Tenth Generation

682. William Cowen HUGHES272,282,353 was born on 19 June 1880.272,282,353 He died on 21 September 1931.353 He was buried in Burlington I.O.O.F. Cemetery, Burlington, Boone County, Kentucky.353
This information is from the Descendants of Michael Clore Database © 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 by Cathi Clore Frost.

William Cowen HUGHES and Pearl S. UNDERHILL were married on 11 October 1913 in Boone County, Kentucky.272 Pearl S. UNDERHILL272,353 was born on 26 January 1895.272,353 She died on 28 September 1933.353 She was buried in Burlington I.O.O.F. Cemetery, Burlington, Boone County, Kentucky.353
This information is from the Descendants of Michael Clore Database © 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 by Cathi Clore Frost.

William Cowen HUGHES and Pearl S. UNDERHILL had the following children:



Living HUGHES (private).



Living HUGHES (private).