Tenth Generation

888. Oreon Palmer LESSLY117 was born on 1 August 1886 in near Higbee, Randolph Co., MO.325 He died on 28 July 1950 in Missouri. the following is taken from the notes of Stiles Lessly circa March 1, 1970

Oreon Lessly grew up on the farm and soon after they (the Lessly family) moved to Higbee, he was employed for a time as telegraph operator at the Katy depot, then he had a job in the Wabash railroad shops in Moberly. He was married to Cassie Blansett of Higbee. They had two daughters Livonia, who died as a small child, and Loreta who is married to Waldo Malone and living at Clifton Hill, MO. Oreon died about 15-20 years ago, and Cassie three years ago.

According to James Alan Lessly, after Oreon and Cassie were married they boarded at a house owned by the mother of Omar Bradley in Moberly, Missouri.

In the 1900 census for Randolph County, MO, Oreon appears as a member of his father's household. His date of birth is listed as August 1886, his age as 13, and his place of birth as Missouri. The birthplace of both parents is also listed as Missouri. According to the census he can both read and write and has attended school for 7 months in the last year.

Friday, 24 Oct 1919, Vol 33. No 27--Oren Lessly is again back in harness selling groceries, having taken charge of that department in Andrews & Burton's big store, succeeding E. L. Bradley. The firm couldn't have found a more competent or accommodating man for the place, and that Mr. Lessly will keep his department right up to the minute and add many new customers goes without saying. We are not advised as to what Mr. Bradley will do.

Friday, 11 Aug 1922, Vol 36, No 17--While out motoring a few evenings ago, Mr. and Mrs. Oren Lessly got a good scare at the top of Sunshine hill, their car turning over, caused by Mr. Lessly applying the brake when the car began to skid. No damage was done to car or occupants.

Friday, 20 Mar 1925, Vol 38 No. 47, pg.5, col. 1--O. P. Lessly sold his residence property
in the south part of town last week to Ed Dennis, and the latter sold his residence to D.
M. Sunderland. Mr. Lessly has purchased the J. T. Randolph residence on Railroad street
and will take possession in May.

Oreon Palmer LESSLY and Cassie Dinwiddie BLANSETT were married in October 1908 in Higbee, Randolph Co., MO. 30 Oct 1908--LESSLY-BLANSETT--Orin Lessly and Miss Cassie Blansett two of Higbee's popular young people, were married Sunday morning by Rev. Notley Magruder at his residence southwest of town. They will make their home in Moberly, where Orin has a good position. The NEWS joins other friends in congratulations and best wishes. Cassie Dinwiddie BLANSETT117 was born on 31 July 1890 in Missouri.385 She died on 7 April 1968. Cassie appears in the 1900 census for Randolph Co., MO as a member of her father's household. Her birthdate is listed as July 1890, her age is listed as 9, and her place of birth is listed as Missouri. Both parents are listed as having been born in Missouri.

9 Aug 1890--Born, near Higbee, on July 31, to Mr. and Mrs. Moses Blansett, a daughter.

Friday, 3 Feb 1922, Vol 35, No 42--BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION--Gathered at the home of Mr. Mose Blansett in the southwest part of town on last Sunday, Jan. 29. some 22 persons, all of one mind at the same time, decided that Mr. Blansett should have some one to help him celebrate his 66th birthday. So coming from all directions with filled baskets and buckets, they soon had all things ready. The table was spliced to its full length. The snow white linens added to its appearance and with some extra cooking done at his home a dainty dinner was soon spread, such as loving hands so well know how to prepare. Uncle Mose, as we shall now call him, was heard to exclaim that he
wished birthdays came more than once a year, for the reason that he enjoyed this one so well. We are quite sure he doesn't care to grow old at all. Any way he loves to have company. After dinner he showed us into a room where he had a nice chifferobe he made himself. Sure was a beauty. A portion of our time was passed away listening to the violin, on which Uncle Mose is a professional. At a late hour in the afternoon the guests departed wishing the host many more such happy days. Those present were: Dave Robb and wife, Ira Kirby and family, Mrs. B. F. Cook, Joe Lay and wife, Eddie Dennis and family, Allen Lyons and wife, Oren Lessly and wife, Mrs. Mary Shaiffer and Jeff Robb. A GUEST.

Friday, 16 Mar 1923, Vol 36, No 47--Born, on the 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Blansett, a son.

Friday, 15 Feb 1924, Vol 37 No 43--Mrs. O. P. Lessly, who has been in poor health for sometime went to Moberly, Tuesday for treatment at a hospital. Her many friends hope for her full recovery and early return

Oreon Palmer LESSLY and Cassie Dinwiddie BLANSETT had the following children:



Livonia LESSLY117 was born on 19 June 1909. She died on 12 July 1912. She was buried in Old Log Chapel, Howard Co., MO. 25 June 1909--Born, in Moberly, on the 19th, to Oren Lessly and wife, a daughter.

Friday, 19 July 1912--DIED--Livonia, the three-year-old daughter of Oreon Lessley and wife, died at the home of her parents at 5:30 p.m.
Friday, July 12, 1912, after a 10-day illness of cholera infantum. All that medical skill and loving hearts could do to save the child was done but it was of no avail. Funeral services were held at the home by Rev. Bruce of the Baptist church and interment made in Old Log Chapel, Howard County. The bereaved parents have the sympathy of all. A more extended notice will appear next week.



Loreta LESSLY.