Home Surname List Name Index Sources | Dicy Lavada Crow52 died on 18 July 1918 in DeKalb County, Alabama. Spouse: Allen Dean. Dicy Lavada Crow and Allen Dean were married on 16 February 1878 in DeKalb County, Alabama. Children were: Sarah Ann Dean. Fannie Crow (private). Spouse: Ridley Grover Pendergrass. Claude C. Crowder (private). Spouse: Harriet Ann Bullington. DeAlva Crowder was born on 22 June 1919.66 She died on 23 September 1950 at the age of 31 in Bandera, Texas.66 Spouse: Boyd Hart Mayfield. Living CROWDER (private). Spouse: Living GRINDSTAFF. Children were: Living CROWDER. Living CROWDER (private). Parents: Living CROWDER and Living GRINDSTAFF. ----- CROWE (private). Spouse: NANCY A. ESTEP. Living Crowe (private). Spouse: Living House. Children were: Living Crowe, Living Crowe. Living Crowe (private). Parents: Living Crowe and Living House. Living Crowe (private). Parents: Living Crowe and Living House. Pansy Crowe (private).50 Spouse: Vernon Gross. Children were: Tassie Lynn Groce. A.J. Crowell13 was born on 12 April 1857. Parents: Benjamin S. Crowell and Nancy E. Buttram. Benjamin S. Crowell13 was born in 1835 in North Carolina, United States. He died on 12 May 1862 at the age of 27 in , Walker Co., Georgia. BENJAMIN was killed in the Battle of Chattanooga. His fa t h er-in-law raised his and Nancy's children. After the B attle at Shiloh, April 6, 1862, the Confedera t e Army retr eated, first to Corinth, then to central Missi ss ippi. Th e Federal Army moved up to Corinth about the sa m e time . A Detachment of the Federal Army, under the comm an d o f General Ormsby Mitchell, was sent over to occupy No r t h Alabama. Gen. Mitchell's Headquarters was at Athens , A lab ama. President Lincoln was aware that there wa s a pocket of Uni o n Sympathy in the hill country of Nort h Alabama. He inst ru cted General Mitchell to make the mo st of this situatio n . This area, later became known as " The Free State of Wi ns ton'. People who were unwilling t o fight for the Confed era te cause begain to move into thi s area. This becam e a prob lem for the Confederates, an d President Jefferso n Davis iss ued an order to 'shoot the se people on sight'. General Mitchell's troops had no orga nized opposition in t h is area, and they ranged over a wid e area. I believe th a t some of these troops camped in th e "Yankee Patch". I t hi nk they were there for some time , and these are the 'Blu e C oats' who went to the Jones ho me and demanded somethin g t o eat. When it was set befor e them they said that the y wou ld not eat that kind of foo d, and fed it to the dogs , and r ode away. I also believ e one of these Union Soldie rs was i n the Friendship Commu nity and came under the fir e of Wilbu rn Rodgers squirre l gun. In his hasty retreat , he lost hi s hat, and Wilbur n gained a Trophy. The day after the Battle of Chattanooga , an Ohio soldier w a s on the battlefield, and came on th e unburied body o f a de ad Confederate, and he wrote: ' He was not over 15 years of age, and very slender in si z e . He was clothed in a cotton suit, and was barefooted-- b a refooted on that cold and wet 24th of November. I exam i ne d his haversack. For the days ration there was a hand fu l l of black beans, a few pieces of sorghum and a half d oz e n roasted acorns. That was an infinitely poor outfi t fo r m arching and fighting, but that Tennessee Confedera te ha d ma de it answer his purpose'. Benjamin S. Crowel l died on the same battlefield. I do n o t know who checke d his haversack, but his father-in-law , Ha rmon Butram, ra ised his orphaned child for him. Harmon Butram probably sa w smoke from Gen. Sherman's advan c ing army. His family h ad been shattered, a son and son-i n- law dead, and two oth er sons already in Alabama. There i s l ittle doubt that h e had lost whatever he had, and was n eve r satisfied tha t the war was necessary in the first pla ce. He decided h e would take his family, with its orphans an d w idows, t o Alabama and start over. He was forty seven y ear s old w hen he left Georgia to come to Alabama. Source #19 Spouse: Nancy E. Buttram. Nancy E. Buttram and Benjamin S. Crowell were married on 27 May 1858 in Carrol County, Georgia, United States. Children were: A.J. Crowell, J.H. Crowell, Sarah Jane Crowell. J.H. Crowell13 was born on 14 July 1860. Parents: Benjamin S. Crowell and Nancy E. Buttram. Sarah Jane Crowell13 was born on 7 January 1862 in Carrol County, Georgia, United States. Parents: Benjamin S. Crowell and Nancy E. Buttram. Rose Marie Crowl (private). Spouse: Ralph Waldo Dalton. Children were: Dianne Dalton, Sandra Dalton, Adrienne Dalton. Regina Mae Crozier (private).126 Spouse: Donald Denton Smith. Children were: Lori Kay Smith, Donna Regina Smith. Helen Faye Crumm (private). Spouse: Robert Thomas Lessly. Children were: Shirley Jo Lessly, Paul Wayne Lessly. Adam Burttram Crump (private). Parents: Randy Crump and Tanya Sue Coker. ![]() Spouse: Paul Edward Mansell. Betty Evon Crump and Paul Edward Mansell were married on 20 March 1950 in Rossville Dade, Georgia. Children were: Cheryl Diane Mansell, Lisa Mansell, Paul Edward Jr. Mansell, Paula Eugenia Mansell. Chester Charles Crump was born on 13 September 1910 in GA. He died on 2 April 1989 at the age of 78 in Dallton, GA. Parents: George W. Crump and Dovie King. Spouse: Ethel Edith Patrick. Children were: Betty Evon Crump, Mary Charles Crump, Shirly Sue Crump. Dakota Gewin Crump (private). Parents: Randy Crump and Tanya Sue Coker. George W Jr. Crump (private). Parents: George W. Crump and Dovie King. George W. Crump (private). Spouse: Dovie King. Children were: George W Jr. Crump, Jessie Crump, Hazel Crump, Grady Crump, John Crump, Chester Charles Crump. Grady Crump died in 1995. Parents: George W. Crump and Dovie King. Hazel Crump died in 1955 in Chattanooga, Hamilton County, Tennessee. Parents: George W. Crump and Dovie King. Jessie Crump (private). Parents: George W. Crump and Dovie King. John Crump (private). Parents: George W. Crump and Dovie King. John Alvin Crump (private). Parents: Randy Crump and Tanya Sue Coker. Mary Charles Crump (private). Parents: Chester Charles Crump and Ethel Edith Patrick. Spouse: Theodore Branford Winkler. Children were: Brad Winkler, David Winkler, Linda Gale Winkler, Carol Ann Winkler. Randy Crump (private). Spouse: Tanya Sue Coker. Children were: John Alvin Crump, Adam Burttram Crump, Dakota Gewin Crump. Shirly Sue Crump (private). Parents: Chester Charles Crump and Ethel Edith Patrick. Johnny Crumrine (private). Spouse: Johnnie Opel Looper. Children were: Sara Yvonne Crumrine. Sara Yvonne Crumrine (private). Parents: Johnny Crumrine and Johnnie Opel Looper. Spouse: Charles Pollard. Children were: Lecia Evonne Pollard, Christopher Glenn Pollard, Douglas Alan Pollard. Billy Gene Crutchley was born on 7 July 1930. He died on 28 September 1930 at the age of 0 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL. Parents: William Lester Crutchley and Mary Frances Taylor. Bobby Dean Crutchley was born on 7 July 1930. He died on 30 September 1930 at the age of 0 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL. Parents: William Lester Crutchley and Mary Frances Taylor. Candace Lynn Crutchley (private). Parents: William Thomas Crutchley and Carla Lynn Tyler. Spouse: Jeffrey Eppley. Doris Eileen Crutchley (private). Parents: William Lester Crutchley and Mary Frances Taylor. Spouse: Harvey Blaase. Children were: Richard Blaase. Esther Lorine Crutchley was born on 28 April 1917 in DeWitt Co., Illinois. She died on 16 August 1995 at the age of 78 in Arthur, Illinois. Parents: William Lester Crutchley and Mary Frances Taylor. Spouse: William Clau Korte. Esther Lorine Crutchley and William Clau Korte were married on 5 December 1936 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL. Children were: William Robert Korte, Carol Ann Korte. Helen Mae Crutchley was born on 17 December 1922 in DeWitt, California. She died on 13 December 1988 at the age of 65 in Vallejo, Solano Co., CA. Parents: William Lester Crutchley and Mary Frances Taylor. Spouse: Hubert Dale Hooper. Helen Mae Crutchley and Hubert Dale Hooper were married in 1939. Children were: Marilyn Sue Hooper. Spouse: Leonard Marshall Nichols. Children were: Glen Alan Nichols. Mary Evelyn Crutchley (private). Parents: William Lester Crutchley and Mary Frances Taylor. Spouse: Frank Van Gelder. Children were: Linda Marie Van Gelder, Michael Van Gelder, Susan Kay Van Gelder, Daniel David Van Gelder. Mary Lynn Crutchley (private). Parents: Roy Francis Crutchley and Katherine Love Holcomb. Spouse: Marvin Tracey Jerew. Children were: Travis James Jerew, Rory Allan Jerew. Pamela Kay Crutchley (private). Parents: Roy Francis Crutchley and Katherine Love Holcomb. Spouse: Terry Allen Yehling. Children were: Jennifer Megan Yehling, Brian Allen Yehling. Robert Franklin Crutchley (private). Parents: Roy Francis Crutchley and Katherine Love Holcomb. Spouse: Mary Jane Watkins. Roy Francis Crutchley was born on 2 October 1920 in Atlanta, DeWitt Co, IL. He died on 13 March 1996 at the age of 75 in Tucson, Arizona. Parents: William Lester Crutchley and Mary Frances Taylor. Spouse: Katherine Love Holcomb. Children were: William Thomas Crutchley, Robert Franklin Crutchley, Pamela Kay Crutchley, Mary Lynn Crutchley. Wendy Teresa Crutchley (private). Parents: William Thomas Crutchley and Carla Lynn Tyler. Spouse: Craig Spoor. William Lester Crutchley died on 17 February 1981.801 He was born on 9 July 1994.802 Spouse: Mary Frances Taylor. Mary Frances Taylor and William Lester Crutchley were married on 2 June 1916 in Clayton, Missouri. Children were: Esther Lorine Crutchley, Doris Eileen Crutchley, Roy Francis Crutchley, Helen Mae Crutchley, Mary Evelyn Crutchley, Billy Gene Crutchley, Bobby Dean Crutchley. William Thomas Crutchley (private). Parents: Roy Francis Crutchley and Katherine Love Holcomb. Spouse: Carla Lynn Tyler. Children were: Candace Lynn Crutchley, Wendy Teresa Crutchley. Dorothy Cruthids (private). Spouse: David Woodrow Todd. Ross Cryar (private). Spouse: Frances Burttram. |