Ninth Generation

362. Sarah Ann HOLTSCLAW37,126,232,233 was born on 18 May 1824 in Boone County, Kentucky.37,126,232,233 She died before 1860.37,234
This information is from the Descendants of Michael Clore Database © 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 by Cathi Clore Frost.

Sarah Ann HOLTSCLAW and Allen CONNER were married on 11 February 1840 in Boone County, Kentucky.37,235 Allen CONNER37,232,233,234,236,237,238,239 was born in 1820 in Kentucky.37,232,233,234 Between 1850 and 1860 he was in farmer.37,233,234 He died after 1870.37 1850 Census of Kentucky
Disk 1, p 1385, Boone Co., District 2, p 200, Dwelling 848, Family 848
Allen Conner 30 M Ky Farmer $1600
Sarah A. " 26 F Do
Manoah " 8 M Do
Frances A. " 5 F
John L. " 2 M
Disk 1, p 1419, Boone Co., District 2, p 217, Dwelling 1101, Family 1101
Allen Conner 31 M Ky Farmer $2000
Sarah A. " 26 F Do
Manoah " 8 M Do
Frances A. " 5 F Do
John L. " 2 M Do
This family was listed twice!

Boone County, Kentucky 1860 Federal Census
Florence District, PO Florence, p 253, dwelling 86, family 82
Allen Conner 40 M Ky Farmer $6000/$1200
Manoah " 18 M Do
Frances A. " 14 F Do

Boone County, Kentucky 1870 Federal Census
Florence District, PO Burlington, p 20, Dwelling 115, Family 115
Allen Conner 50 MW Farmer $6500/$1200 Kentucky
Fannie L. Conner 24 FW Keeping House $1350/$945 Kentucky
Amanda Osborn 24 FB Dom Servant Kentucky
Fannie Holsclaw 63 FW ? $3000/$2700 Kentucky
Helen Langtry 8 FW Ohio

This information is from the Descendants of Michael Clore Database © 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 by Cathi Clore Frost.

Sarah Ann HOLTSCLAW and Allen CONNER had the following children:



Manoah CONNER37,233,234 was born about 1842 in Kentucky.37,233,234
This information is from the Descendants of Michael Clore Database © 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 by Cathi Clore Frost.



Frances A. CONNER37,233,234 was born about 1845 in Kentucky.37,233,234
This information is from the Descendants of Michael Clore Database © 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 by Cathi Clore Frost.



John L. CONNER37,59,233 was born about 1848 in Kentucky.37,59,233
This information is from the Descendants of Michael Clore Database © 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 by Cathi Clore Frost.