p49 Cassandra.........1846.....................N.
M. Amonette p50 Creed..................1847 p51 Janet...................1848....................Granville
Groce p52 Caroline.............1850 p53 Russell...............1852
.......................THE FENTRESS COUNTY, TENNESSEE GROUP No..Name..................Born..Died.........Married......................................Children
p54 Asa.....................1854...................Elizabeth Jones p55 Sea.T..............................................Louise
Denny p56 Anderson......................................Belle H. Norris p57 Pierson..............1856.....................Laura
Coffee p58 George...............1839....................d. unm. p59 Hayden B..........1837..1909...........1.
Rebecca Staley..1857 ................................................................2.
Marilda Ashinghurst...........p80-p81
................................Children of Creed T., p19 p60 M. Van Buren...1832....................1.
Olive Harrison ...............................................................2.
Mary Richardson..................p82-p88 p61 Simon.................1836....................Pharoby
Harrison..................Sophronia p62 Louise................1840....................James
McHenry........................p100-p103 p63 Ruth...................1838....................d.
unm. p64 Lewis.................1845
................................Children of Elias W., p20 1 p65 Martin M.2........1833..1906..........1.Annie
F. Hall..1858 ...............................................................2.Mary
E. Thompson..1866......p89-p94 p66 Wiley J...............1835...................Annie
M. Harrison..1860 p67 Hester A............1837..1837 p68 William W..........1841..1891..........Lucy
Nunnelly..1877 p69 Richard M..........1848..1869..........Elizabeth T___ p70
David B..............1844..1916..........Florence Taylor..1874...............p95-p99
p71 Martha A...........1846..1848 p72 Helen..................1857..1902..........L.
J. Kendrick..1883.................Byron B. p73 Elias W...............1851..1855
p74 Katherine...........1854....................1. T. M.Bibb..1873 ...............................................................2.
M. F. Fritts p75 Elizabeth............1838....................J. H. C. Owen..1865..................Fannie
O. p76 Mary A..........................................___Singleton 1 Elias with
all c. m. to Mo. 1834 2 Physician
................................FIFTH GENERATION ................................Children
of Jarriott A. B., p25 1 p77 Allen A. 2..........1863 p78 Squire T. p79 Emmet
B. 1 All b. Cumberland Co., Ky 2 Now living Burkesville, Ky
................................Children of Hayden B., p59 p80 Quinton 1..........1859
p81 Hill.....................1871......................Maud Keith..1894....................p104-p106
1 Name from Overton census 1860
152 ................................HUDDLESTON FAMILY TABLES ................................Children
of M. Van Buren, p60 No..Name..................Born..Died.........Married.....................................Children
p82 Bethira...............1871 1877 p83 Sarah Brice........1874....................George
B. Westlake..1896........p112-p113 p84 Creed T..............1875....................1.
Willie Sehorn ...............................................................2.
Willie Sturdevant..................p114-p117 p85 Bethira L............1876....................Martin
Cargile p86 Lewis..................1854....................Mary Taylor..1879....................p123-p126
p87 Laura..................1858....................E. Y. Chilton..1875.....................p107-p111
p88 Louise................1860....................James Lacey...............................p118-p122
.................................Children of Martin M., p65 p89 Henry p90 David
W............1886 p91 Dora...................1866.....................J. W. Martin
p92 Edgar P..............1870.....................Maud Anderson...................William
p93 Charles E...........1875 p94 Virgil E...............1880
.................................Children of David B.,p70 p95 E. Luther............1875....................Margaret___..1902
p96 Georgia E...........1877....................Everett Barton..1903 p97 Forest
M............1879....................Lula Stockheinie..1904 p98 Martha S............1883..1915..........R.
B. Weeks..1911 p99 David T..............1894....................Minnie Gibbs..1917
................................Children of Louise McHenry, p62 p100 Creed p101
Louise p102 J. Spencer p103 Virginia
................................SIXTH GENERATION ................................Children
of Hill, p81 p104 Ousley.........................................Mary A.___ p105
Ivey..................1901....................Cyril W. McClean..1925 p106 Juanita.............1903....................J.
Forest McCutcheon..1926
................................Children of Laura Chilton, p87 p107 Leo p108
Jessie............................................___Miles p109 Creed p110 Alice
p111 Freeman
153 .......................THE FENTRESS COUNTY, TENNESSEE GROUP ................................Children
of Sarah Brice Westlake, p83 No..Name...................Born..Died........Married.......................................Children
p112 Lionel Q...........1898 p113 Dillys................1903
................................Children of Creed T., p84 p114 Irena p115 Lorena
p116 Margaret p117 Creed T.
...............................Children of Louise Lacey, p88 p118 Lloyd p119
Olive p120 Mary p121 Laura p122 Ada
...............................Children of Lewis, p86 p123 Vera p124 Elizabeth
p125 Jimmie p126 Aida Children were: Thomas
Elma Lee CARTER was born on Oct 15, 1913 in Kentucky.136 She died on Jul 15, 1978 in
Rockford, IL.136Spouse:
Issac Denton (Ike) * SMITH. Issac Denton
(Ike) * SMITH and Elma Lee CARTER were married on Sep 5, 1936 in Peatone, IL.136 Children were: Living, Living, Living, Living.
Living was born in 1940.Spouse: Robert Eugene WELLS. Children were: Living, Living.
Frances Wilhoit CARTER444,445,446,447,448 was born on Jun 17, 1837 in Kentucky.449,450,451,452
This information is from the Descendants of Michael Clore Database © 2002,
2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 by Cathi Clore Frost.Spouse: Thomas Ferdinand HUGHES. Thomas Ferdinand HUGHES and Frances
Wilhoit CARTER were married on Nov 20, 1860 in Boone County, Kentucky.453,454
Children were: James Edgar HUGHES,
Thomas Tandy HUGHES, Estelle Lavina HUGHES, Fannie
Vaughn HUGHES.
Living.Spouse: Living. A living couple were married in 1945.
Living was born in 1948 in Toronto, Ontario Canada.64,65Spouse:
Living. Children were: Living, Living.
Living was born in 1937 in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Parents: Living and Living.Spouse: Living.
A living couple were married in 1955. Children were: Living, Living, Living.
Living. Parents: Living and Matilda Annie
Living. Parents: Living and Living.
Living. Parents: Living and Living.
Living. Parents: Living and Living.Spouse:
Living. Children were: Living, Living.
Living. Parents: Living and Living.Spouse:
Isaac CARTER66
was born on May 23, 1884.66
He died on Feb 20, 1926.66
He was buried in Flat Rock Baptish Church cemetery.66 Parents: John
Hugh B. CARTER and Polly Jane SHORE.Spouse:
Living.Spouse: Living. Children were: Living,
Living.Spouse: Living. Children were: Living.
Living. Parents: Living and Living.
Living.Spouse: Living. A living couple were married in 1971.45,48 Children
were: Living, Living.
John Hugh B. CARTER66 was born on May 17, 1859.66 He died in 1907.66Spouse:
Polly Jane SHORE. John Hugh B. CARTER
and Polly Jane SHORE were married on Jul 29, 1883.66 Children were: Isaac
Living.Children were: Living.
Living.Spouse: Herbert A. MUSICK. Children were: Living.
was born on Aug 17, 1820.66
She died on Aug 13, 1884 in Yadkin Co., NC.66
She died on Aug 13, 1884.66
She was buried in Shore-Shermer cemetery on South Deep CreekLiberty Twp..66Spouse: John "Jack" Shore JR.. Children were: John Henderson SHORE, Nathan
SHORE, John (Hopping JOHN , Jack's
John) Shore, Infant SHORE, Martha SHORE, Margaret
Elaine "Elainie" (Aunt Marge) SHORE, Mary Jane (twin) SHORE, Sallie
SHORE, Isaac "Ike" SHORE,
Elizabeth "Bets" SHORE.
Living.Spouse: Matilda Annie MARKLAND. Children were: Living, Living.
Living.Spouse: Living. Children were: Living.
Living. Parents: Living and Living.
Living.Spouse: Living. Children were: Living,
Living. Parents: Living and Living.Spouse:
Living. Children were: Living.
Living. Parents: Living and Living.
Living. Parents: Living and Thelma HOOTS.Spouse:
Living. Spouse: Living.
Living. Parents: Living and Thelma HOOTS.
Living. Parents: Living and Thelma HOOTS.Spouse: