Family Scrapbook - aqwn944 - Generated by Ancestry Family Tree

Zimmerman, Wells,See, Bertram


Forrest Clinton WHITED

1  _UID 7AA8B078DDAE1146939706C0E2548D5130B2
2  SOUR S668


1  _UID CCD3A83C49BB8E40BF08815AE1CDE054D991
2  SOUR S668

Donald Ray WHITED

1  _UID E6B3D470927F914D9861248FC941DBC6233E
2  SOUR S668

Hilton Ballard WHITE

1  _UID 3A916084F12DA24DBA4CA4D87CF34FDFDB91

Informations provided by uncle Quentin:

Hilton was a very good student all through his school days.  He was in the Honor Society and Adjutant in ROTC in High School.  Hilton and I (uncle Quentin) both were track-guys, and we did a lot of winning. Hilton set a record in the 50-yard dash which uncle Quentin thought he would break, but it was not to be since the record held up for 35-40 years.  This was the Junior High level.  We could'nt afford the more expensive equipment for sports participation (track shoes we got somehow), but Hilton entered fielday events put on one occasion and he was good enough to win a nice baseball glove and baseball and a tennis racquet.  The baseball glove we wore out but the tennis racquet got very little use until I was in 9th grade.
Hilton was a hobby person.  He got to messing with radio.  Well, he first built a crystal set, which was no challenge, but he continued on and on. At 15 he went to Nashville alone and obtained his Ham radio license which was no "bad shakes".  He really got into building his own receivers and transmitters.  The end result of this that a master-sargent who was into Ham radio "biz" got in touch with Hilton about coming into the Army (6th Calvary at Ft. Oglethorpe) and he could become a staff sergeant after going to radio school at Ft. Monmouth, N.J.
Well, Hilton did this and in 4 months he was a staff sergeant in the Army, and "in the army"  he was!..2  SOUR S668

Hilton Ballard WHITE

1  _UID 3A916084F12DA24DBA4CA4D87CF34FDFDB91

Informations provided by uncle Quentin:

Hilton was a very good student all through his school days.  He was in the Honor Society and Adjutant in ROTC in High School.  Hilton and I (uncle Quentin) both were track-guys, and we did a lot of winning. Hilton set a record in the 50-yard dash which uncle Quentin thought he would break, but it was not to be since the record held up for 35-40 years.  This was the Junior High level.  We could'nt afford the more expensive equipment for sports participation (track shoes we got somehow), but Hilton entered fielday events put on one occasion and he was good enough to win a nice baseball glove and baseball and a tennis racquet.  The baseball glove we wore out but the tennis racquet got very little use until I was in 9th grade.
Hilton was a hobby person.  He got to messing with radio.  Well, he first built a crystal set, which was no challenge, but he continued on and on. At 15 he went to Nashville alone and obtained his Ham radio license which was no "bad shakes".  He really got into building his own receivers and transmitters.  The end result of this that a master-sargent who was into Ham radio "biz" got in touch with Hilton about coming into the Army (6th Calvary at Ft. Oglethorpe) and he could become a staff sergeant after going to radio school at Ft. Monmouth, N.J.
Well, Hilton did this and in 4 months he was a staff sergeant in the Army, and "in the army"  he was!..2  SOUR S668


1  _UID 9927BE4DF1C62842B313F37A839E68DC8499
2  SOUR S668

Hilton Ballard WHITE

1  _UID 3A916084F12DA24DBA4CA4D87CF34FDFDB91

Informations provided by uncle Quentin:

Hilton was a very good student all through his school days.  He was in the Honor Society and Adjutant in ROTC in High School.  Hilton and I (uncle Quentin) both were track-guys, and we did a lot of winning. Hilton set a record in the 50-yard dash which uncle Quentin thought he would break, but it was not to be since the record held up for 35-40 years.  This was the Junior High level.  We could'nt afford the more expensive equipment for sports participation (track shoes we got somehow), but Hilton entered fielday events put on one occasion and he was good enough to win a nice baseball glove and baseball and a tennis racquet.  The baseball glove we wore out but the tennis racquet got very little use until I was in 9th grade.
Hilton was a hobby person.  He got to messing with radio.  Well, he first built a crystal set, which was no challenge, but he continued on and on. At 15 he went to Nashville alone and obtained his Ham radio license which was no "bad shakes".  He really got into building his own receivers and transmitters.  The end result of this that a master-sargent who was into Ham radio "biz" got in touch with Hilton about coming into the Army (6th Calvary at Ft. Oglethorpe) and he could become a staff sergeant after going to radio school at Ft. Monmouth, N.J.
Well, Hilton did this and in 4 months he was a staff sergeant in the Army, and "in the army"  he was!..2  SOUR S668

Hilton Ballard WHITE

1  _UID 3A916084F12DA24DBA4CA4D87CF34FDFDB91

Informations provided by uncle Quentin:

Hilton was a very good student all through his school days.  He was in the Honor Society and Adjutant in ROTC in High School.  Hilton and I (uncle Quentin) both were track-guys, and we did a lot of winning. Hilton set a record in the 50-yard dash which uncle Quentin thought he would break, but it was not to be since the record held up for 35-40 years.  This was the Junior High level.  We could'nt afford the more expensive equipment for sports participation (track shoes we got somehow), but Hilton entered fielday events put on one occasion and he was good enough to win a nice baseball glove and baseball and a tennis racquet.  The baseball glove we wore out but the tennis racquet got very little use until I was in 9th grade.
Hilton was a hobby person.  He got to messing with radio.  Well, he first built a crystal set, which was no challenge, but he continued on and on. At 15 he went to Nashville alone and obtained his Ham radio license which was no "bad shakes".  He really got into building his own receivers and transmitters.  The end result of this that a master-sargent who was into Ham radio "biz" got in touch with Hilton about coming into the Army (6th Calvary at Ft. Oglethorpe) and he could become a staff sergeant after going to radio school at Ft. Monmouth, N.J.
Well, Hilton did this and in 4 months he was a staff sergeant in the Army, and "in the army"  he was!..2  SOUR S668


1  _UID 0B3879AD91F3D34C89B68BB6631791FE9589
2  SOUR S668

William TAYLOR

1  _UID B3F435C4D71A3F45AED85870A6BEE1A64E3D
2  SOUR S668

Florence WHITE

1  _UID E9BB3E6164EC4C449F92090C5AF6CFEC7442
2  SOUR S668


1  _UID B0E7C2BBD207844E8B6EDD5B248B520EFFE1
2  SOUR S668