Sixth Generation

73. Frederick ZIMMERMAN Jr. was born about 1756. He owned on 2 November 1789 in Spotsylvania County, Virginia. Name: Frederick Zimmerman Date: Nov 2, 1789 Location: Spotsylvania Co., VA Property: 100 acres, part of a larger tract in Spts. Co. Notes: This land record was originally published in "Virginia County Records - Spotsylvania County, 1721-1800, Volume I" edited by William Armstrong Crozier. Remarks: Wm. Chowning of Culpeper Co. to James King of Spts. Co. 30 curr. 100 acres, part of a larger tract in Spts. Co. 1 Dec 1789 Description: Witness Book date: M He owned on 2 November 1789 in 100 acres in Berkeley Par., Spots. Co. Name: Fredk. Zimmerman Date: Nov 2, 1789 Location: Spotsylvania Co., VA Property: 100 acres in Berkeley Par., Spots. Co. Notes: This land record was originally published in "Virginia County Records - Spotsylvania County, 1721-1800, Volume I" edited by William Armstrong Crozier. Remarks: Wm. Chewning and Jane, his wife, of Culpeper Co. to Thomas Tharpe of Spts. Co. 1000 curr. 100 acres in Berkeley Par., Spots. Co. 2 Jun 1790 Description: Witness Book date: M Frederick owned deeded property on 17 March 1800 in Hickman, Jessamine County, KY.45 This Indenture made this eleventh day of March in the year of our lord one
thousand eight hundred between Zachery Taylor of County of Jessamine and
Commonwealth of Kentucky of the one part and Frederick Zimmerman of the County
and Commonwealth aforesaid of the other part. Witnessed that the said Zachery
Taylor for and in consideration of the sum of fifty pounds current money of
Kentucky to him in hand paid the receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge and
forever acquit and discharge the said Frederick Zimmerman his heirs executors
& administrators have granted bargained sold aliened and confirmed and by these
presents doth grant bargain sell alien and confirm unto the said Frederick
Zimmerman his heirs & assigns forever all that land or parcel of land situate
lying and being on the east fork of Hickman creek in the aforesaid County and
bounded as followed. Beginning at two sugar trees & Hickory Corner to William
Hinds Robert Lawson and said Zimmerman running with the line of said Lawsons N
63 degrees W 37 poles to a Spanish oak and Hickory standing in a stream thence
north Fourteen degrees east one hundred and sixteen poles

(p. 86)
P. 12, 1st line
To two hickories and Burr oak Standing on the bank of east Hickman Creek at the
mouth of Ambrose Bourns Spring branch thence up said Hickmans Creek as it
meanders to a white oak elm and Iron wood where said Zimmerman's line crosses
the creek thence with said Zimmerman's line to the beginning containing twenty
four acres more or less together with all improvements water courses profits and
appurtenances whatsoever to the said premises belonging or in anywise
appertaining and the reversions remainders and profits thereof and all the
estate right title interest property claim and demand of him the said Zachary
Taylor unto Frederick Zimmerman of in and to the same to have and to hold the
lands hereby conveyed with all and singular the premises and every part and
parcel thereof with every of the appurtenances unto the said Frederick Zimmerman
and the said Zachary Taylor for himself his heirs executors and administrators
do covenant promise and agree to and with the said Frederick Zimmerman his heirs
and assigns by these presents that the premises before mentioned now and forever
hereafter shall remain free of and from all former and other gifts grants
bargains sales dowers right and title of dowers judgments executions title
troubles charge and encumbrances whatsoever done or suffered to be done by him
the said Zachary Taylor or any other person or persons whatsoever and the said
Zachary Taylor for himself his heirs all and singular the premises hereby
bargained and sold with the appurtenances unto the said Frederick Zimmerman his
heirs and assigns against him the said Zachary Taylor and his heirs and assigns
all and every other
(p. 87)
(page 13
person or persons whatsoever and doth and will warrant and forever defend by
these presents. In witness whereof him the said Zachary Taylor have hereunto
set his hand and seal this day and year first above written.

Signed sealed and delivered Zachary Taylor
in presence of us

Ambrose Bourns
Ben J. Hawkins
Alexander Hind
NB interlined before assigned the word (east) between
the twentieth and twenty first lines

Jessamine Court

The within indenture between Zachary Taylor of the one part and Frederick
Zimmerman of the other part was produced before me acknowledged by the said
Zachary to be his act and deed and is duly recorded in my office. In testimony
whereof I as clerk of the aforesaid County have herewith set my hand this 17th
March 1800.
Saml H. Woodso He owned deeded property on 15 March 1801 in Hickman, Jessamine County, KY. (p. 190)
This Indenture made this fifteenth day of March in the year of our Lord one
Thousand Eight Hundred and one between Zachariah Taylor of Jessamine county and
Commonwealth of Kentucky of the one part and Fred Zimmerman of the county and
commonwealth aforesaid of the other part WITNESSETH that the said Zachariah
Taylor for and in consideration of the sum of Fifty Dollars to him in hand paid
the receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge and forever acquit and discharge
the same Fred Zimmerman his heirs Executors. and administrators Have granted
bargained sold aliened and confirmed and by these presents doth grant bargain
sell alien and confirm unto the said Fred Zimmerman his heirs and assigns
forever all that tract or parcel of land situate lying and being on the East
fork of Hickman creek in the aforesaid county and bounded as followed (To wit)
Beginning at an elm and horn bean standing on the bank of said creek on the west
side about twenty poles above a riffle running North thirty seven degrees East
thirty two poles to a post oak and elm in Isaac Smith's line thence with his
line south sixty two degrees East fifty six poles to a small black Walnut &
Hickory in said Zimmermans line thence with his line south thirty degrees west
thirty eight poles to said. creek Thence down said creek as it meanders to the
beginning. containing eight and a half acres more or less together with all
improvements water courses profits and appurtenances whatsoever to the said
premises belonging or in anywise appertaining and to the reversions remainders
profits and all the estate rights title interest property claims and demand of
heirs the said Zachariah Taylor unto Fred Zimmerman of in & to the same to have
and to hold the lands hereby conveyed with all and singular the premises &
every part and parcel thereof with every of the appurtenances unto the said Fred
Zimmerman &

(p. 192)

Zachery Taylor for himself his heirs Executors and administrators do covenant
promise and agree to and with the said Fred Zimmerman his heirs and assigns by
these presents that premises before mentioned now are and forever hereafter
shall remain free of and from all former and other gifts bargains sales dower
rights and title of dower [ ] execute[ ] titles troubles charge and
encumbrances whatsoever done or suffered to be done by him the said Zachariah
Taylor or any other person or persons whatsoever and doth and will warrant and
forever defend by these presents IN WITNESS whereof him the said Zachary Taylor
have hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year first above written.

Signed sealed and deliver Zachery Taylor (seal)
In presence of us

Woodford Curd
Francis W. Allis
William Bowman

Jessamine County Court
Clerks office 15 March, 1807
The foregoing indenture between Zachery Taylor of the one part and
Frederick Zimmerman of the other was produced before me - acknowledged by the
said Zachariah to be his act and deed and ordered to record.

Saml. H. Woodson clerk He died on 9 December 1804 in Fayette Co., KY.46 Frederick was buried on 12 December 1804 in Miles Gullette Farm, East Hickman.47 Miles Gullette @ 1597 E. Hickman Rd.
Lat and Long N37 54.25 W84 28.94 He was a Surveror in Jessamine County KY. Frederick Zimmerman Surveyor of this County produced in court an account amounting
to One hundred and forty Eight Dollars for services performed by him in running the
dividing line between this and the County of Fayette and discovering the centre of
Jessamine County, Which was examined and seventy five ther of allowed by the Court.
He served in the military Priviate in under George Rodgers Clark during the Revolutionairy War.48 George Rodgers Clark Papers

511-1-562-564-March 31, 1779: Two page account of Capt. Robert Todd of Illinois for rifles/guns given for soldiers for service in Illinois. Date of issue of rifle, which was identified by a number on the butt end, and name of soldier was given. All rifles issued on March 31, 1779. Names: Larkin Ballinger; Frederick Zimmerman; ? Hall; David Hicks; Joseph Saunder; James Kirtley; John Roberts; Joseph Roberts; Samuel Johnson; James Ballinger, Edward Doherty; William Ken; John Williams; Randall White; William Potter, John Vaughan; Harry Philips and Lewis Pins. Numbers on butt end of rifles were: 4, 7, 10?, 13, 15, 16?, 21, 25, 30, 32 ,34, 36, 52, 53, 54, and 66.

15304-9-505-506-April 8, 1782: George Slaughter certified wages due to the following men: Daniel Johnson, Mason Johnson, Joseph Cornell, Benjamin Tailor, Ebin Parker, Daniel Congil, John Neal, John Rose, William Long, ? Butler, Edward Thomas, James Ballenger, James McQuigley, John West, Peter Triplet, Henry Foster, Franklin Zimmerman, Jr., John Angel, John Burroughs, Charles Asher?, William Abbott, William Abbott, Jr., John Allen, Jr., John Allen Younge, several names too faded to read.

15310-9-515-517-April 8, 1782: List of non-commissioned officers and privates discharged with date of enlistment. Names: John Burroughs, James Ballard, William Dennis?, Daniel Colvin, Madison Colvin, Joseph Cornell, Benjamin Taylor, Ebin Porter, Daniel Congil, John Neil, John Rose, William Long, Richard Taleferro,Edward Thomas, James Ballenger, Samuel McQuidy, John West, Robert Triplet, Henry Foster, Fred Zimmerman, John Angel, Francis Nash, Charles Asher, William Abbot, William Abbot, Jr., ? Mitchell, William Mitchell, John Allen Jr., John Allen, younger.

18227-11-522-523-April 28, 1782: Top document. Names: Charles Jones, Frederick Zimmerman.

8271-11-581-582-March 20, 1783: Top document. Duplicate filming. Lieut. John Roberts certified Frederick Zimmerman, a soldier in Capt. Robert Todd's company had enlisted July 19, 1779 and served the same company until July 4, 1780.

19806-12-1404-1409-No Date: Incomplete. Names: Samuel Johnson, John Jones, Peter Laughlin, Michael Oharron, Thomas Norman?, Joseph Rob-erts, Archibald Evans, Frederick Zimmerman, Benjamin Wethers, James Sullivan, Henry Smock, John Edwards, James Lewis. Unable to read sev-eral names.

Zimmerman, Franklin Jr. 9-505

Zimmerman, Fred 9-515

Zimmerman, Frederick 1-562 11-522 11-532 11-581 12-1404 Frederick Zimmerman, Esquire of Jessamine County - Died when thrown form his horse with such violence that it put a period immediately to his existence on Thursday evening Dec. 11, 1804.

Was evidently buried in Fayette according to John Lowen but goes on to say that he was buried on his residence on the next day.

The blooded horse was early on the scene of action in the county, as we find that in 1803, Frederick Zimmerman, county surveyor, was sent a statement by Phillip Weber, for one pound and ten shillings, due for the season of a mare to "Volunteer", a stallion of the early trotting horse strain. On May 17, 1808, Samuel McDowell, paid to "John Daugherty, of Jefferson county, one four year old Spread Eagle gelding and one four year old Spread Eagle mare, the two at $270.00". These Spread Eagle horses were the progenitors of our modern saddle horses.
(email) from Clyde May 2, 2000 on KYJESSAMINE-L)

Posted on Sat, Apr. 20, 2002 <>
Jessamine's first surveyor gets new grave marker
By Greg Kocher

NICHOLASVILLE - Homage was paid yesterday to the man who laid the groundwork for what became Jessamine County.

A new grave marker was dedicated for Frederick Zimmerman, the Revolutionary War soldier who was Jessamine's first county surveyor. Zimmerman is buried in the East Hickman section of northeastern Jessamine County.

A new marker was needed because Zimmerman's stone can't be read, said local history buff Clyde Bunch of Wilmore.

In 1796, Zimmerman surveyed the land that became Jessamine County. The separation of Jessamine from southern Fayette County occurred in 1798.

With encouragement from the Jessamine County Historical and Genealogical Society, private rural cemeteries across the state now have extra protection from development, thanks to a law just passed by the 2002 Kentucky legislature.

House Bill 521 -- sponsored by state Rep. Bob Damron, D-Nicholasville, and signed into law by Gov. Paul Patton on April 9 -- requires owners of burial grounds to protect them from damage, desecration and destruction. The law's inspiration came from a cemetery-protection ordinance that Jessamine Fiscal Court passed in 2000 with support from the historical society.

Zimmerman is one of more than 50 Revolutionary War soldiers who are buried in Jessamine County. They received tracts of land for their wartime service.

Had Zimmerman had his way, downtown Nicholasville would have been about three-quarters of a mile north of where it was located. And lawyer Samuel H. Woodson wanted the town about a mile south of its present spot.

But blessed are the peacemakers: A Methodist preacher, the Rev. John Metcalf, used his influence to put Nicholasville where it is today.
Reach Greg Kocher in the Nicholasville bureau at (859) 885-5775 or
<> <>

Court Records:Nov 1799 to Mar 1800 Jessamine County, Ky
Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by:
Bryce Stevens <>
Date: June 6, 2000
Frederick Zimmerman Surveyor of this County produced in court an account amounting
to One hundred and forty Eight Dollars for services performed by him in running the
dividing line between this and the County of Fayette and discovering the centre of
Jessamine County, Which was examined and seventy five ther of allowed by the Court.

Page Sixty-six
November Court 1799

Frederick ZIMMERMAN Jr. and Judith BOURNE49 obtained a marriage license on 11 June 1784 in Culpeper County, Virginia.50 They50 were married on 14 June 1784 in Culpeper County, Virginia. FREDERICK ZIMMERMAN

One of the strong characters in the early history of Jessamine County was Frederick Zimmerman, it's first surveyor. His ancestors came from Salzwedel, Germany. His forefathers emigrated to New York. After a passage of six weeks over the Atlantic, they settled on the Hudson River, at the village of Rheinbeck, in Dutchess Co. Remaining in New York four months, two brothers settled in Culpepper County, VA, where Frederick Zimmerman was born. He moved to Jessamine county prior to 1792 and lived in the Marble Creek district. He married Judith Bourne, daughter of Henry Bourne. His work in the surveys of Jessamine County shows that he was a competent and faithful official. His sons and daughters have been industrious, upright citizens and have performed well the duties devolved upon them. John Zimmerman, Daniel Zimmerman, Augustus Zimmerman, and Morton Zimmerman, long and favorably known in the county were the sons of Frederick Zimmerman. A numerous posterity still reside in the county which their ancestors helped to redeem from the savages, and in the earlier of which he was a strong and influential factor.
Judith BOURNE was born about 1756 in Culpeper County, Virginia. She signed a will on 24 October 1837 in Jessamine County KY. Will Book G, page 65
Know all men by these presents that I Judith Bourne of Jessamine County and State Of Kentucky make this as my Last Will and Testament VIZ - To my son William Zimmerman I will and bequeath one horse worth $40 - To my daughter Sally Bourne I will and bequeath one bed and four flannel counterpanes and all my stock of sheep, To my son Morton Zimmerman, I will and bequeath one lot of land VIZ ten acres known by No. 5 the same purchased by George Bourne decd. and William Zimmerman - also one bed. I also Will and bequeath to my granddaughter George Ann Combs first choice of beds and bed clothing VIZ, one white counterpin, two flannel dos one blanket, two sheets two pillars boulsters and also one horse beast to be worth $40. The balance of my goods and chattles ( after paying my debts funeral expenses, etc. to be equally divided among my heirs. Given under my hand and seal this 24 day October 1837
Judith X Bourne her mark

Wm. Ballard
Joseph Uttinger She died on 29 June 1844 in Jessamine County KY.51 Morton Zimmerman says that she died on the 29th day of June 1844.

Frederick ZIMMERMAN Jr. and Judith BOURNE had the following children:



Sarah Salley ZIMMERMAN.






















