Sixth Generation

62. Elizabeth ZIMMERMAN17,36,37 was born in 1745 in Orange County, Virginia.37 The fifteen hundred and sixty-fourth note in a series on the Germanna Colonies
Elizabeth Holtzclaw was born Elizabeth Zimmerman. She was the sister of Christopher Zimmerman. The two of them were the children of John Zimmerman and Ursula Blankenbaker. John Zimmerman was born in 1711 and Ursula was born after the arrival of her father, John Nicholas Blankenbaker, in 1717. It is thought that Christopher was born about 1746 and Elisabeth was born about 1742. Joseph Holtzclaw was the son of Jacob Holtzclaw, the 1714 immigrant, and his second wife Catherine. Joseph married first Mary Thomas, the daughter of John Thomas. There is no known issue of this marriage. He married secondly, Elizabeth Zimmerman before 1770.
By 1787, when Joseph Holtzclaw and Elisabeth, his wife, were sponsors for Mathias House and his wife Margaret, we would see that Joseph and Elisabeth were middle aged. The interesting thing about Christopher Zimmerman and Elizabeth Zimmerman is that they had a sister Margaret. The name of Mathias House's wife in the last two baptisms in the last note is Margaret. Thus, we have the very typical pattern that the sponsors at a baptism are chosen from the siblings or cousins of the parents. Spouses would also be included in the set from which sponsors were chosen.
The wife Maria Margaretha of Mathias House had died after the birth of Catherine Elizabeth. Mathias House married, a middle-aged woman, Margaret Zimmerman. They had two children and at the first baptism, a sister of hers and her husband were chosen as sponsors. At the second baptism, the mother's brother was chosen with his wife.
We must though discuss another point. Germanna Record Six, in discussing the Zimmerman family, says that Margaret Zimmerman married Jacob Lipp 26 Jan 1787. There is a Culpeper Co. license for a marriage of two people of this name. I believe this is another Margaret Zimmerman. According to the Communion Lists for the German Lutheran Church (Hebron), Jacob Lipps was confirmed at age 17 in 1782. So he was born ca 1765. He would be of an appropriate age to marry in 1787 when he was 22. But Margaret Zimmerman, the daughter of John Zimmerman and Ursula Blankenbaker, would probably have been older than 30. A Margaret Zimmerman took communion, as a single person in 1775, so she was confirmed earlier. This is probably the Margaret Zimmerman who later married Mathias House.
To sort these people correctly, it is useful to have the records from the church. The baptismal lists have been published (with some of the early communion lists). In addition, the communion lists are now available in a published format.

This information is from the Descendants of Michael Clore Database © 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 by Cathi Clore Frost.

Jacob HOLTSCLAW (private).

Elizabeth ZIMMERMAN and Jacob HOLTSCLAW had the following children:



Margaret HOLTSCLAW (private).



Rosanna HOLTSCLAW (private).



Mary HOLTSCLAW died in 1824.









Susannah HOLTZCLAW36,37 died after 1855.36,37
This information is from the Descendants of Michael Clore Database © 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 by Cathi Clore Frost.



Elizabeth HOLTZCLAW36,37,38 was born on 27 March 1778.37,38
This information is from the Descendants of Michael Clore Database © 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 by Cathi Clore Frost.



Eve HOLTZCLAW36,37 died after 1855.36,37
This information is from the Descendants of Michael Clore Database © 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 by Cathi Clore Frost.






Joseph HOLTZCLAW36,37,39 was born on 19 November 1782.36,37,39
This information is from the Descendants of Michael Clore Database © 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 by Cathi Clore Frost.