Fifth Generation

48. Barbara ZIMMERMAN21 was born in 1721 in VA. 4. Barbara "Barbary" ZIMMERMAN. Born ca 1717 in Culpepper Co.,Va. Barbara "Barbary" died in Culpepper Co.,Va, in 1786, she was 69.

Barbara Z. Edwards had a will dated 5 Apr 1786 in Culpepper Co.,Va. in which she mentioned her daughter Nancy"Ann" Ziglar Rice and her Grandson James B. Ziglar.

ca 1737 when Barbara "Barbary" was 20, she first married Johann Leonhardt/Leonard ZIEGLER/ZIGLAR, in Culpepper Co.,Va. Born ca 1711 in Rhine River area, Germany. Johann Leonhardt/Leonard died in Culpepper Co.,Va. in 1758, he was 47.

Johann Leonhardt Ziegler anglicized his name to Leonard Ziglar and his will dated 3 Dec 1757, Culpepper Co.,Va., reflects this change. Johann emigrated to America in1732 aboard the ship "Samuel" at age 21 arriving at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He took an Oath to Allegiance and became a U. S. citizen at the Philadephia on 11 Aug 1732. He begins showing up in legal documents in 1736 where his name appears as a witness on a deed date 19 Apr1736 in Orange Co.,Va. He signed his name "Leenhart Ziegler". Leonard Ziglar had a will in Culpepper Co.,Va., Will Book A,page 158 dated 3 Dec 1757 as follows: In the name of God Amen, I Leonard Ziglar being sick and Weak of body but of perfect mind and memory thanks be to Almighty God for it and as touching my temporal affair doth make this my last Will and Testament and principally I recommend my soul to God who gave it hoping through the death and passion of my blessed Lord and saviour Jesus Christ to receive full and free pardon and forgiveness of all my sins for my body to the ground to be decentily buried at the descretion of my executors here after named and for my temporal estate which it hath pleased me God to bestow upon me I give and dispose of in manner and form following viz:ITEM: I give and bequeath unto my beloved son Christopher Ziglar the half of the tract of land whereon I now live to him and his heirs for ever it being four hundred and forty five acres be the same more or less. ITEM: I GIVE AND BEQUEATH TO MY BELOVED SON LEONARD ZIGLAR THE OTHER HALF OF THE SAID TRACT OF LAND AND PLANTATION WHERE ON I NOW LIVE TO HIM AND HIS HEIRS FOREVER. ITEM: I give and bequeath to my beloved daughter Elizabeth Ziglar all that tract and parcel of land lying in Stoney Run and joining Frederick Zimmerman to her and her heirs forever it being two hundred acres to the same more or less. ITEM: I give and bequeath to my beloved daughter Ann Ziglar the half of that tract of land joining with Col. Spotswood and Goodrich Lightfoot to her and her heirs forever for ever it being two hundred sixty acres to be the same more or less. ITEM: I give and bequeath to my beloved daughter Susanna Ziglar the other half of the said tract of land lying and being as aforesaid to her and herheirs forever. And lastly my desire is that all my just debts be paid and discharged and my funeral expense by Barbery Ziglar and Frederick Zimmerman, executors of this my last will and testament and my desire is that the rest of my estate be equally divided to each child a part by the executors of this my last will revoking, disnuling all former and other wills by me here to fore made and confirming this to be my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have here unto set my hand and seal his third day of December one thousand and seven hundred and fifty seven. Signed sealed and delivered and declared. Signed Leonard Ziglar. Witnesses were James Conner, Samuel(X)Sirket, Zeblum Lewess. This will was proved on 17 Aug 1758. ======================================================


Johann Leonhart ZIEGLER was born in 1710 in Sinsheim, Germany.8 He died in 1757 in Culpeper County, Virginia.8 He was living in Mount Poney, Culpeper, Co. VA. Came from Philadelphia in 1732.

Barbara ZIMMERMAN and Johann Leonhart ZIEGLER had the following children:



Elizabeth ZIGLER23,24 died on 15 April 1835.23,24 She died in 1842 in Stokes Co. NC.25



Christopher ZIEGLER.



Leonard ZIEGLER.



Ann ZIEGLER (private).



Susannah ZIEGLER.