Tenth Generation

882. George Edwin LESSLY117 was born on 9 March 1873 in near Higbee, Randolph Co., MO.324,325,384 He died on 6 February 1933 in Missouri.384 He was buried in Old Higbee Cemetery, Higbee, Missouri.384 the following is taken from the notes of Stile Lessly circa March 1, 1970

George Edmund married May Daggs and they had ten children, four of whom died in infancy. They were Roy, Anna Maud, James Carl, Delph, Addie, and Orpha. Roy was killed in a mine accident near Higbee, Anna Maud died of cancer in Moberly. James Carl lived many years in Chicago working in a Florsheim Shoe factory, he died about 1967. Addie was killed in an auto accident at age 18, Orpha lives in Wichita, Kan, and Delpha in or near Pueblo, Colo.

In the 1880 census for Randolph County, MO., George appears as a child in his father's household. His age is listed as 7 and his birthplace as Missouri. He is listed as having attended school within the last year. The birthplace for both parents is listed as Missouri.

In the 1900 census for Randolph County, MO, George appears in the household of his father, George W. Lessly. George's date of birth is listed as March of 1873, his age as 27 and his place of birth as Missouri. Both parents are also listed as having been born in Missouri. His occupation is listed as farm laborer. According to the census he can both read and write. The census also indicates that he has been married for two years.

Friday, 9 July 1915--Twins, a girl and a boy, were born on the 7th, to G. E. Lessly and wife.

Friday, 5 Dec 1919, Vol 33. No 33--G. E. Lessly, met with a very painful accident one day last week, and one that could very easily have cost him his left hand. He had put in the day killing hogs and was handling a backbone when his son, Roy, came down on it with an ax which struck Mr. Lessly on the wrist, cutting a gash about two inches long, and which required several stitches to close, but which fortunately severed no tendons. Had Mr. Lessly's hand been resting on something solid and not in the air when the blow fell, it would have no doubt been severed.

Friday, 8 June 1923, Vol 37, No 7--G. E. Lessly made his little daughters the happiest children in the community last week by the purchase of a Shetland pony.

George Edwin LESSLY and Willa Mae DAGGS were married on 10 October 1897 in Missouri. Willa Mae DAGGS117 was born in January 1876 in Missouri.325,384 She died on 25 December 1953 in Missouri.384 She was buried in Old Higbee Cemetery, Higbee, Missouri.384 In the 1900 census for Randolph County, MO, Willa Mae appears as a member of her father-in-law's household. Her name is given as "May". Her date of birth is given as January 1876 and her age as 24. This birthdate differs from family information which gives Willa Mae's birthdate as February 5, 1876. Her birthplace is listed as Missouri as is the birthplace of both her parents. According to the census she can both read and write. The census also lists that she has been married for 2 years and is the mother of one child who is still living.

In the 1880 census for Randolph County Missouri there is a Daggs family that may be Willa Mae's family. They are located on page 9, Supervisor's Dist. No. 5, Enumeration Dist. No. 113, Moniteau Township, dwelling number 71. The head of household is a G.W. Daggs, white male, age 49, occupation carpenter, born in Virginia. His wife is Ella, white female age 26, born in Missouri. The only child of the household is a W.M. Daggs, white female, age 4, born in Missouri. The approximate birthdate for W. M. Daggs would be 1876. It seems likely this could be Willa Mae's family.

MRS. G. E. LESSLY, of Renick, who was called here last week by the illness of her sister, MRS. DAVIDSON, returned to her home Monday. The latter is improving slowly.

Friday, 28 Oct 1921, Vol 35, No 28--Mrs. G. E. Lessly was quite painfully hurt Wednesday as she was coming to town to church with Mr. Lessly, the team they were driving becoming frightened at an automobile and running away, Mrs. Lessly being thrown out. She was brought to the office of Dr. T. H. Dinwiddie, who found that her greatest injury was a broken rib. She is doing nicely, we are pleased to say.

George Edwin LESSLY and Willa Mae DAGGS had the following children:



George Leroy LESSLY.



Anna Maud LESSLY.



Carrie Nichols LESSLY117 was born on 11 October 1902 in Randolph Co., MO. She died whooping cough and pneumonia on 15 April 1903 in Randolph Co., MO. 17 Oct 1902--Born, on the 11th, to G. E. Lessly and wife, a daughter.

17 Apr 1903--Annie, the six-months-old daughter of G. E. Lessly and wife, died on the 15th of whooping cough and pneumonia. Burial in city cemetery. The parents have the sympathy of the community.



Aubrey LESSLY117 was born on 9 May 1904 in Missouri. He died on 9 May 1904 in Missouri.



James Carl LESSLY.



Delpha May LESSLY.



Adeline Francis LESSLY117 was born on 22 November 1910 in Missouri.384 She died on 15 December 1928 in Missouri.384 She was buried in Old Higbee Cemetery, Higbee, Missouri.384 According to the notes of Stiles Lessly, Addie was killed in an auto accident at age 18.

25 Nov 1910--Born, on the 22, to G. E. Lessley and wife, a daughter.

Friday, 29 Feb 1924, Vol 37 No 45--Misses Delphia, Addie and Orphia Lessly visited
their brother, Roy, and family at Clark last week.

Thursday, 28 Apr 1927, Vol 40, No 51, Pg. 5 Col. 2--LOCAL AND PERSONAL--Misses Addie and Orphia Lessly, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Lessly, who have been suffering from diphtheria for the past week, are much better, we are glad to state. It was feared Tuesday night of last week that Miss Addie could not live through the night, and but for the fact that Dr. C. F. Burkhalter remained at her bedside all night
and fought for her life by keeping her throat clear, she likely would have passed away. A trained nurse was secured the next day, and each has received every care and attention. An air-tight quarantine was established as soon as the nature of the malady was determined, and there is no fear of the disease spreading. Where they contracted the disease is a mystery. So far as is known there are no other cases in this section.

Thursday, 5 May 1927, Vol 40, No 52, Pg. 1 Col. 3--SCHOOL NOTES--The high
school has been very sorry to lose Nellie Sperry, Addie and Orpha Lessly from their
midst. Nellie has gone to Marshall to live with her parents. Addie and Orpha have been
very ill with diphtheria, and will be unable to return to school.



Orpha Helen LESSLY.



Pauline Wilson LESSLY117 was born on 7 July 1915 in Missouri.384 She died on 17 August 1916 in Missouri.384 She was buried in Old Higbee Cemetery, Higbee, Missouri.384 Friday, 9 July 1915--Twins, a girl and a boy, were born on the 7th, to G. E. Lessly and wife.

Friday, 25 Aug 1916--PAULINE LESSLY--"She came to raise our hearts to heaven; She goes to call us there." Just a little more than a year ago the Lord gave into the keeping of Mr. and Mrs. George E. Lessly twin babies, a beautiful little boy and girl, who were promptly named Paul and Pauline, respectively, and all the friends and relatives of this estimable family rejoiced with them in their good fortune. However, the Lord could not see fit to let them keep both babies, so last Thursday, Aug. 17, 1916, He called little Pauline home to be with Him in heaven. This time the friends and relatives met and mourned with the sorrowing family. but as they gazed at the little waxen figure so peaceful in death they could almost know God's reason for calling her home--the angels were her fit associates. In heaven she will be waiting to welcome her loved ones home. That will be her mission, and it is hoped the bereaved ones may be guided by her pure innocence. May they find comfort in God's word, which teaches that if His people will but trust in Him all will be well and some day they shall all be reunited in heaven.



Paul Woodrow LESSLY117 was born on 7 July 1915 in Missouri.384 He died on 3 April 1919 in Missouri.384 He was buried in Old Higbee Cemetery, Higbee, Missouri. Friday, 9 July 1915--Twins, a girl and a boy, were born on the 7th, to G. E. Lessly and wife.

Friday, 11 Apr 1919, Vol 32. No 51--PAUL LESSLY--"He came to raise our hearts to Heaven, He is gone to call us there."
Paul Lessly, son of Mr. and Mrs. George E. Lessly, was born July 7, 1915. Died April 3, 1919. It will be remembered little Paul was one of a pair of twin babies, his sister, Pauline, having died when about a year old. The love and attention the parents gave both babies was all give to Paul when Pauline was called home, and Thursday night when Paul was taken the parting was doubly hard. The little fellow was in his usual good health until Thursday night, when he was suddenly seized with convulsions and passed away before morning. He is survived by father and mother, four sisters and two brothers. Interment in the city cemetery. The sympathy of the entire community goes out to the bereaved family.