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Weldon BROWN12 died on
Jan 9, 1978 in Dallas TX. He was born on Mar 17, 1999 in Rice, Navarro
Cty TX. Spouse: Clara Bertha BURTTRAM. Gus Weldon BROWN and Clara Bertha BURTTRAM were married on Aug 22, 1920 in Caldwell, St Clair Cty AL. Children were: Eugene Irvin BROWN, Julian Augusta "Jude" BROWN, Mamie Verlene BROWN, Living, Living, Robert William BROWN, Living, Living. Living. Parents: J. Henry BROWN and Mary B. "Molly" GROCE. Living. Spouse: Matilda WALLACE. H J BROWN and Matilda WALLACE were married on Sep 20, 1866. Hariet BROWN2 was born in 1844 in Tennessee. !BIRTH: 1850 Census Jackson County, Tennessee Parents: Joseph BROWN and Sarah WEST. Living was born in 1944 in Ft Worth, Tarrant Co., TX. Parents: Iva Lee "Buster" BROWN and Living. Spouse: Living. A living couple were married in 1967 in Ft Worth, Tarrant Co., TX. Children were: Living, Living. Living. Spouse: Calvin GROCE. Henry BROWN44,45 was born in 1873.44,45 He was buried in Swaim's Baptist Church cemetery, Yadkin Co., NC.44,45 Parents: George BROWN and Priscilla "Prissy" CHAPPELL. Spouse: Ada Melissa HEMRIC. Henry BROWN and Ada Melissa HEMRIC were married on Apr 15, 1900.44,45 Children were: John Edgar BROWN, George Worth BROWN, Cloyce Ramond BROWN, Living. Herbert J. BROWN66 was born on Mar 22, 1920.66 He died on Jun 23, 1970.66 Spouse: Living. Living. Spouse: Living. Living. Parents: Living and Living. Living. Spouse: Isaac Albert SHORE. Ina Ethel BROWN255 died before 1959. Spouse: Living. Children were: Living, Living, Living. Living. Parents: Living and Living. Spouse: Living. Children were: Living, Living. Infant BROWN9,10 was born on Dec 4, 1884. Parents: Benjamin Harrrison BROWN and Nancy Sufina STEWART. Irene BROWN was born on Dec 12, 1878. She died on Feb 23, 1901 in Cookeville Tennessee. She was buried in West Cemetery, Cookeville, Putnam County, Tennessee. Spouse: Milus "Travis" DAVIS. Living. Spouse: Celia DAVIS. Living. Spouse: Martha DAVIS. Living was born.336 Parents: John BROWN and Sarah MAYFIELD. Isaac BROWN2 was born in 1838 in Tennessee. !BIRTH: 1850 Census Jackson County, Tennessee Parents: Joseph BROWN and Sarah WEST. Isaac BROWN2 was born about 1848 in Tennessee. !BIRTH: 1850 Census of Jackson County, Tennessee Parents: Walker BROWN and Elizabeth. Isabelle Frances BROWN10 was born on Mar 10, 1842 in Livingston, Overton, Tennessee. She died on Jun 14, 1918 in Oswego, Labette, Kansas. Spouse: Richard LaFayette WEST. Richard LaFayette WEST and Isabelle Frances BROWN were married on Oct 4, 1860 in Overton County, Tennessee. Children were: Melvina WEST, Living, Living, Living. Isadora BROWN44,45 was born in 1882.44,45 Parents: George BROWN and Priscilla "Prissy" CHAPPELL. Spouse: Living. Iva Lee "Buster" BROWN196 was born on Feb 20, 1915 in Crews, Runnels Co., TX. He died on Jun 8, 1982 in Ft Worth, Tarrant Co., TX. Parents: Iva Nixon BROWN and Emmer Lee WEST. Spouse: Living. Iva Lee "Buster" BROWN and Elvira AUTREY were married on Jun 26, 1937. Children were: Living, Living. Iva Nixon BROWN196 was born on Apr 7, 1892 in TX. He died on Jan 12, 1936 in Runnels Co., TX. Spouse: Emmer Lee WEST. Iva Nixon BROWN and Emmer Lee WEST were married on Oct 1, 1911 in Runnels Co., TX. Children were: Living, Iva Lee "Buster" BROWN, Living, Living, Living. J. Henry BROWN44,45 was born on Apr 16, 1884.44,45 He died on Feb 24, 1960 in Yadkin Co., NC.44,45 He was buried in Oak Grove Baptist Church cemetery, Yadkin Co., NC.44,45 Spouse: Mary B. "Molly" GROCE. Children were: Living, Living, Living, Living, Living. Living. Spouse: Living. A living couple were married in 1961.45,48 Children were: Living, Living, Living. James BROWN2 was born about 1810 in Virginia. Family records of Ida Mabel Dugan, researched at Library of Congress 1947-1951. Parents: John BROWN. James BROWN44,45 was born in 1864.44,45 Parents: George BROWN and Priscilla "Prissy" CHAPPELL. Living. Parents: Living and Living. Parents: Living and Living. Living was born in 1941.44,45 Parents: Ellis LeRoy BROWN and Living. Spouse: Living. A living couple were married in 1966.44,45 Children were: Living, Living. Living. Parents: Gus Weldon BROWN and Clara Bertha BURTTRAM. Spouse: Living. Living. Parents: Living and Living. Living. Parents: Eugene Irvin BROWN and Living. Spouse: Living. Children were: Living, Living, Living. Living. Parents: Living and Living. Spouse: Living. Living was born in 1972.44,45 Parents: Living and Living. Jerry Irvin BROWN12 was born on Nov 27, 1947. He died on Nov 4, 1948. Parents: Eugene Irvin BROWN and Living. Living. Parents: Living and Living. Living. Spouse: Living. A living couple were married in 1969.44,45 Living. Parents: Eugene Irvin BROWN and Living. Spouse: Living. Children were: Living, Living, Living, Living. Living. Spouse: Melvina BUSH. John BROWN was born WFT Est. 1751-1780.69 He died in 1792 in killed by indians in Tennessee.69,103 This John Brown is is the same as John Brown 13467. Spouse: Daughter MAYFIELD. John BROWN and Daughter MAYFIELD were married WFT Est. 1773-1791.69 John BROWN23 died in 1792 in Tennessee. Killed by Indians in the present site of Nashville, Tennessee. Most of the entries in this file have not been proven by me. Therefore, the user should treat them as *leads* in the search for genealogical documentation. Spouse: Sarah MAYFIELD. Children were: Living. ![]() Mary West Holland records, Doyle, Tennessee. Ida Duggan records CENSUS: 1850 Census Jackson County, Tennessee CHECK OUT THE INFORMATION BELOW James Brown b. abt. 1725, probably Pa. m. Jennet ______ Children: a. Thomas Brown b. Margaret Brown m. William Woody c. Jane Brown m. John Craig d. Elizabeth Brown m. William Jones e. Mary Brown m. John Smith f. James Brown m. Rhoda Reese g. Ann Brown m. John Reese h. David Brown m. Nancy Fuqua i. John Brown Notes on this family: James and Jennet Brown were likely from Chester Co., Pa. prior to arriving in Amherst County, Va. The Revolutionary Pension record of their son, Thomas Brown stated that he was born in Pennsylvania and lived near Brandywine and Schuylkill. Their daughter, Jane Brown Craig moved with her family to Wayne County, Kentucky as did her brother John. Son, Thomas Brown served in the Revolutionary War from Bedford County, Virginia. BROWN FAMILY DOCUMENTS Will of James Brown of Bedford County, Va. Dated: 3 Dec 1789 --My just debts and funeral charges be paid. --To my son Thomas Brown the plantation whereon he now lives which contains seventy acres of land, which is all he is to have both of my real and personal estate. --To my son David Brown five shillings. --To my son John Brown five shillings. --I lend the plantation which lies on Bramblits Road to my loving wife during her natural life or widowhood. --If any debts should appear after my death that I don't at present know of and my personal estate is not sufficient to pay it, the plantation whereon I now live should be rented out till it be paid. --To my son James the plantation on Bramblits Road after my wife's death. Likewise the plantation whereon I now live but my loving wife to have it her lifetime. --To my son James one sorrel horse, saddle and bridle, a shotgun, one bed and furniture. --To my daughter Mary one bed and furniture now in her possession, one horse called Larry, a bridle and saddle. --To my daughter Ann one bed and furniture and bedsted, a bay mare called Shinner with a saddle and bridle, a cow and white heifer. --The balance of my personal estate I lend to my loving wife Jinnet during her natural life and at her death to be equally divided between my daughters Ann and Mary and my three granddaughters, Rebackah Jones and Peggy Jones and Elizabeth Woody. --As for my daughter Margaret Woody I give one bed which I lent her. My daughter Gian Crage I give her five shillings. Likewise my daughter Elizabeth Jones five shillings which is to be taken out of my estate before it is divided. Executors: my son Thomas Brown and Charles Chaffery. Witnesses: William Woody, William Hale, Charles Chaffery, Mary Thomas. Proven: 26 July 1790 by William Woody, Charles Chaffery, Mary Thomas. Securities: John Hampton and William Leftwich, Jr. Children were: Lucy BROWN, Mary "Polly" BROWN, Betsy BROWN, James BROWN, Walker BROWN, Eliza A. BROWN, Joseph BROWN. John BROWN2 was born about 1845 in Tennessee. !BIRTH: 1850 Census of Jackson County, Tennessee Parents: Walker BROWN and Elizabeth. John Edgar BROWN44,45 was born in 1903.44,45 He died in 1987.44,45 Parents: Henry BROWN and Ada Melissa HEMRIC. Spouse: Lucy Blanch PARKER. John Edgar BROWN and Lucy Blanch PARKER were married in 1936.44,45 Children were: Sara BROWN, Living. Living. Spouse: Living. A living couple were married in 1924. Children were: Living, Living. Living was born in 1979.44,45 Parents: Living and Living. Living. Parents: Living and Living. Joseph BROWN2 was born about 1819 in Tennessee. He died in Feb 1850 in Jackson, Tennessee. He was buried in West Cemetery, Cookeville, Putnam County, Tennessee. DEATH: West Family Cemetery Tombstones, Putnam County, Tennessee The 1850 Mortality Schedule of the Census stated his cause of death as a "fever". DEATH: West Family Cemetery Tombstones, Putnam County, Tennessee The 1850 Mortality Schedule of the Census stated his cause of deat h as a "fever". Parents: John BROWN. Spouse: Sarah WEST. Joseph BROWN and Sarah WEST were married about 1832. Children were: Stephen BROWN, Isaac BROWN, Nancy BROWN, Hariet BROWN, Polly A. BROWN, Robert W. BROWN. Joseph BROWN2 was born about 1834 in Tennessee. !BIRTH: 1850 Census of Jackson County, Tennessee Parents: Walker BROWN and Elizabeth. |