Ninth Generation

468. James Alfred CRISLER79,160,161,162 was born on 16 April 1855 in Decatur County, Indiana.79,160,161 He died on 18 December 1918 in Waldron, Shelby County, Indiana.160,162

"Daily Democrat"
(Shelbyville, IN)
Wednesday, December 18, 1918
"Alfred Crisler, Near Waldron, Succumbs To Disease Of Months Suffering
"Alfred Crisler, one of the most prominent farmers in the south part of the county, died at his home a mile and a half North of Waldron at 7 o'clock this morning from a complication of diseases with which he had suffered since last April. He was aged sixty-three years, eight months and two days and his death occurred on the farm where he was born.
"The deceased was united in marriage to Mary E. Arnold, of Liberty township, and to the union one son and two daughters were born, the son, Dr. William R. Crisler, surviving. Mrs. Crisler passed away Sept. 4, 1880 (sic). He was united in marriage to Miss Ethel Denton, Aug. 12, 1896, and two children were born to this union, both of whom survive. They are Mrs. Amy E. Apple, whose marriage occurred Tuesday afternoon, and Paris H. Crisler. He also leaves three grandchildren and two brothers and one sister, namely, Mart C., of Rush county; Wood C., of near Oaklandon, and Mrs. John Wrench, of Morristown.
"Mr. Crisler had been ill since last April and a week ago was taken to Methodist hospital at Indianapolis in the hope of restoring his health. However, the treatment availed him nothing and he was returned to his home Monday. He realized that his end was near and insisted on the marriage of his daughter before he should pass away. He was a reliable man of the community and one in whom everybody trusted and held confidence. He was prosperous and kind to everyone and his death removes a community friend. He was an active member of the Mason lodge of Waldron.
"Funeral arrangements have not been completed and Stewart & Fix, undertakers in charge, will make the announcement later."
Submitted by Rochelle Riordan, 1906 E Sharon Dr, Phoenix, AZ 85022

"Daily Democrat"
(Shelbyville, IN)
Thursday, December 19, 1918
"The funeral of the late Alfred Crisler, who died at his home near Waldron Wednesday morning, will be held at the late home Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock, Rev. Fred Young, of Waldron Baptist Church, officiating. Burial will be made in Forest Hill cemetery in charge of Stewart & Fix, undertakers."
Submitted by Rochelle Riordan, 1906 E Sharon Dr, Phoenix, AZ 85022

This information is from the Descendants of Michael Clore Database © 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 by Cathi Clore Frost.

James Alfred CRISLER and Mary Ellen REIGER were married on 5 September 1880 in Shelby County, Indiana.160 Mary Ellen REIGER160 was born on 16 July 1856.160 She died on 17 April 1893 in Liberty Township, Shelby County, Indiana.160
"The Shelby Democrat"
(Shelbyville, IN)
April 20, 1893
"Mary E., wife of Alfred Crisler, died at their residence near Middletown, in Liberty township, at 6 o'clock a.m. Monday, aged 37 years. She was buried at the German Chapel graveyard, south of St. Paul. Services at the chapel at 11 a.m., by Rev. Evans. Cortege left the house at 10 a.m., Wednesday, April 19. D.B. Wilson & Son, funeral directors."
(Ed. NOTE: German Chapel Cemetery is presently called Union Chapel Cemetery.)
Submitted by Rochelle Riordan, 1906 E Sharon Dr, Phoenix, AZ 85022

This information is from the Descendants of Michael Clore Database © 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 by Cathi Clore Frost.

James Alfred CRISLER and Mary Ellen REIGER had the following children:



Eva G. CRISLER160 was born on 17 December 1881 in Shelby County, Indiana.160 She died on 22 October 1895 in Middletown, Shelby County, Indiana.160
"The Shelby Democrat"
(Shelbyville, IN)
Thursday, October 24, 1895
"Eva G. Crisler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Crisler, died at their residence near Middletown at 11:25 p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 22, of typhoid fever, age fourteen years. The remains will be buried Thursday, Oct. 24, at the Union Chappel (sic) cemetery. Services at the church at two p.m. The Rev. O.S. Evans, officiating. Cortege will leave the house at one p.m. D.B. Wilson & Son funeral directors."
Submitted by Rochelle Riordan, 1906 E Sharon Dr, Phoenix, AZ 85022

This information is from the Descendants of Michael Clore Database © 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 by Cathi Clore Frost.



William Rerll CRISLER.



Myrtle May CRISLER.

James Alfred CRISLER and Ethel DENTON were married on 12 August 1896 in Shelby County, Indiana.160 Ethel DENTON160 was born on 29 August 1874 in Jennings County, Indiana.160 She died on 23 April 1961 in Waldron, Shelby County, Indiana.160
This information is from the Descendants of Michael Clore Database © 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 by Cathi Clore Frost.

James Alfred CRISLER and Ethel DENTON had the following children:



Amy Ethel CRISLER.



James Howard CRISLER160 was born on 23 June 1904 in Shelby County, Indiana.160 He died in April 1978 in Indianapolis, Marion County, Indiana.160
This information is from the Descendants of Michael Clore Database © 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 by Cathi Clore Frost.