Eighth Generation

326. Melvin P. ZIMMERMAN was born in April 1846 in Kentucky.202 He died on 17 May 1918 in Jessamine County KY. Committed Suicide. Zimmerman Melvin
Enumeration District: 0045 Color: W
Age: 38 Birth Place: Kentucky
Visit: 02??
County: Jessamine
Relation: Husband
Relatives: Wife Julia 35, Kentucky
Son Jennie W 30, Kentucky

Melvin P. ZIMMERMAN and Julia B ZIMMER were married on 5 January 1895. Julia B ZIMMER202 was born on 19 May 1855. She died on 18 November 1910 in Jessamine County KY.

Melvin P. ZIMMERMAN and Julia B ZIMMER had the following children:



Jennie ZIMMERMAN202 was born on 6 April 1896.

UNKNOWN (private).

Melvin P. ZIMMERMAN and UNKNOWN had the following children:

