Ninth Generation

563. Ambrose Dudley ZIMMERMAN209 was born on 15 March 1850 in Platte, Co., MO. He was born on 15 March 1850 in Nicholasville, Jessamine Co, KY. He died on 13 February 1943 in Bay Pines VA Hospital, Tampa, Florida. Ambrose was buried in Flagler Memorial Cemetery, Miami, Miami Dade County, Florida, USA.

Notes from an interview with Ambrose's granddaughter, Elizabeth Grace

Ambrose talked about fighting with General Custer (of fame) they were in
a desert environment and were short of water.

Ambrose was a good Christian, read the Bible a lot.

Had a grocery store in Kansa City. When his wife died in 1921 he traded
or sold the store and took the money to buy a home in Muncie Kansas.

Mark and Grace and Martin moved into the house with Ambrose Dudely.

1 room called the store room on the south east corner of the house.
Under this room was the cellar. There were plenty of apples that
Elizabeth enjoyed eating. There was a vat that they used to make sour

Under the Kitchen was a basement that was dry, the cellar was damp.
There was a coal burning furnace. A wall was covered with batteries that
were used to provide electricity for the house. The bateries were not
working when the Zimmermans lived there.

The porch was 8' wide and went around 3/4 of the house.

It was on a fruit farm, with apple trees and a venyard.

Apples were picked and sold at a stall in the farmers market in Kansa

Elizabeth rememberd the trips to the market were pleasant memories.

My mother, Gloria Evelyn Click met him in 1943 her impresion was that
her was VERY old.

Surname Given Name Middle Initial Company Unit Rank - Induction Rank -
Discharge Notes Allegiance Zimmerman Ambrose D. Company D Unit 19 Kansas
Cavalry. 6 Mos., 1868-9. Private Private Union

Web Site dedicated to this unit:

The following story is about the Cavalry unit Ambrose Dudley was assigned to:

On 21 September 1866, the 7th Cavalry regiment was organized at Fort
Riley, Kansas commanded by Colonel Andrew J. Smith. Recruits and
veterans along with frontiersmen and immigrants began showing up at the
fort. The regiment consisted of 11 companies of fighting men and one
company of musicians known as the Regimental Band.

The regimental song was GarryOwen. As the story goes, one of the Irish
troopers of the 7th Cavalry, who had a wee bit more of the of spirits
than he should have, was singing the song. By chance Custer heard the
melody, liked the cadence, and soon began to hum the tune to himself.
The tune has a lively beat, that accentuates the cadence of marching
horses and for that reason was adopted as the regimental song.

The 7th Cavalry was not the only regiment to have GarryOwen as "their"
song. GarryOwen is also the Regimental March of another famous fighting
unit, The Royal Irish Regiment. Organized in 1684 from Irish Pikemen and
Musketeers, this regiment has seen service in all parts of the world.

Being a new regiment, first they had to learn how to become soldiers,
and then cavalrymen. That was the job of the second in command, Ltc
George Armstrong Custer.

Custer was mustered out of the Army early in 1866 after the end of the
War, as a "Brevet" Major General, the youngest ever at age 23. Custer
was appointed to the vacant Lt. Col. position of the 7th. During the War
many soldiers were breveted, or given ranks, in order to fill the
positions of fallen officers. At the end of the War, the need was no
longer there, so many of them were demoted to lesser ranks. That person
was now paid the wages of rank he now held, but was always given the
respect and the title of the higher rank he held before. That's why
Custer was always referred to as, General Custer.

Custer put the new members of the unit through a harsh but hardening
training program before leaving Ft. Riley. The men were turned into a
disciplined, fighting unit through many months of Cavalry drills and
tactics, which were based upon Civil War experience. At that time no one
yet knew what fighting the Plains Indians would be like. They would soon
find out.

This training made the 7th into one of the best fighting units on the

In March of 1867, when the Indians became more and more violent in
western Kansas, the 7th, was given its first opportunity to see what
fighting Indians was all about. Under the command of General Hancock,
they marched from Ft. Riley to Ft. Larned where it was joined by 6
infantry companies and a battery of artillery, altogether consisting of
1,400 men.

In April of 1867, a meeting was held between the Army and a few chiefs
of the Plains Indians. Due to a misunderstanding, when the Army moved
their troops closer to the Indian encampment, the Indians feared another
"Sand Creek Massacre," where in November 1864 a group of Army volunteers
attacked a peaceful village of Cheyenne's under Chief Black Kettle, 125
Indians were killed, mostly women and children, so the Indians fled
under cover of night.

Custer and the 7th, were given the task of tracking them down, and spent
the entire summer doing so. The only contact they made with the Indians
were with small war parties which constantly harassed the troops.

There was a second epidemic of cholera at Ft. Riley, and Custer feared
for his wife's safety. Custer traveled from Ft. Wallace, with a small
detachment, to Ft. Hays for supplies. He then went on to Ft. Harker and
saw General Smith briefly. He then took the train to Ft. Riley.

This did not set well with his superiors. Custer was placed under arrest
for being AWOL. On September 15, 1867, Custer was court-martialed and
found guilty. He was sentenced to one year suspension from rank and pay.
He went home to Monroe, Michigan where he waited out his suspension.

In the meantime, a smaller party of officials were sent out to find the
Indians and persuade them to come in and sign a treaty. They were
successful in doing so, and the Indians agreed to sign the treaty if
they were allowed to keep their original hunting grounds and if the
whites agreed to keep the railroad from crossing their land. One other
stipulation was that the signing itself took place on Medicine Lodge
Creek. There the Indians knew there would be plenty of water and grass
for all the tribes. In Custer's absence, Major Joel Elliott, who was
second in command, took 150 men from the 7th, and a battery of the 4th
Artillery and provided the escort for the peace commission. The troops
left Ft. Larned on October 12th, 1867 with over 200 wagons, 30 of which
were filled with gifts for the Indians. They arrived at Medicine Lodge
Creek on the morning of the 14th.

With the coming of the new year 1868, the government had failed to live
up to its end of the treaty. So, the Indians had returned to their
nomadic way of life and the tensions started up again.

On September 24th, 1868, Custer's court martial was remitted. He joined
his troops on Bluff Creek (near present day Ashland, Kansas). Almost
immediately upon arrival, the Indians attacked the camp. Custer ordered
his troops mounted, and gave chase. They followed the Indian trail back
to Medicine Lodge Creek, but found no Indians. The only thing left was a
deserted Medicine Lodge that Custer stated, "Had many scalps of all ages
and sex."

Custer then returned to their camp on Bluff Creek. There he and General
Sheridan planned a winter campaign. They knew that during the winter
months, the Indians stayed on one location where they would have plenty
of water and firewood. All they had to do was find it.

Guided by Osage Indian Scouts, the 7th headed for the Washita Valley in
Indian territory, (now Oklahoma). On November 27, 1868, they attacked
the Cheyenne village of Black Kettle, one of the chiefs who had signed
the treaty at Medicine Lodge the year before. During the battle, Black
Kettle and his wife were killed, along with 140 other Indians. Major
Joel Elliott, who commanded the troops at Medicine Lodge, was also
killed. The 7th lost 21 men that day, one of which was Capt. Louis
Hamilton, the grandson of Alexander Hamilton, our nation's first
Secretary of Treasury under President George Washington.

Kansas Governor, Samuel Crawford, resigned his political position in
order to lead the 19th Kansas volunteers on the campaign. But they
became lost in a snow storm and arrived too late for the battle.

The "Battle of Washita" marked the beginning of many encounters to come
between the Cavalry and the Indians.

In January of 1869, the 7th Cavalry and the 19th Kansas, were
responsible for locating a site for a new fort in Indian territory. That
fort became known as Ft. Sill. When work was competed in March of that
year, the garrison was turned over to the 10th cavalry, which was an
allblack regiment led by white officers. The 7th and the 19th returned
to Ft. Hays. From 1867 to 1870 the 7th Cavalry fought many skirmishes
with the Plains Indians, from Texas to Nebraska.

In March of 1871, the 7th was withdrawn from the plains and sent to
Kentucky for a 2 year stay.

In 1873, the 7th, led by Gen. Custer, conducted an expedition of the
Yellowstone, where they were seeking a Northern railway route through
Dakota and Montana territory. That same year the 7th was transferred to
Ft. Abraham Lincoln in Dakota Territory.

In 1874 the 7th conducted an expedition into the Black Hills. Their
mission was to find a site for a new fort. What they found, was gold.
This brought a flood of whites into the Sioux Nation, and they were not
happy about it. In 1874 and 1875 the 7th was trying to keep the two
nations apart, but without much luck. In December of 1875, the
government gave the Indians until January 31, 1876 to go to a
reservation that was set aside for them. If they failed to do so, they
would be considered "Hostile" and the Army would be sent out after them.

The deadline came and went, so the Army was sent out once again. On May
17, 1876, the 7th Cavalry consisting of 11 companies with 45 men each,
set out from Ft. Lincoln. Their destination was the Big Horn Valley.
There they expected to find the Indian encampment. On Sunday afternoon,
June 25, 1876, the 7th Cavalry found the Indian village. Custer divided
his regiment into 3 columns, one under Capt. Benteen, who was to scout
out the surrounding area. The second column under Major Reno, who was to
attack the southern part of the village, and Custer was to attack the
northern end. What they did not know was that the village was well over
5 miles long. The 7th, with a force of 600 men, attacked a village of
7,000 Indians, 2,000 of which were considered warriors.

By 3 P.M., Gen. Custer and 225 men lay dead on the hillside near the Big
Horn River. Major Reno was trapped on a hillside 5 miles to the south.
On the morning of the 27th, the Indians pulled up their camp and left
the Big Horn Valley. Major Reno lost 47 men in his battle. No one knew
what happened to Custer until a relief column came. On the afternoon of
the 27th, they found Gen. Custer and his men.

Five members of the Custer family were killed at the Battle of the
Little Big Horn. The Gen., his brother Capt. Tom Custer, brother-in-law
Capt. James Calhoun, younger brother Boston, and Nephew Autie Reed, who
was only 18, both Boston and Autie were civilians. The 7th lost 272 men
during the battle, almost half the regiment.

The last encounter that the 7th cavalry had with the Indians, was at
Wounded Knee, South Dakota, on December 29, 1890. Tensions were high and
sparks were ready to fly when an accidental discharge of a rifle sent a
barrage of gun fire down upon the Indians. 350 Indians were killed that
day, most of which were women, children and old men.

That was the end of the Indian threat in the United States
Another version of the time:

The 19th Kansas Cavalry who Served in Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas During the
Indian Unrest in 1868 and 1869

The 1,200 men of the 19th Kansas Cavalry were mustered into service on
October 20, 1868 in Topeka, KS for a six-month tour of duty.

The unit was commanded by Samuel J. Crawford, who resigned his position
as Governor of Kansas to assume the top leadership role.

The purpose of the 19th Kansas was to fight the Kiowas, Cheyennes,
Arapahoes, and Comanche Indians on their home ground in Oklahoma

David L. Payne, the Father of Oklahoma, was a Captain in Company A, and
is now buried in Stillwater, OK (Payne County, where Stillwater is
located, was named in his honor). Other well-known pioneers were on the
roster of this unit.

Delayed by Snow The Regiment left Topeka on November 5 and headed South
toward Indian country and Ft. Supply (located near present-day Woodward,
OK). On the 14th of November, the command crossed the Arkansas River.
Shortly after arriving in Oklahoma Territory the troops were delayed for
several days by a severe winter snowstorm.

Fighting Indians in the middle of Winter, in their own villages, and
tracking them in snow twelve inches deep, was a new approach for the
post-Civil War army.

Custer's First Stand General George Armstrong Custer, who was waiting
for the 19th Cavalry at Ft. Supply, decided to proceed with his seven
companies of 7th Cavalry against the Indians without the Kansas troops.
He attacked Black Kettle's Cheyenne village on November 27. This was
called "The Battle of the Washita". 103 Indians were killed, including
Black Kettle and White Rock.

Custer and his command had a narrow escape in this battle. Were it not
for the element of surprise in attacking the village in the middle of
the night and quick departure the next day, the greatly outnumbered
Federal troops could have all been killed.

Twenty soldiers were killed and fourteen were wounded. Among those
killed were Major Joel H. Elliott and Captain Louis McLane Hamilton, who
was the grandson of Alexander Hamilton and the youngest Captain in the
army at the time of his death. Major Elliott is now buried in the
Officer's Circle of Honor in the National Cemetery at Ft. Gibson, OK.

The Indians did not recover from this severe defeat and on December 24th
made an complete surrender to the Federal troops.

The Nineteenth Kansas returned to Fort Hays, Kansas and were mustered
out on April 18, 1869. Several members of the 19th Kansas are buried in
Oklahoma and Kansas. Three of these soldiers are buried in the Union
Soldier's Cemetery in Oklahoma City.

NOTE: For additional information on this unit go to the Kansas State
Historical Society Home Page by clicking here .

I have recently donated all of my files on the 19th Kansas to the Kansas
Historical Society. If you have problems locating these files contact
Mrs. Nancy Sherbert at the Society.

Mary Elizabeth MARTIN (private).

Ambrose Dudley ZIMMERMAN and Mary Elizabeth MARTIN had the following children:



Annie ZIMMERMAN200 was born on 23 September 1878. She died on 20 August 1879.



George F. ZIMMERMAN200 was born on 25 January 1880. He died on 22 April 1880.



Laura E. ZIMMERMAN200 was born on 29 October 1881. She died on 6 August 1882.



Mattie May ZIMMERMAN200 was born on 13 May 1883 in KS. She died on 11 July 1913.



Eunice Godie ZIMMERMAN.



Amelia S. ZIMMERMAN200 was born in 1887.



Mary Permilia ZIMMERMAN.



Martin Glenn ZIMMERMAN200,209 was born on 28 July 1889. He died on 17 July 1890.






Laura M. ZIMMERMAN200 was born on 7 April 1894. She died on 25 September 1895.

