Tenth Generation

883. William Augustus LESSLY117 was born on 14 July 1875 in near Higbee, Randolph Co., MO.324,326,385 He died Bright's disease (a chronic disease of the kidneys) on 9 May 1910 in Higbee, Randolph Co., MO. the following is taken from the notes of Stiles Lessly circa March 1, 1970

William Augustus Lessly first married Emma Ward, they had one son Claude. Emma died a few years after, he married a second time and this wife also lived a short while, then he married Bessie Pyle and they had four children: Lucy Bennett, Edna, and Ben. One died in infancy.

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the following is taken from "Old Families of Randolph County, Missouri"

"Emma was the oldest girl, and she and sister Dora Lee had a double wedding. Emma married Gus Leslie and Dora Lee married Wiley Dickerson Marshall on Christmas day, 1895. Emma took Summer Sickness the following summer, and died."

"My sister Emma and I were married in a double ring ceremony. Emma's beau Gus Lessley was always on time or early. Those day our beaus usually arrived about 2:00 p.m. or 2:30 p.m., and left about 10:00 p.m. We never had supper for them, but we had cake and ice cream in the summer and cake or pie in the winter time and apples always in the winter. - However, on our Wedding Day, I looked out the window and saw a two-horse buggy drive in the barn lot. It was about 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon, and Mother began teasing sister Emma about Gus being so early; however, I learned is was Wiley. Gus got there about 4:00 o'clock. We were not to be married until 5:30 p.m. But the roads were knee-deep in mud, and several people came in four-horse wagons. Many came on horseback. We had supper after the ceremony. I shall never forget the bustle and stir it caused to get supper ready for so many guests....We stayed at our house all night and spent the second day at Gus Lessley's parent's home; they lived about seven miles from us."

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In the 1880 census for Randolph County, MO, William Augustus appears as a child in his father's household. His age is listed 4 and his birthplace as Missouri. Both parents are listed as having been born in Missouri.

William Augustus appears in the 1900 census for Randolph Co., MO as a member of his father-in-law's household (Edward Ward, pages 132-10A and 132-10B). His birthdate is listed as July 1875 and his age is listed as 24. His marital status is listed as widowed (his wife Annie Mae having recently died). His place of birth is listed as Missouri. Both parents are listed as having been born in Missouri. His occupation is listed as furniture dealer.

In the 1910 census for Randolph County, MO, William Augustus appears in his father's household. His age is listed as 35 and his birthplace as Missouri. Both parents are listed as having been born in Missouri. His occupation is too difficult to make out clearly. The census was taken on 22 April 1910. This would have been about one month before William Augustus' death. Two of William Augustus' children are also present, Claude and Lucy. It is unknown where William Augustus' wife and other children are.

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The notes of Stiles Lessly appear to be not quite accurate concerning the first two wives of William Augustus. Information from Chris Ann Lessly suggests that William Augustus first married Emma Bradley who died a few months later. He again married to Anna Mae Ward and they had a son Claude. Anna died about two months after Claude was born.

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This child may or may not belong to this father. From "The Higbee News" dated 29 Apr 1904--Born, on the 28th, to Gus Lessley and wife, a daughter.

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From "the Higbee News" dated 6 Dec 1907--The youngest child of Gus Lessly and wife has whooping cough and
pneumonia and is not expected to live.

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From "the Higbee News" dated 13 Dec 1907--OBITUARY--On Saturday morning, Dec 7, 1907, the dark death angel hovered over and plucked from their hearts and home the darling baby boy of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Lessly, aged twenty-one months and twenty-one days. That dread disease among children, whooping cough, with penumonia added, was more than the little sufferer's strength could stand, though the fight lasted through several days. Funeral services were held at the home by Revs. Robson and Houck, and interment was made in the city cemetery. (poem follows)

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From "The Higbee News' dated 13 May 1910--W. A. LESSLEY DEAD--William Augustus Lessley, whose serious illness was noted in last week's NEWS, died at the home of his father in Higbee at 2 o'clock Monday morning, May 9, 1910, after a brief illness of Bright's disease and liver trouble. He was born on a farm near Higbee on july 1, 1875, and was therefore in his 35th year. Several years ago he engaged in the furniture and undertaking business with John F. Smith and was engaged in that business with Clarence Feland, under the firm name of Lessley & Feland, at the time of his death.

The funeral was held from the residence at 10 o'clock Tuesday morning, the people turning out en masse through respect and sympathy for the bereaved family. The procession to the cemetery was an exceedingly large one, and when that place was reached a crowd almost as large was found waiting. After a few words and a prayer by Rev. E. Y. Keiter the body was lowered to its long home. Besides a wife and four children, the deceased is survived by his father, three brothers and two sisters, all of whom have the warmest sympathy of the entire community.

William Augustus LESSLY and Emma Edna BRADLEY were married on 25 December 1895 in farm of Dudley Terry Bradley, Randolph County, MO.386 27 Dec 1895--Married, on the 25th, at the residence of the bride's parents, Dudley Bradley and wife, Wiley Marshall and Miss Dora Bradley and W. A. Lessley and Miss Emma Bradley. Emma Edna BRADLEY117 was born in 1876 in Randolph County, MO.387 She died on 11 August 1896 in Randolph County, MO. She was buried in Old Higbee Cemetery, Higbee, Missouri. Emma appears in the 1880 census for Randolph Co., Missouri as a member of her father's household. Her age is listed as 4 and her place of birth as Missouri.

14 Aug 1896--Died, near Moberly, on the 11th, Mrs. Emma Lessley, wife of Gus Lessley, of flux, aged 21 years. The remains were removed to the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Bradley, where funeral services were held yesterday at 2 p.m. by Eld. W. B. Anderson, after which the remains were laid to rest in the Higbee cemetery.

William Augustus LESSLY and Anna Mae WARD were married on 7 July 1898 in Randolph Co., MO. 8 July 1898--Married, on July 7, 1898, at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ward, Mr. Gus Lessley and Miss Annie Ward, Rev. Maupin of Howard county, officiating. The News extends good wishes
Anna Mae WARD117 was born on 13 October 1875 in Dubois, IL.322 She died on 12 April 1900 in Higbee, Randolph Co., MO.322 She was buried in Old Higbee Cemetery, Higbee, Missouri.322 Parents may be Edward Ward and Mary A. Combs married 15 Oct 1863 in Randolph County, Missouri. A Edward and Mary Ward are buried in the Old Higbee Cemetery. Edward was born 1840 and died 1905. Mary was born 1850 and died 1905.

Another possible set of parents are James R. Ward and Lyddia Wilson married on 16 aug 1869

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Ward, Thomas -- d. 24 Jul 1879 Moberly following from being run over by a

car, aged abt. 40y, leaves wife & 3 children, buried 26 Jul 1879 = Oakland
Cem; MDM Friday 25 Jul 1879

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From "The Higbee News" dated 13 Apr 1900--It is with deep and prfound regret that we chronicle the untimely death of Mrs. Anna Mae Lessley, wife of W. A. Lessley, which occurred at their residence in Higbee, yesterday morning. Deceased, aged 24 years, leaves a husband, and a babe about six weeks old. The remains will be intered in the city cemetery at 2 p.m., today. The news extends sympathy to the bereaved husband and relatives

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From "The Higbee News" dated 20 Apr 1900--Anna May Ward, daughter of Edward and Mary Ann Ward, was born August 13, 1875, at Dubois, Ill, and died in Higbee, Mo, April 12, 1900. She joined the Higbee Baptist church August, 1897. She was married to W. A. Lessley July 7, 1898. God blessed this union with a son, born Feb 22, 1900. It seems sad to us that the child is left without a mother and the young husband without the help and consolation of a devoted wife. But God knows best. “All things work for good to them that love the
Lord. Besides the husband and son she leaves a father and mother, two brothers, and Ruby, an only sister, aged 9 years, The family, the church, the community, has lost a member, but let this sweet, sweet thought comfort us, that those who die in Christ we may meet in the glory land. Brief services were conducted at the home and the body laid to rest in the city cemetery.

William Augustus LESSLY and Anna Mae WARD had the following children:



Claude Kimbrough LESSLY.

William Augustus LESSLY and Bessie PYLE were married on 3 January 1901 in Moberly, Randolph Co., MO. 4 Jan 1901--Mr. W. A. Lessly, son of G. W. Lessly, and Miss Bessie Pyle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Pyle, of near town, drove to Moberly Thursday and were married at the Methodist parsonage in that city by R. V. Cressap, pastor of the church there. They were given a reception at the home of the bride Thursday evening. To this most worthy young couple the News extends congratulations and best wishes. Bessie PYLE117 was born in September 1876 in Missouri.388,389 She died after 1924. A Bessie Pyle is found in the 1880 census for Randolph Co., MO, page 2, Supervisor's Dist. No. 5, Enumeration Dist. No. 104. Her age is listed as 4 so she could well be the Bessie Pyle who later married William Augustus Lessly.

Bessie appears in the 1900 census for Randolph Co., MO as a member of her father's household. Her birthdate is listed as Sep 1876, her age is listed as 24 and her birthplace as Missouri. Both parents are listed as having been born in Missouri.

From "The Higbee News"
Friday, 20 Oct, 1911--Through the kindness of her father, G. H. Pyle, Mrs. Bessie Lessly will read the NEWS for a year

Volume 30, No 43, Friday, 26 Jan 1917--During the absence of Mrs. Bessie Lessly from her home Tuesday evening, a lot of clothes which she had left too near the stove caught fire, and but for the prompt discovery of neighbors, who broke in the door and extinguished the flames, the house might have burned down. The whistle at the light plant sounded the alarm, and in a few minutes the fire engines were on their way to the scene, being drawn by automobiles. Practically no damage was done by the fire.

Friday, 21 Nov 1924, Vol 38 No. 31--Colley-Lessly--Mr. S. D. Colley of Yates and Mrs. Bessie Lessly of Moberly were married in that city Saturday by the Rev. E. Y. Keiter. The bride is a former resident of Higbee, being a sister of Mrs. A. T. Burton and Mrs. H. C. Eubanks, but who has been living in Moberly for some four or five years. The groom, known to Higbee folks as "Senator," and "Sandy," is one of Yates'
substantial citizens and numbers his friends by his acquaintances, and is as well and favorably known here as in his home town.
Each has a host of friends here all of whom join the News in congratulations and best wishes.

William Augustus LESSLY and Bessie PYLE had the following children:



Edna LESSLY117 was born on 29 August 1902 in Higbee, Randolph Co., MO. 29 Aug 1902--Born, on the 25th, to Gus Lesley and wife, a daughter.



Lucy Bennett LESSLY117 was born on 28 April 1904 in Missouri.326,390 She died UNKNOWN. In the 1910 census for Randolph County, MO, Lucy appears in the household of her grandfather. Her age is listed as 7 and her place of birth as Missouri. Also in the household are Lucy's father and oldest brother, Claude. It is unknown where her mother and other siblings are at the time of the census.

This child may or may not belong to this father. From "The Higbee News" dated 29 Apr 1904--Born, on the 28th, to Gus Lessley and wife, a daughter.

Notes from Chris Ann Lessly

I asked Mom about Lucy Bennett Lessly, and my hunch was right. At a young age, Lucy was put in the mental hospital in Marshall, Missouri and lived there for the rest of her life. I don't know what her illness was....it makes you wonder, because in those days it seems they would admit people who could have had a physical condition like deafness, etc. Anyway, no other details on her.



Moss LESSLY117 was born on 16 February 1906 in Missouri. He died on 7 December 1907 in Higbee, Randolph Co., MO. 23 Feb 1906--Born, on the 16th, to Gus Lessley and wife, a son.

From "the Higbee News" dated 6 Dec 1907--The youngest child of Gus Lessly and wife has whooping cough and pneumonia and is not expected to live.

From "the Higbee News" dated 13 Dec 1907--OBITUARY--On Saturday morning, Dec 7, 1907, the dark death angel
hovered over and plucked from their hearts and home the darling baby boy of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Lessly, aged twenty-one months and twenty-one days. That dread disease among children, whooping cough, with penumonia added, was more than the little sufferer’s strength could stand, though the fight lasted through several days. Funeral services were held at the home by Revs. Robson and Houck, and interment was made in the city cemetery. (poem follows)



Ben Franklin LESSLY.