Home Surname List Name Index Sources | Elizabeth Hawkins414 was born about 1750. Spouse: William Gosney. Children were: Sarah Gosney. Elizabeth Hawkins was born about 1767 in Farquire, VA. Parents: Benjamin Hawkins and Ann BOURNE. Elizabeth Hawkins97,282 was born about 1766 in Jessamine County, Kentucky, United States. She was born about 1767. Parents: William Hawkins and Elizabeth BOURNE. Spouse: David Wolmack. Elizabeth Hawkins97,282 was born on 17 June 1780 in Fauquire Co., VA. She was born on 17 June 1780 in Fauquire Co, Virginia. Parents: Benjamin Hawkins and Ann "Nancy" Bourne. Spouse: William Barnes. Children were: Polly Barnes, Polly Barnes. Elizabeth Hawkins97 was born in 1783. Parents: John Hawkins and Nancy Withers. Spouse: Samuel Overstreet. Elizabeth Hawkins and Samuel Overstreet were married on 24 November 1804 in Jasmiine County , Kentucky - verified. Elizabeth Frances Hawkins97 was born on 28 December 1874 in Kentucky, United States. She died in October 1911 at the age of 36 in Alta Loma, Galveston, TX. Parents: Andrew Jackson Hawkins and Permelia Florence Nickell. Emma Hawkins97 was born on 25 December 1887 in Rowan, Kentucky. She died on 17 March 1966 at the age of 78 in Aberdeen, Ohio. Parents: George Hawkins and Mary Ann Cooper. Ernest Middleton Hawkins52 was born on 13 May 1927 in Dade Co., GA. He died on 17 November 1998 at the age of 71 in Hamilton Co., Tennessee. Parents: Henry Grady Hawkins SR and Velma Beatrice Ridle. Spouse: Mary Verenice Cooper. Eva Cora Hawkins97 was born on 2 February 1873 in Kentucky, United States. She died on 2 November 1933 at the age of 60 in Snider, Okla.. Parents: Andrew Jackson Hawkins and Permelia Florence Nickell. Eva Lena Hawkins97 was born on 19 June 1879 in Miami, Missouri in Saline, County. She died on 7 October 1948 at the age of 69. She was buried in Miami, Missouri in Saline, County. Lena HAWKINS Household Female 1880 Census Other Information: Birth Year <1879> Birthplace MO Age 1 Occupation Mari t al Status S <Single> Race W <White> Head of Household John HAWKINS Rela ti on Dau <Daughter> Parents: John Augustine Hawkins and Susan Mary Burrus. Fannie Hawkins409 was born on 9 March 1783 in OrangeCo., VA. She died on 9 August 1839 at the age of 56 in Anderson City, Anderson, Kentucky, United States. Parents: James Hawkins and Jane BOURNE. Spouse: Kennedy. Spouse: John Hackley Reeds. Fannie Hawkins and John Hackley Reeds were married on 12 March 1808 in Lexington, Fayette County, Kentucky, United States. Spouse: William Zimmerman. Fannie Hawkins and William Zimmerman were married on 26 August 1814 in Franklin Co. KY. Children were: William H. Zimmerman, Amanda Zimmerman, Douglas Zimmerman, James Zimmerman. Farmer D. Hawkins97 was born on 30 July 1831 in Farm near Hillsboro, Fleming, Kentucky. He died on 31 October 1854 at the age of 23 in Bath, Kentucky, United States. Parents: John R. Hawkins and Sarah "Sally" Barnett. Spouse: Hannah H. Lewis. Hannah H. Lewis and Farmer D. Hawkins were married on 15 March 1854 in Triplett, Rowan, Kentucky. Frances G. Hawkins97,282 was born on 10 May 1778 in Orange Co., Virginia. He was born on 13 May 1778 in Orange Co., Virginia. He died on 6 November 1876 at the age of 98 in Hopkins, Kentucky. Frances was buried in Samuels Cem, Hopkins Co., Kentucky. Parents: Benjamin Hawkins and Ann "Nancy" Bourne. Spouse: Miss Beck. Children were: Lucy B. Hawkins. Francis Hawkins was born about 1778 in Culpeper County, Virginia. Parents: Benjamin Hawkins and Ann BOURNE. George Hawkins97 was born on 10 September 1861 in Rowan, Kentucky. He died in Rowan, Kentucky. Parents: Walter R. Hawkins and Angeline Snedeger. Spouse: Mary Ann Cooper. Mary Ann Cooper and George Hawkins were married on 1 April 1884 in Rowan Co., Kentucky. Children were: Emma Hawkins, Riley Hawkins. George Ann Hawkins97 was born on 15 February 1854 in Hillsboro, Fleming, Kentucky. She died on 26 December 1907 at the age of 53 in Salt Lake, Utah. She was buried in Mt. Olivet Cemetary, Salt Lake, Utah. Parents: Moses R. Hawkins and Martha Jane Nickell. Spouse: William Henry George. George Ann Hawkins and William Henry George were married on 8 September 1880 in Hillsboro, Fleming, Ky. George Giles Hawkins97 was born on 14 March 1810 in Versailles Woodford County Kentucky. In 1875 he was in President of Savings Bank of Palmyra. He was buried in 1887 in Fairville, Missouri Cemetary. George died on 9 October 1887 at the age of 77 in Miami, Saline County, Missouri. George Giles Hawkins, son of John and Nancy Withers Hawkins, was born March 14, 1810 in Woodford County, Kentucky. He married Susannah Harrison Slaughter on September 13, 1832. Bondsman at the wedding was Edmund Burrus. Susannah was born November 18, 1813 near Danville, Kentucky. She was the daughter of Augustine Smith and Susannah Fisher Slaughter of Boyle County, Kentucky. George's parent moved from Virginia to Kentucky in 1782 and b ought lan d in Jessamine Creek and in other areas. George was named afte r Giles H awkins who was probably a brother or cousin of his father. George's mother, Nancy, died after having 16 children. Geor ge was th e next to the youngest and was only 3-years-old when she died . The foll owing year, George's father (John) married Margaret Singleton , widow o f Edmund Singleton. She was the daughter of Ezekiel and Mary Ha yden . Apparently, one or more of John's children married Mary's childre n a nd this may be how they became acquainted. When George was 13 his father died. In 1825 the court name d Allen Withe rs Hawkins as his guardian, an older brother. His father h ad no will , but George did inherit a portion of his holding. In 1827 o r 28, Marga ret married Samuel H. Craig. On April 10, 1835 he bought land NW1/4, NE1/4, Sec. 35, T61 , R10 in Jedd o. This was before land titles were given. Jeddo was an e xtinct villa ge store on the County line in Knox county. This was locate d SE quarter , Sec 12, T61, R10 which was not laid out until just before t he Civil Wa r. Settling in northern Jeddo were the families Young, Redma n and Jame s whose children would later marry Hawkins family members. Wil liam East in, the father of George's second wife Elizabeth, came to Knox C ounty i n 1839 and settled a quarter of section 30, T62, R10. On October 10, 1836, George and Susannah sold 112 1/2 acres i n Woodfor d Jessamine Counties in Indian and Clear Creeks to John F. Daven port fo r $2,800 where George had been residing in Kentucky. On Decembe r 1, 183 6, George and John C. Pickett purchased a large lot in Palmyra a nd wen t into business calling it "Hawkins & Pickett". Pickett was probab l y a cousin. They purchased Lot 2, Block 29 which had 49 feet of fronta g e on Main Street. It ran 127 feet back to an alley and included some b ui ldings. They purchased it from Benjamin M. Means for $3,445. On March 8, 1839 George and Susannah Hawkins of Lewis Count y and John C . and Evalina S. Pickett, sold for $2,900 33 feet along and 1 27 feet bac k to the alley to the president and director of the Branch Ban k of the S tate of Missouri and in 1974 this is where the Palmyra State Ba nk was lo cated. On the remaining 16 1/2 feet of frontage the establishe d their b usiness. In 1974, this was where the Schaffer Shoe Store was lo cated. On August 23, 1839, a court legal book shows an agreement o n land. bills , notes, accounts of the firm, being accepted and paid for b y George Gil es, including all liabilities of the firm of John E. Shropshi re and Co . John was probably another cousin and may have operated a dru g store . So in all likely hood Hawkins and Pickett was also a drug store . O n August 23, 1839 the "Missouri Whig", a Palmyra newspaper, show inde bte dness to the Shropshire firm should be paid to George Hawkins of Hawki n s and Picket, which meant they bought out the business. Under Death s o n September 24, 1857 in this paper is the Notice for Susannah. During all this time George is listed as living in Lewis an d Knox Counti es. As time went by he added to his land in Knox County. H e was the fir st Justice of the Peace in Knox County in 1845. His brothe r Allen Hawki ns went to Scotland County and in 1844 was Judge for Maidend ert Township . He also lived in Lewis County. Robert V. Slaughter, Susan nah's broth er, came to Knox County. In 1854, George sold 150 acres t o Isaac C . Withers, and in 1877 in Saline County, Isaac's farm was foun d near Geo rge's. There are many land entries in Know and Lewis Counties , but it w asn't until September 27, 1866 that he purchased land in Mario n County f rom William and Archilles Hawkins Eastin for $4,800. This was t he NE qua rter, section 11, T57, R-6. The last land sold in Knox was i n 1865 . The last entry in Marion County was June 20, 1877 when he sold t o J.J . Southan. June 9, 1873, George bought a portion of Section 3, T51, R 2 1 in Salin e County and this is where he lived. It is near the cemetery w here he i s buried. His wife, Ellen, died at the home of the Sheltons in M iami, Mo . This was probably a cousins home. Here is some information from the census:-- 1850 Census - Kno x County: G eorge G. Hawkins, 40 - born in Kentucky: Susanna Hawkins, 37 ; Persona l Property, etc. $4,000. --1860 Census, Knox County, Jeddo Town ship: Ge orge G. Hawkins, 50 m. Farmer; Elizabeth E. Hawkins, 36, born i n Missour i; Alen W. Hawkins, 24, Kentucky; Sarah Hawkins, 18, Missouri; G eorge G . Hawkins, 16, Missouri; Joseph Drake Hawkins, 19, Missouri - bric klayer . Real Estate - $5,000; Personal - $15,200. --1870 Census - Mario n Cou nty, Missouri: George G. Hawkins, 60 - born Kentucky - farmer; Ellen , 4 6 - Missouri; Real Estate - $8,000; Personal Property, $15,000. Ellen Elizabeth Eastin Hawkins was born May 18, 1824 and die d April 24 , 1894. She is buried at Fairville Cemetery Beside George an d his firs t wife, Susannah Harrison Slaughter Hawkins. In 1850 George was elected to the General Assembly as a repre sentative o f Knox County. He held this position for two years. While se rving a s a representative in Jefferson City he received a letter writte n to hi m by a school teacher named William R. Strachan who was probabl y a board er in the Hawkins home. The letter was dated January 16, 1852 . At thi s time Susannah at the age of 39 was nearly blind and he may hav e wrot e this on her behalf telling of ordinary household happenings, a re por t on children and neighborhood events. In 1854, George sold 150 acres. In 1856, he purchased land in Newark, M i ssouri. On September 21, 1857 Susannah Harrison Slaughter Hawkins die d a t the home-place and was buried there. Later her body was moved to F airv ille where George and his second wife are buried. On November 17, 1858 George married Ellen Elizabeth Eastin wh o was bor n in 1824 in Marion County, Missouri. She was the daughter of D r. Willi am Eastin who married Phoebe Smith, daughter of Hawkins Smith, wh o marri ed Elizabeth Shropshire. Ellen's mother, Phoebe died when she wa s fiv e or six weeks old and she gave the baby to Mary (Polly) Smith, he r sist er before she died. The following year, Mary married Ellen Eastin' s fat her, William. When Ellen married George, she was 34 and he was a widower wi th grown an d married children. They were married by James S. Green, a Pa lmyra Bapt ist minister. Ellen and George had no children. They lived i n an ll roo m house in Palmyra. Ellen liked to go to balls and parties an d wore bea utiful cloths and jewelry. It is said she waited on George , like a ba by, called him "Dear" except when with strangers when she call ed him "Mr . Hawkins." She would invite George's friends to play euchre a t the hou se and she would serve them peach brandy. The family had two bl ack serv ants in the kitchen. One was named Mandy who cooked and anothe r young w oman who helped with the work and served the table. Up until 1860, George continued to buy land in Knox County . But this ye ar and after he began selling property. In 1954 the Palmyr a home was st ill there. It was located just north of Million Creek. In the 1890's the house was remodeled and a photo was taken o f it befor e the work started. The house faced south. In the remodelin g the secon d floor was removed and the west room taken off. However, th e fireplac e and other rooms were left in place. Some of the Hawkins chil dren ma y have married in the house. There is a graveyard nearby and they bear familiar names: Ge orge G., so n of R.V. & M.J. Slaughter, born August 19, 1851; died Septemb er 11, 185 6. Robert V. was the next oldest brother to Susannah and his wi fe was Ma ry Jane Poor. Another was William S., son of John W. and Mary D . Burrus , born Mercer County, Kentucky, October 25, 1836; Died May 14, 18 56. Ma ry Slaughter was the younger sister of Susannah. There is no reco rd wh y Susannah's two nephews came to visit her and then died just four m onth s apart. Another stone in the graveyard bore the the name of Georg e W. , son of J.A. and S.M. Hawkins, born September 18, 1856; died Februar y 5 , 1863. This was the oldest son of John Augustine Hawkins. Still ano th er stone in the graveyard said: Infant daughter of J.A. & S.M. Hawkin s , Aged 21 days. No name or date was given. The graveyard is near Newar k , Mo. On September 29, 1866 George bought land from William Easti n and A.H. Ea stin, $1,800. Dr. Eastin had bought this land from the heir s of Josep h Hawkins who were Andrew B. and Mark Strother and Samuel, Abra ham B. an d Mary Vanlandingham. He kept adding to this land until he owne d almos t two sections. On December 24, 1875, he sold 200 acres to a Mr . Site s for $6,500. March 6, 1871, George bought 1 1/2 acres on Rock Creek from Michael Modh r wald. In 1875, George was president of the Savings Bank in Palmyra, M o . He was living in Palmyra at that time. On April 30, 1884, he filed a will in Saline County, and thi s was prove n on October 19, 1887. April 3, 1886 he gave land to George H awkins, Jr. When George and Ellen finally decided to give up their home, they receiv e d room and board at the home of Ellen's half brother, Thomas Augustin e Ea stin, who lived near Miami, Missouri. They took two employees wit h the m Younk and a black man named John. These two worked on the Easti n far m until it was sold. When this occurred they moved in with George's daughter, Sarah Mildred T a ylor. George died on October 9, 1887. After his death, Ellen bough t a h ouse in Miami, M. and rented to a boarder name Mrs. Shelton. Elle n brok e her hip in 1894 and died as a result of the injury. At his death, each of his children received $3,400. John Agu stine and A llen W. were executors of the estate. Probably moved to Missouri in 1835 Parents: John Hawkins and Nancy Withers. Spouse: Susannah Harrison Slaughter. Susannah Harrison Slaughter and George Giles Hawkins were married on 13 September 1832 in Mercer County, Kentucky. Children were: John Augustine Hawkins, Allen Withers Hawkins, Ann Eliza Hawkins, Sarah Mildred Hawkins, George Giles Hawkins , Jr.. Spouse: Elizabeth Ellen Eastin. Elizabeth Ellen Eastin and George Giles Hawkins were married on 17 November 1858 in Palmyra, Missouri. George Giles Hawkins , Jr.97 was born on 5 October 1843 in Palmyra, Missouri. He died on 18 February 1907 at the age of 63 in Marshall, Missouri. He was buried in 1 mile east of Fairville. Parents: George Giles Hawkins and Susannah Harrison Slaughter. Spouse: Arabelle McGee Evans. Arabelle McGee Evans and George Giles Hawkins , Jr. were married on 11 April 1866. Children were: Edward Withers Hawkins. Spouse: Mary Bell. Mary Bell and George Giles Hawkins , Jr. were married in 1905. George Giles Hawkins97 was born on 13 September 1880 in Paris, Missouri. He died in April 1953 at the age of 72 in Madera, California. He graduated in University of Washington, St. Louis. George was in Medical Doctor. He received a degree in Docter of Medicine -. He served in the military in Served in World War I. Parents: Allen Withers Hawkins and Maria Louisa Bower. George Washington Hawkins52,168 was born on 24 April 1887 in DeKalb Co., Alabama.168 He died on 10 December 1933 at the age of 46 in DeKalb Co., Alabama.168 He has reference number 8362.168 Spouse: Stella A. Cordell. Children were: Aileen Hawkins. Gesella N Hawkins97 was born in 1866 in Kentucky, United States. Parents: William Morton Hawkins and Rose Anna Cassity. Giles Thomas Hawkins97 was born on 24 May 1871 in Miami, Saline County, Missouri. He died in 1956 at the age of 85 in Ramona, California. He was buried in Ramona, California. Giles was in Farmer and Concrete Worker. Giles when 84 years of age died when he fell and hit his hea d i n Ramona, California[All.ftw] Birth Year <1872> Birthplace MO Age 8 Occupation Marital Statu s S <Singl e> Race W <White> Head of Household John HAWKINS Relation Son F ather's B irthplace KY Mother's Birthplace KY Parents: John Augustine Hawkins and Susan Mary Burrus. Granville B. Hawkins97,282 was born on 29 August 1819 in Mercer Co., Kentucky. He died on 25 January 1887 at the age of 67 in Anderson City, Anderson, Kentucky, United States. Parents: Andrew Hawkins and Malinda Shelton. Spouse: Nancy Reese. Nancy Reese and Granville B. Hawkins were married about 1867. Hannah Hawkins97 was born on 6 September 1785 in Jessamine County, Kentucky, United States. She died on 25 June 1864 at the age of 78 in Mercer Co, Kentucky. Occupation: homemaker Marriage data: Jessamine County, Kentucky, on 27 October 1803 Miscellaneous: Hannah moved with her family to Kentucky probably by th e t ime she was three years old. Hannah and George lived in and around Jessamine, Woodford, and Mercer Co u nties, Kentucky, all their lives. At one time, prior to the Civil War , th ey were well-to-do planters and slave owners. By 1860, their son, Th omas , his wife, Martha, and their two children, Ann and Sarah, lived wit h the m in the same house. Judith Dixon's Web Page It is unknown when Hannah died. Her name no longer was on the Mercer Cou n ty tax list after the year 1864, and her son, Thomas, was the owner, b y t he next tax year, of the acreage that had been hers. Thus, she is ass ume d to have died in 1864 when she was 78 years old. Parents: John Hawkins and Nancy Withers. Spouse: George Smith. Hannah Hawkins and George Smith were married on 27 October 1803 in Jasmiine County , Kentucky - verified. Children were: Elizabeth Smith. Harold Hawkins (private).55 Parents: Paul Hawkins and Thelma Wells. Helen Hawkins (private).55 Parents: Paul Hawkins and Thelma Wells. Ida Matilda Hawkins97 was born on 8 September 1876 in Miami, Missouri in Saline, County. She died on 3 January 1925 at the age of 48 in Palmyra, Missouri. She was buried in Greenwood. Ida HAWKINS Household Female 1880 Census Other Information: Birth Year <1876> Birthplace MO Age 4 Occupation Mari t al Status S <Single> Race W <White> Head of Household John HAWKINS Rela ti on Dau <Daughter> Parents: John Augustine Hawkins and Susan Mary Burrus. Isham Keith Hawkins97 was born about 1809 in Orange Co., VA. Parents: William Strother Hawkins and Katharine Keith. Spouse: Lucy Major. James Hawkins (private). Parents: William Hawkins and Elizabeth BOURNE. Spouse: Margaret Hawkins. Children were: William R. Hawkins, John R. Hawkins, James R. Hawkins, Jane Hawkins, Moses R. Hawkins, Margaret Hawkins, Lucy Ann Hawkins, Walter R. Hawkins, Sally Ann Hawkins. James Hawkins (private). Parents: Benjamin Hawkins and Sarah Willis . Spouse: Jane BOURNE. Children were: Fannie Hawkins, Mary Polly Hawkins, Jane Willis Hawkins, James Morton Hawkins, Sarah Sally Hawkins, Lucy Ohio Hawkins. James Hawkins97 was born about 1816. Parents: James Morton Hawkins and Sarah Butain Mcmichael. Spouse: Sally Taylor. James A. Hawkins97 was born on 17 June 1822 in Kentucky, United States. He died in Christian Co, Ill.. Parents: William R. Hawkins and Judah Hawes. Spouse: Susanna Logan. Susanna Logan and James A. Hawkins were married on 7 June 1841 in Fleming County, Kentucky. Children were: Margaret Ann Hawkins. James Allen Hawkins97 was born on 27 October 1860 in Salvisa, Mercer County, Kentucky. He died on 20 October 1940 at the age of 79 in Louisville, Kentucky. J. A. HAWKINS Household Male 1880 Census Other Information: Birth Year <1861> Birthplace MO Age 19 Occupation Far m er Marital Status S <Single> Race W <White> Head of Household John HAWK IN S Relation Son Father's Birthplace KY Mother's Birthplace KY Parents: John Augustine Hawkins and Susan Mary Burrus. James Keith Hawkins (private). Parents: William Strother Hawkins and Katharine Keith. Spouse: Ann Sublett. James M. Hawkins97 was born on 31 January 1835 in Farm near Hillsboro, Fleming, Kentucky. Parents: John R. Hawkins and Sarah "Sally" Barnett. Spouse: Sarah A. Pound. Sarah A. Pound and James M. Hawkins were married about 1873 in Bath, Kentucky, United States. James Morton Hawkins97 was born on 9 May 1793 in Jessamine County, Kentucky, United States. He died on 22 February 1864 at the age of 70 in Anderson City, Anderson, Kentucky, United States. Parents: James Hawkins and Jane BOURNE. Spouse: Sarah Butain Mcmichael. Children were: Jerusha Hawkins, James Hawkins, Jane Hawkins, Martha Ellen Hawkins. James R. Hawkins97 was born in 1794 in Virginia, United States. He died on 23 December 1834 at the age of 40 in Bourbon, Kentucky. Parents: James Hawkins and Margaret Hawkins. Spouse: Casiah Wilcockson. Casiah Wilcockson and James R. Hawkins were married on 12 May 1822 in Clark Co., Kentucky. James William Hawkins97 was born on 13 July 1876 in in Missourinticello, Lewis, Missouri. He died on 18 December 1963 at the age of 87 in in Hannibal, Missouri. He was buried on 21 December 1963 in Little Mt., Missourinticello, Lewis, Missouri. Parents: Thomas Lafon Hawkins and Harriet Amelia Antram. Jane Hawkins44,97,282 was born about 1748 in Virginia, United States.44 Parents: Benjamin Hawkins and Sarah Willis . Spouse: John Green. Jane Hawkins97 was born about 1810 in Virginia, United States. Parents: James Hawkins and Margaret Hawkins. Spouse: James H. Moody. Jane Hawkins97 was born about 1824 in Kentucky, United States. Parents: James Morton Hawkins and Sarah Butain Mcmichael. Spouse: Buell Searcy. Jane Willis Hawkins97,282,289 was born about 1795 in Jessamine County, Kentucky, United States.289 Parents: James Hawkins and Jane BOURNE. Spouse: John Hackley. Jane Willis Hawkins and John Hackley were married on 26 October 1810 in Woodford Co., Kentucky.289 Jerusha Hawkins (private). Parents: James Morton Hawkins and Sarah Butain Mcmichael. Spouse: William Petty. Jesse Othel Hawkins97 was born on 16 March 1877 in Mason Co., Kentucky. He died on 7 March 1963 at the age of 85 in Decatur, Macon County, Ill.. He was buried in March 1963 in Memorial Park Cemetary, Decatur, Ill. Parents: Acles Calemise Hawkins and Sarah Dorothy Mavity. Jo Anne Hawkins97 was born on 4 April 1838 in Kentucky, United States. She died in Rowan, Kentucky. Parents: William R. Hawkins and Judah Hawes. Spouse: Lewis R. Lame. Jo Anne Hawkins and Lewis R. Lame were married on 23 September 1858. John Hawkins (private). Parents: William Hawkins and Elizabeth BOURNE. Spouse: Nancy Withers. Children were: Hannah Hawkins, Elizabeth Hawkins, Martha Hawkins, Ann Hawkins, John Hawkins , Jr, Thomas W. Hawkins, Catherine Hawkins, Sarah "Sallie" Hawkins, Nancy Hawkins, Eleanor Hawkins, Mary "Polly" Hawkins, George Giles Hawkins. Spouse: Margaret Haydon. ![]() Spouse: Elizabeth Butler. Children were: Benjamin Hawkins, Elizabeth Hawkins, Sarah Hawkins. John Hawkins was born about 1776 in VA. Parents: Benjamin Hawkins and Ann BOURNE. John Hawkins , Jr97 was born in 1788. Co-Adminstrator of Father's Estate Parents: John Hawkins and Nancy Withers. Spouse: Caprina G.. John "Barnett" Hawkins97 was born on 10 December 1836 in Farm near Hillsboro, Fleming, Kentucky. He died on 27 October 1897 at the age of 60 in Fleming County, Kentuck. He was buried in Hillsboro Cemetary, Millsboro, Fleming, Kentucky. Parents: John R. Hawkins and Sarah "Sally" Barnett. Spouse: George Ann Hedrick. |