Ninth Generation

575. John Harris LESSLY117,316 was born on 18 September 1843 in near Higbee, Randolph County, MO.118,225,317 He died on 8 February 1916 in Grayson County, TX.316 He was buried in Georgetown Cemetary, Pottsboro, TX. John was in farmer. John H. Lessly and his wife "Mollie" moved to Joplin, Callaway County, Missouri area after their marriage. They joined the Lessly family migration to Texas in 1876 with John's parents. They brought along their three children born in Missouri, Daisy Gray, Nora Ellen, and Emma Bell. They had one other child, Mary, born in Missouri but she died at birth. John H. Lessly and family settled on an eighty acre farm one and one half miles north of the James Lessly farm. Alice Gray Lessly and her husband, George T. Kimbrough, settled just east of John Lessly farm which was later owned by the Gibson family. John H. Lessly was the only child of James that remained in Grayson County. John and his wife had eight more children but only four of them lived to adulthood. They were Florence James, John Embry William, Sarah Kathryn, and Cora Ann.

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In the 1850 census for Polk County, MO, John appears in as a child in his father's household. His age is listed as 6 and his place of birth as Missouri.

In the printed account of the 1860 census for Polk County, MO, John appears as a minor in his father's household. His age is listed as 16 and his place of birth as Missouri.

In the 1870 census for Randolph County, MO, John appears as a member of his father's household. His age is listed as 25, his occupation as farmer, and his place of birth as Missouri.

John appears in the 1880 census for Grayson Co., TX in District 16, Precinct 8, page 391 D. (NA film # T9-1307). His name appears as "J. H. Leslie". His age is listed as 36, his place of birth as Missouri, and his occupation as Farmer. His father's birthplace is listed as Virginia and his mother's as Kentucky. Also appearing in the household are his wife, Mary J., and children Daisey, Ellen, Emma, Florence and John.

The information from all census records confirm family information on John's birthdate and place of birth.
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John's children Lula and John Embry were twins. John's children Cora and Carl were twins.
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A Mrs. John Harris Lessley applied for a Confederate Pension. The pension number was 42626 and the County was Grayson, TX. John's widow states that John served in the Confederate Army from August 1862 to the close of the war. She also states that John served in Company G, 11th Regiment, Missouri Infantry.

Records from the War Department Adjutant General's Office were used in the Confederate Pension application of John's widow. The letter states
"The records show that J. H. Lessley, not borne as John H. Lessley, Pvt. Company G, 11 Missouri Inf. C.S.A. (Confederate States Army) enlisted August 10, 1962 at Camp Cooper, Arkansas, and on muster roll for Jan. & Feb. 1864, (last on file) is shown present. His name appears on a List of Killed, wounded or missing of 4th Brigade Missouri Vols. at the battle of Helena, Ark, (July 4, 1863). List dated Camp Bayou Matoe, July 28, 1863, on which he is shown: Wounded severly. His name appears on a Roll of Prisoners of War, as Corp. Co. G, 11 Reg't. Mo. Vol. Inf. C.S.A., commanded by Lt. T.W. Simpson, surrendered at New Orleans, La., by General E.K. Smith, C.S.A. to Maj. Gen. E.R.S. Canby, U.S.A. May 26, 1865, and paroled at Alexandria, La. June 7, 1865."

A second letter states
"The records show that one John L. Lessley, (not borne as J. H. Laslie), Pvt. Co. G, 11th Regt. Missouri Inf., formerly known as Hunter's and the 8th, Reg't., Mo. Inf. C.S.A., enlisted Aug. 10th, 1862 at Camp Cooper, Arkansas, and on muster roll for Jan. & Feb. 1864 (last on file) is shown present. Name appears with rank of Corpl. on a roll of Prisoners of War, surrendered by Gen. E.K. Smith, C.S.A. to Gen E.R.S. Canby U.S.A., May 26th, 1865, and paroled at Alexandria, La., June 7th, 1865. Residence shown as Polk County, Missouri.
Captain M.W. Mitchell is shown to have been in command of the above company."

A database at lists a John H. Lessly - Company G, Unit 11th Missouri Infantry, Rank at Induction - Private, Rank at Discharge - Corporal, Notes Lessley, John H., Box # 000380, EXCT # 0009, Record # 00001637

John Harris LESSLY and Mary James DAVIS were married on 31 January 1871 in Howard County, MO.316,318 Listed in marriage records as John H. Lesley and Mollie J. Davis Mary James DAVIS117 was born in October 1845 in Howard County, MO.316,317,319 She died on 10 February 1932 in Vernon, Wilbarger County, TX.320 She was buried in Georgetown Cemetary, Pottsboro, TX. Medical: developed glaucoma in her later years

Mary appears in the 1880 census for Grayson Co., TX as a member of her husband's household. Her age is listed as 34, her place of birth as Missouri and her occupation as "Keeps House". Her father's birthplace is listed as Kentucky and her mother's as Virginia.

Mary filed a Confederate Pension Application #42626 for her deceased husband in December 1926. Information on the Widow's application for Confederate Pension include
the date of death of her husband John H. Lessely - Feb 8, 1916
the place of death of her husband - Grayson County, TX
the date she was married to her husband - January 31, 1871
the place she was married to her husband - Howard County, MO
her age at the time of the application - 81 years
her place of birth - Howard County, MO
length of time she had resided in Grayson County - 50 years
her husband's full name John Harris Lessly
the length of time her husband served in the Confederate army - 3 years

from August 1862 to close of war
the company and regiment her husband served in - Company G, 11th Regiment, Missouri Infantry
The witness to the application is Daisy McGuire, Mary's daughter.

In an affidavit Mary swears that she is the widow of J. H. Lessley and is making an application for a Confederate pension. She states that her husband served in the Confederate Army for more than 3 years and was a member of Company "G" 11th Regiment, Missouri Infantry. She states that she has been unable to find and survivors of her husband's company who could testify to his Confederate Service. She ends the affidavit by saying she is "in indigent circumstances and need the benefits of a Confederate Pension."

A application for mortuary warrant was filed by Mary's daughter, Sarah Lessly White. The application states Mary's date of death as February 10, 1932 and the place as "10 miles north of Vernon" in Wilbarger County, TX.

Name appears as "Mollie J." on her tombstone. Her mother is thought to be buried in Missouri. One baby was born before Mary's daughter Sarah. No name was recorded - the baby died at birth.

John Harris LESSLY and Mary James DAVIS had the following children:



Daisy Gray LESSLY.



Nora Ellen LESSLY.



Emma Bell LESSLY.



Mary LESSLY117 was born about 1875 in Missouri. She died about 1875 in Missouri.



Florence James LESSLY.



Forest M. LESSLY117 was born in 1878 in Texas. He died UNKNOWN in Texas. He was buried in Georgetown Cemetary, Pottsboro, TX.



John Embry William LESSLY117 was born on 17 July 1879 in Pottsboro, TX. He died on 7 July 1907 in Pottsboro, TX. He was buried in Georgetown Cemetary, Pottsboro, TX. John appears in the 1880 census for Grayson Co., TX as a member of his father's household. His age is listed as 1 and his place of birth as Texas. Both parents are listed as having been born in Missouri.

John E. Leslie aged 27 years died by his own hands. He blew out his brains with a shotgun. The official obituary stated that "No reason can be assigned by relatives for the rash act, other than ill health and despondency." However several family members have stated that John was in love with a woman of whom his mother did not approve and this was the reason for his suicide. The inscription on John's tombstone reads "Tho lost to sight to memory dear."



Lula Clyde LESSLY117 was born on 17 July 1879 in Pottsboro, TX. She died before 1880 in Texas.



Sarah Kathryn LESSLY.



Cora Amanda LESSLY.



Carl LESSLY117 was born on 10 August 1887 in Texas. He died UNKNOWN in Texas. He was buried in Georgetown Cemetary, Pottsboro, TX.