Eighth Generation

337. Rebecca LESSLY117 was born about 1831 in Kentucky.219 She died between 1857 and 1858. Rebecca appears in the household of her husband in the 1850 Missouri Census for Polk County. Her age is listed as 19 and her place of birth as Kentucky. The children Mary and Ann R. who are present in the household are presumably Rebecca's.

Rebecca LESSLY and Richard W. MENEFEE were married in March 1845 in Randolph Co., MO. Richard W. MENEFEE117 was born on 3 October 1815 in Clinton, Todd Co., KY.219 He died on 22 March 1886 in Bolivar, Polk Co., MO. Richard appears in the 1850 Missouri Census for Polk County. His last name may be spelled Nenafee or Menafee. His age is listed as 25, his occupation as Blacksmith, and place of birth as Kentucky. The value of his estate is listed as $400. Also present in the household are his wife Rebecca Lessley and two children (presumably theirs), Mary and Ann R. Another person living in the household is one Mary Carpenter age 18.

Bolivar, Polk Co., MO
Bolivar Free Press Thu. 1 Apr 1886 page 4
Capt. R.W. Menefee
Capt. R. W. Menefee was born on Clinton, Todd county, Kentucky, October 3rd, 1815. At an early day he removed to Illinois and spent some years there, then removed to Randolph county, Missouri, at which place he was married to Miss Rebecca Lesslie, Daughter of John Lesslie, of Randolph county. In March, 1845, he with his wife removed to this city. As a mechanic he soon became prosperous, and by his affable, courteous, and very accommodating principles he soon established himself in the hearts of the people, an all who knew him, knew him to love. He strictly attended to his own business, was very industrious, and but for his liberality would have accumulated a fortune. The principles that characterized the early settlers were prominent in the Captain's whole life. No mortgages needed to secure a small
debt; a man's word was his bond, and an old friend was never turned away. His heart was too big ever to oppress the poor. He was never too busy or too tired to respond to a call to go out at the late hours of the night to do a kind deed for a friend, and when called upon he was never known to refuse, if in his power to grant.

His heart was for his country, and when volunteers were needed to quiet the Mexicans and wild Indians, our old friend quickly responded to the call, and in July, 1846, in Capt. Roberson's company (of whom only twelve remain), he with Maj. W.B. and M.W. Mitchell bade adieu to wife, children, home, and friends, perhaps never to return. During that campaign there grew an intimacy between the members of that company that never has been broken. A few days before the Captain fell asleep, when he knew but few who came to see him, when my name was called he put out his hand and have me a warm grasp, saying,, "Tell the Major and Morris when you see them that I would like to see them, but I do not expect to meet with the old guard any more." In this conversation I mentioned the bounty that the great giver of all good would bestow upon all that would come unto Him, and he seemed to appreciate it.

When the war between the states broke out, Capt. Menefee was to the front again, ready to defend and maintain the flag of his country, and at the close of that struggle he was, as of old, ready to rebuild the waste places, and gather around him his many friends and enjoy the purchase for which his forefathers died-life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. His second wife was Annie J. Wilson, Daughter of W.S. Wilson, of Arcadia, Sulivan county, Tennessee. The fruit of this union was one daughter, Mrs. A.W. Beck. His now broken-hearted widow is the daughter of john Warren, of Polk county. With her he leaves five children, two sons and three daughters, all of whom are unmarried. May God comfort the wife and dear children. You stood nobly by his deathbed for fifteen weeks, and did all you could to alleviate his sufferings. But he must go. The spirit has gone to the God who gave it, and the body to the earth from whence it came. You can gather around the mound that marks his last resting place and there bestow the beautiful wreaths of flowers, plant the roses, and think of his
many virtues, and with an aching heart realize that Father is gone. You will sadly miss him, but may you by the grace of God say, "Thy will be done." You cannot bring him back. His chair is vacant; the familiar step is heard no more; his fatherly voice is hushed forever; the family circle is broken, and may you in this hour of great distress cast all your burdens upon the Lord, who will heal the broken-hearted and set the captive free. On the evening of the 22nd ult. (22 Mar 22 1886), our old friend fell asleep, after fifteen weeks of hard struggle and great pain, and on the 23d at half past three o'clock the G.A.R. conveyed the body in solemn procession, followed by a long train of friends, from the residence to the cemetery. The pastor of the Baptist church conducted the religious services while the members of the old guard, G.A.R., of which the Captain was a member, conducted the solemn army ritual. This scene brought us back twenty-seven years, when amid the clash of arms the old veterans would with bowed heads, and solemn tread, march to the notes of the muffled drum. In approaching
the cemetery it was observed that a large crowd had gathered around the grave where would soon rest one of the oldest citizens of Bolivar...

Rebecca LESSLY and Richard W. MENEFEE had the following children:






Ann Rebecca MENEFEE117 was born about 1849 in Missouri.219 She died UNKNOWN.



Elizabeth MENEFEE117 was born about 1851 in Missouri.



Abigail MENEFEE117 was born in 1857.