Home Surname List Name Index Sources | John D BUTRAM was born about 1852. JOHN is in the 1860 White Co., Tennessee Census, in household of Elisabeth BUTRAN, as John D., age 8, and in the 1870 Putnam Co., Tennessee Census as Peter. Parents: Willis BUTRAM and Elisabeth . John H. BUTRAM15 was born in 1823 in Alabama. He died. JOHN is in the 1850 and 1860 Gibson Co.,Tennessee Census. Parents: Andrew BUTRAM and Mary . Spouse: Sarah DUNLAP. Sarah DUNLAP and John H. BUTRAM were married on 20 August 1846 in Gibson Co., Tennessee. John Hicks BUTRAM13 was born on 23 June 1919 in Springville, St. Clair Co., Alabama. He died on 12 December 1979. He has reference number 170. Parents: Joseph Sanford BUTTRAM and Mae R. BUTTRAM. Spouse: Unknown . Children were: Martha Lee BURTRAM, John Arthur BURTRAM, Laura Nell BURTRAM, Lenord Calvin BURTRAM, Pearl Marie BURTRAM, Ross Allen BURTRAM, Lola Mae BURTRAM, Sara Ann BURTRAM. Jonathan "John" BUTRAM15 was born about 1847 in White Co., Tennessee. He died on 8 July 1898 in Kentucky. John served in the Civil War in Company H, 8th Regular Tennessee Calvary - CSA He is in the 1860 White Co., Tennessee; the 1870 Putnam, Co . Tennessee; the 1880 White Co., District 11 census's. His widow is on the 1900, White Co., 9th Civil District; and 1910 White Co., Ravenscroft, Tennessee census's. In 1912 John's widow, Lucinda, applied for a Confederate Indigent Widow's Pension from her residence at Ravescroft , Wh ite Co., Tennessee. The following information is from her application, #W6043: She was born Lucinda B. Brown in 1861 in Fentress Co., Tennessee and had been a resident of Tennessee all her life " except short time in Ken." She said John Butram was born in White Co., Tennessee but she didn't know the date. John enlisted in White Co., Tennessee and was with his Company and Regiment when they surrendered in Washington Co., Georgia on May 9, 1865. They were married on July 25, 1878 in Overton Co., Tennessee by H.L Watson, Justice of the Peace . They had six children, two whom had died in infancy. She named four living sons ... Abe, born Aug. 25, 1881, Charly T., born Aug. 13, 1886, James Polk, born Apri l 13 (?), 1889, and Willey, born June 23, 1892. Lucinda owned one cow , but said (I) "have no other income except what the boys earn in the Ravenscroft mines. The three youngest are all single and work in the mines is my only means of support. He (John) left me no property. He was an invalid for 2 years before his death ... children all small ... we spent everything we had during his sickness. " She added that all four sons were day laborers and owned no property. John died in Kentucky on July 8, 1898. Parents: Willis BUTRAM and Elisabeth . Spouse: Lucinda B. BROWN. Lucinda B. BROWN and Jonathan "John" BUTRAM were married on 25 July 1878 in Overton County, Tennessee. Joseph BUTRAM15 was born in 1820 in Wayne Co., Kentucky. He died. Parents: Elijah BUTRAM and Nancy Ann HARMON. Spouse: Carolyn Jane DUMAS. Lavinia BUTRAM15 was born in 1827 in Morgan Co., Tennessee. She died after 1880. Parents: James BUTTRAM and Gillie Or Tilly KEETON. Spouse: Oliver PARKER. Louisa B. BUTRAM15 was born in 1834 in Tipton Co., Tennessee. She died. Parents: Andrew BUTRAM and Mary . Spouse: James P. BUTLER. Mary Louisa BUTRAM311 was born about 1824 in Wayne County, Kentucky. Mary lived in her grandfather's, William Butram, household on the 1850 White County, Tennessee census. Parents: Willis BUTRAM and Elisabeth . Spouse: Andrew Jackson WILLIAMS. Mary Louisa BUTRAM and Andrew Jackson WILLIAMS were married on 31 October 1858 in White County, Tennessee. Mildred BUTRAM (private). Parents: Joseph Sanford BUTTRAM and Mae R. BUTTRAM. Spouse: JACKSON. Nancy BUTRAM was born about 1825. Parents: Willis BUTRAM and Elisabeth . Spouse: Phillip MASON. Nancy BUTRAM and Phillip MASON were married on 11 January 1854 in White County, Tennessee. Rhoda BUTRAM15 was born in 1833 in Morgan Co., Tennessee. She died. Parents: William BUTTRAM and Rachael . Sally Faye BUTRAM (private). Parents: Perry Joe BURTRAM and Lillian Montiz STARCHER. Sarah BUTRAM15 was born in 1810 in North Carolina. She died. Parents: Nicholas BERTRAM. Spouse: John UPCHURCH. Children were: Daniel Granville UPCHURCH, Henry Alvin UPCHURCH. Sarah BUTRAM15 was born in 1825 in Morgan Co., Tennessee. She died in 1865 in Whitley Co., Kentucky. Parents: James BUTTRAM and Gillie Or Tilly KEETON. Spouse: James PARKER. Sarah A.F. BUTRAM15 was born in 1840 in Tipton Co., Tennessee. She died. Parents: Andrew BUTRAM and Mary . Spouse: George BOX. Sarah Jane BUTRAM was born about 1828 in Rhea County, Tennessee. Parents: Willis BUTRAM and Elisabeth . Spouse: Chaucer WILLIAMS. Sarah Jane BUTRAM and Chaucer WILLIAMS were married on 12 March 1845 in White County, Tennessee. Sarah Velma BUTRAM13 was born on 21 September 1921 in Springville, St. Clair Co., Alabama. She died on 15 November 1996 in Birmingham, Jefferson Co., Alabama. She was buried in Jefferson, Memorial Garden. Sarah has reference number 171. Parents: Joseph Sanford BUTTRAM and Mae R. BUTTRAM. Spouse: Anthony Frank RYAN. Simeon BUTRAM15,198 was born on 10 October 1817 in Georgia. He was born on 10 October 1817 in Georgia. He died on 16 December 1871 in Near Dyer, Gibson Co., Tennessee. SIMEON and family are in the 1850, 1860 and 1870 Gibson Co., Tennessee Census. He served in Company D, 13th Regular Tennessee Infantry, C S A during the Civil War. SIMEON and family are in the 1850, 1860 and 1870 Gibson Co., Tennessee Census. He served in Company D, 13th Regular Tennessee Infantry, C S A during the Civil War. Parents: Andrew BUTRAM and Mary . Spouse: Elizabeth FLETCHER. Elizabeth FLETCHER and Simeon BUTRAM were married on 16 February 1838 in Gibson Co., Tennessee. They were married on 16 February 1838 in Gibson Co., Tennessee. Children were: Matilda BERTRAM, Rebecca BERTRAM, William BERTRAM, Mary BERTRAM, Henry Clay BERTRAM, Elizabeth BERTRAM, Margrett BERTRAM, Wilson BERTRAM. Westley BUTRAM15 was born in 1829 in Morgan Co., Tennessee. He died. Parents: William BUTTRAM and Rachael . Spouse: Mary Ann . William BUTRAM14,312 was born about 1735 in Baltimore Co., Maryland. He lived in Pittsylvania Co., VA in 1743. He lived in Rowan County, NC about 1750. William lived in Rich Fork Abbotts Cr. Rowan Co NC in 1783. He appeared in the census in 1790 in Rowan Co., North Carolina. He lived in Davidson Co (Out Of Orig Rowan Co) in 1793. William lived in Iredell County, NC in 1793. He lived in Hankins Br, S. Yadkin River, NC in 1795. He lived in Hankins Br, S. Yadkin River, NC in 1800. William lived in Hankins Br, S. Yadkin River, NC in 1801. He died after 1801 in Iredell Co., NC?. He died in 1806 in Lee County, VA. William lived in Rowan County, NC. A generous amount of information on this man, known as William I in this book, is found in the BUTTRAM FAMILY ASSOCIATION genealogy, published 1998 Library of Congress card 98-072518. It is believed he was born about 1735 and that his father was William Butteram (known as Will iam the Elder). The exact date that William I and Margaret Buttram arrived in Rowan County, NC is unknown, but records document him as being there by at least the 1750s. By 1793 he had moved to Iredell County, NC William Buttram Jr. had been born by 1759 and Wi lliam I was now using the title William, Sr. There may have been as many as 13 children by William Sr and his wife Margaret. A note in Jack Ferguson's well known book, EARLY TIMES IN CLINTON COUNTY(KY), VOL. I, states: "An article on Davis STOCKTON - Elizabeth BERTRAMin the Illinois State Genealogical Society Quarterly Vol. XIV, no. 3,Fall, 1982, identified him as the son of Peter Hargard STOCKTON. He wasborn in Clinton county. He married around 1827, Elizabeth BERTRAM,daughter of ANDREW BERTRAM, a Revolutionary War soldier who settled inthe present Wayne county. She was born in May, 1806 in North Carolina.During the Revolution the BERTRAM family lived a short distance fromwhere the battle of Cowpens* was fought, so that the firing could beheard easily while the battle was in progress. * Battle of Cowpens - At the Cowpens, a frontier pastureland, on January17, 1781, Daniel Morgan led his army of tough Continentals and backwoodsmilitia to a brilliant victory over Banastre Tarleton’s battle-hardenedforce of British regulars. Located in present-day Cherokee County, SouthCarolina north east of Spartanburg. The Cowpens National Battlefield Siteis just south and east of the town of Cliffside, in present dayRutherford Co., North Carolina and just south of present day ClevelandCo., North Carolina. As near as I can figure out from consulting the mapsavailable to me it is likely Elizabeth BUTTRAM'S family was living eitherin that portion of South Carolina where the Battle of Cowpens was fought,or over the North Carolina State Line, probably in what was then Rutherford Co., North Carolina. Until now it has been assumed they livedin Rowan or Iredell Counties in North Carolina about 1781. This was nineyears before William BUTTRAM, I, and Margaret were on the 1790 Census inRowan Co., North Carolina! However, it is believed that William andMargaret were in Rowan Co., North Carolina by January 28, 1776 when their oldest child, Elizabeth, married William PERLY there on Abbots Creek. There was only one BUTTRAM household in Rowan Co., North Carolina in1790. I believe it was that of William, I, and Margaret because their son, William BUTTRAM, II, had already moved to Iredell Co., NorthCarolina. Since only the head of the household was named and the age categories were very broad it is impossible to tell for certain who the other ten persons were who lived in that household. It may have been just William BUTTRAM, I, Margaret, and their children but it is possible it contained two married couples, the younger being a married son or daughter and their children. 1790 Rowan Co., North Carolina Federal Census: Microfim Image 0525; RollM637-7; page 177: William BUTREM - head of family - 2 3 6 0 0 2 males over 16, including head of family = Wm., I, and 1 more 3 males under 16, born 1774 - 1790 = Jacob (1775), Levi (1777), Seddy(1777) 6 free white females = Margaret, and 5 more William BUTTRAM, I, also relocated to Iredell Co., North Carolina by April 6, 1793 if he was the one referred to as William BUTRUM, Sr. in thefollowing deed. William BUTTRAM, II, of course, was there, but his son,William BUTTRAM/BERTRAM, III, was only 7 years old by 1793. However, the terms Sr. and Jr. did not necessarily refer to father and son in those days. The "Widow PARLEE" is believed to have been the same as Elizabeth BUTTRAM PERLEE, daughter of Margaret and William BUTTRAM, I. 1793 - April 6: Iredell Co., North Carolina Deeds 1788 - 1800, Book A- B:Peter KEETON to John LUND for 50 pounds, 140 acres adjacent to Elizabeth SLOAN, William BUTRUM, Sr., Widow PARLEE, and John SHARP. When THE BUTTRAM FAMILY ASSOCIATION out of Haleyville, Winston Co.,Alabama gave the designations I, II, and III, to three successive generations of men named William BUTTRAM/BUTRAM s.i.c. it was not yet known that there had been earlier men of this line named William BUTTRAMand none of the earlier geneations had yet been identified. These designations are so ingrained into genealogy research today that it is prudent to continue consistent with this method of identifying these three generations to prevent total confusion and chaos. It is to benoted, however, that these men did not use these Roman Numerals inreferring to themselves. According to "Topeka Jack" BURTRAM, in an article that appeared in the publication, BUTTRAM KITH & KIN, Vol. 2, No. 1, Spring 1985, this William(I) "This younger William BUTTRAM (I) grew up by the Bannister and SmithRivers, Virginia where he met and married Margaret. She, too, might have been from Pennsylvania. At any rate, William (I) and Margaret were married and in Rowan Co. , NC before 1759. They bought a farm on Rich'sFork of Abbot's Creek, about 2 miles northeast of Salisbury. They lived there many years, and raised their family there. They might have had as many as 14 children, some of which we have no trace. We do know something of 9 of these children and the descendants of some of them." In the 1985 article Jack named the nine known children as William (II -1759-1853), Margaret (1760-1787), Nicholas (1763-????), John (1765-1848),Andrew (1768-after 1800), Cornelius (1773-after 1810), Jacob(1775-1855), Levi (1777-after 1803), and James (????-????). More recent research in 2001 tends to indicate that at least three of the grown children of Margaret and William BUTTRAM, I, were in Wilkes Co.,North 1.) John BUTTRAM, son of William BUTTRAM, I, witnessed the marriage of 2.) Rachel PARLIER/PERLY, daughter of Elizabeth (BOUTTERAM/BUTTRAM) 3.) Another William BUTTRAM married Rachel KIDWELL there in 1802. (I 5.) Cornelius BUTTRAM "late of Wilkes Co., NC" sold land there in Wilkes Co., North Carolina bounded Iredell Co., N.C., which in turnbounded Rowan Co., N.C., so there were not great distances between. Descendants of Nicholas Buttram From Genealogy.com 5. WILLIAM6 BUTTRAM (WILLIAM5, JOHN4, WILLIAM3, NICHOLAS2, JOHN1)5,6 wasborn 1735 in Pittzlvania County Virginia, and died Bef. 1806 in , LeeCo., Virginia7. He married MARGARET. She was born 1740 in New BannisterVirginia8, and died Bef. 1784. Notes for WILLIAM BUTTRAM: It is believed that WILLIAM was born about 1735. No document has been found which proves the names of his parents , but it is thought that hemay be the son of an elder William Butteram (born 1706) who, when he was eight years old and with the consent of his father, John Butteram, bonded him self to Daniel Scott, the younger, in 1714 in Baltimore County,Maryland. This occurred one month after the death of John Butteram's wife, Elizabeth Westbury. John remarried Jane Mayer that same year, and was in Cecil County ,Maryland by 1727. William remained with the Scott family in BaltimoreCounty, Maryland and moved with them to Pittsylvania County, Virginia by1743. The exact date that William and Margaret Buttram arrived in RowanCounty, North Carolina is not known, but records document him as being there by at least the 1750's. A deed from Lord Granville to Joseph Tateon Jacobs Creek of the Daniel River "including Butrums's Camp," was written 17 December 1761. Until his death in 1763, Lord Granville, who lived in England, owned all of Rowan County, except for a small portion which was owned by Henry McCullough . The people who settled on vacantland own by Lord Granville, paid him rent which was collected byGranville's agents. In 1790, William sold 4 1/2 acres of this land to Christopher Attinger,and in 1791 he and his wife , Margaret, sold the remaining 195 1/2 acres to John Hiatt. By 1793, William and much of his family had moved to Iredell County, North Carolina. Deed book B, pages 47-49 show that Peter Keeton sold 140 acres to John Lund. This land adjoined the domiciles of,among others, "William Buttram, Sr. ". William began using "Sr." afterhis name about this time, because his son William Buttram, Jr., born 1759, who became 21 years of age in 1800, was beginning to enter into land transactions. Several other Iredell County deeds are recorded for membersof the Buttram family, but one indicates that William Buttram, Sr.,bought 200 acres from James Patterson on the north side of Hankin'sBranch of the South Yadkin River in 179 5. He sold 50 acres of this land to William Blankenship in 1800, and the remaining 150 acres to Joseph Rayin 1801. William's date of death is not known, and a record of his will has not been found. It is presumed that his wife , Margaret, listed inthe 1791 Rowan County deed, was the mother of his children, which mightnumber as many as 13. Children of WILLIAM BUTTRAM and MARGARET are: Spouse: Margaret . Children were: Elizabeth BOUTTERAM, William BUTRAM, Margaret BUTTRAM, Nicholas L. BUTTRAM, John BERTRAM, Andrew BERTRAM, James BUTTRAM, Cornelius BERTRAM, Jacob BUTTRAM, Levi BUTTRAM, Seedy BUTTRAM. ![]() William BUTRAM, II was a soldier in the Revolutionary War. He served as aPrivate a total of seven months. From his pension papers and censusrecords we know he was born in Rowan County, North Carolina and continuedliving there after marriage, and the birth of his first four children. His house in Rowan Co. was destroyed by fire and he then moved to IredellCo., N.C., where he remained for nineteen years. Census records show himin Iredell Co. in 1790 and 1800. He then moved to Lee Co., VA for about ten years. (An Andrew BUTRAM wasthere on the 1810 Federal Census and a William BUTTERN a.k.a. BUTTRAM?was on the 1810 Lee Co., VA Personal Property Tax List.) 1790 Iredell Co., North Carolina Federal Census; Microfilm Image 0551;Roll M637-7; Page 156: BUTERAM, William 1-3-3-0-0 1800 Iredell Co., North Carolina Census 1 male under 10 = Emsley A., b. abt. 1794 Nicholas and Jacob BUTTRAM had their own households in Iredell Co., NorthCarolina by the 1800 census. William BUTRAM, II, whom I sometimes refer to as "White County William",relocated to Wayne Co., KY about 1815/1816, but spent his last years inWhite Co., TN. 1820 Wayne Co., KY Census: There are two William BUTRAMs on page 98. Line 7 41001111011 (This is William BUTRAM/BERTRAM, III. 1830 Wayne Co., KY Census: There are three William BUTRAMs, one of whomis on page 222, and two on page 233, plus one Willis BUTTRAM, page 257. 1968 - The Sparta Chapter of the Daughters' of the American Revolutionplaced a Military Grave Marker on the grave of William BUTRAM, II. Theyear of death was incorrectly shown as 1848 instead of 1853. In a book called KENTUCKY KIN OF WAYNE COUNTY, compiled by Lois KennedyRobbins in 1979, there is the following on the foreward page from the late Marshall Bertram, Associate Professor of History at Tennessee Tech.:Aug. 28, 1970; "...One of my ancestors, William Bertram is mentioned as being one of the Revolutionary soldiers who settled in Wayne County. That is true, but he did not stay in Kentucky, but moved to White County,Tennessee in 1847 (probable date) to live with one of his daughters. He died in November 1853 at the age of 94. He is buried in the Bradley Cemetery, near Sparta. Two years ago I assisted the local DAR chapter in erecting a stone, furnished by the federal government, to mark his grave." "The Wayne County Kentucky Bertrams are descended from his son, William Bertram, who is buried in the Pleasant Hill Cemetery at Sunnybrook."(Wayne Co., KY) We don't know exactly when William moved to White Co., TN but it was earlier than Marshall's probable date of 1847. It was sometime between January 30, 1834, when he applied for a pension from Wayne Co., KY, and the time of the enumeration of the 1840 White Co., TN Census on which both he and his son, Willis, appeared. NOTE: Willis was on an 1833 TaxList in Wayne Co., KY, but none after that date. It is interesting that 1833 was the last year in which Silas KIDWELL appeared on a Wayne Co. Tax List as well, since he and a wife named Nancy were on the 1850 White Co.,TN Census two doors from William BUTRAM. Marshall BERTRAM believed that Silas Kidwell's second wife was Nancy BUTRAM, a daughter of "White County William", although no marriage record has been found. New research tends to disprove this. Looking at my notes I believe Silas KIDWELL was a step-grandson to Sarah (PATTERSON) andWilliam BUTRAM, II, and that he married Nancy MARSH. It is this Nancy MARSH who has been mistaken as the daughter of Sarah and William BUTRAM. (Anna Bertram notes) 1840 White Co., TN Census; Page 43; BUTRAM, William; 00000000001-000101 1 male 80-90, 1 female 15-20 -and- 1 female 30-40 This was near his son, Willis. The female age 15-20, born between 1820 -1825 in William's household in 1840 was Mary Louisa, a daughter of Willis and the same as the oldest girl listed in Willis's household onthe 1830 Wayne Co., KY Census. 1850 White Co., TN Census; hh #1420: BUTRAN, William 95, m, NC; Katy 45,f, KY; Mary 26, f, KY Marshall wrote to our daughter, Julie, Sept. 15, 1987: "He is buried in the Bradley Cemetery which is in a bend of the Calf Killer River about a half dozen miles above Sparta. This is a family cemetery and is locatedon southeast side of the river, which is across the river from State road 84, which is the road leading from Sparta to Monterey." "Farther up the road toward Monterey and on the east side of the road isthe France Cemetery where the Civil War hero or villain, Champ FERGUSON, is buried." This is also where Willis/William Champ BUTTRUM is buried, agreat-grandson of Sarah and William BUTRAM, II, who was the namesake oft he notorious Champ FERGUSON."
In the quarterly, BUTTRAM KITH & KIN, Vol. 9, No. 4, Winter 1993, page 8,there are thirteen possible children named (not necessarily in birthorder) I don't agree with some of the names in the list: I have also seen Nancy, born c. 1807, listed by some researchers butbelieve this is incorrect and will explain why in the family history. The 1790 Iredell Co., NC Census indicates there were two unknown females(of any age) in the household of William (and Sarah PATTERSON) BUTERAM,possibly unidentified daughters. The 1800 Irdell Co., NC Census indicates there were three females under10, born 1790 to 1800. Of these we only have the name of Sarah, bornabout 1792. Also it shows three born 1784 to 1790, and one born 1774 to1784. Based on these two census we believe there were several daughterswe have never identified that were born in North Carolina. Since theearly marriage records of Iredell Co., North Carolina were destroyed byan ignorant and over zealous public servant we may never know the namesof these daughters. MARRIAGES OF ROWAN CO., N.C.; Brent Holcomb; page 60rent Holcomb; page 60 Parents: William BUTRAM and Margaret . Spouse: Sarah PATTERSON. Children were: Nicholas BERTRAM, William BUTRAM, Jacob BERTRAM, John BERTRAM, Cornelius BERTRAM, Elijah BUTRAM, James BUTTRAM Rev., Andrew BUTRAM, Emsley A. BERTRAM, Willis BUTRAM, Catherine "Katy" BUTTRAM, Nancy BERTRAM, Sarah BUTTRAM. William BUTRAM was born on 17 June 1783 in Rowan Co., NC. He died on 28 October 1865. Moved to Lee County, VA, with his father about 1804;married Nancy Stinson in 1807. They arrived in Wayne County, KY, in 1809, settling in the Mt Pisgah. One of William's aunts and several of his uncles had moved to Wayne County in 1809. His father, also named William, came to Wayne County between 1814 and 1816 William and Nancy joined the Bethel Baptist Church at Parmleysville, KY, near Mt Pisgah. The old church record reads: "2nd Sat June 1812 Sister Nancy Buteram taken under watch care of the church." "2nd Sat July 1812 the letter of Sister Nancy Buterams care called for and read and approved. Brother William Buteram received by experience." "2nd Sat Sept 1812 Nancy Buteram received by letter." "2nd Sat Sept 1814 Brethren appointed to visit bro Wm Butram and inquire of him why he don't attend church meeting ...." "3rd Sat Aug 1815 Sister Catey Butteram received by experience." William moved to Lee County, Virginia with his father about 1804. Williamand his wife Nancy came to Wayne County, Kentucky about 1809 where he andNancy joined Bethel Baptist Church near Mt. Pisgah in 1812. In 1816William and in 1817 Nancy joined the Clear Fork Baptist Church. He waslicensed to preach in July 1838 at Clear Fork Baptist Church in what isnow Clinton County, Kentucky.Willam & Nancy, Joel & Elizabeth, Elijah &Camealy, Ephraim & Lourehamey, Jacob & Lourana, Ahiel & Rowena, William(J.?), Jonathan & Pheriba were among the charter members of Pleasant HillChurch in 1841. William and Nancy had 12 children, as recorded in the family bible pub. 1836. (Info from Mrs. Bryer and Flora E. Bertram ofSunnybrook, Kentucky who has acted as family historian and has preservedold family bibles and church records) Spouse: Nancy STINSON. Nancy STINSON and William BUTRAM were married on 19 February 1807. Children were: Joel BERTRAM, Mary BERTRAM "Polly", Elijah BERTRAM, Sarah BERTRAM "Sallie", Ephriam BERTRAM Rev, Jacob BERTRAM, Ahile BERTRAM, William C. BERTRAM III, Jonathan BERTRAM, John Calvin BERTRAM, Martin Luther BERTRAM, Nancy BERTRAM. William H. BUTRAM15 was born about 1825 in Wayne Co., Kentucky. He died after 1880 in Roane Co., Tennessee. WILLIAM is in the 1860 Cumberland Co., Tennessee Census, b u t his wife is not listed. She must have died before 186 0 . His children are listed. William is in the 1870 Bledsoe Co., Tenessee Census with h i s wife Nancy and the children from both marriages. He is in the 1880 Roane Co., Tennessee Census, #339-349, a n d listed as a railroad hand. On 6 August 1861 William BUTRAM accompanied Elijah Derosse t t and two of Elijah's sons from Cumberland Co. Tennesse e t o Livingston, Overton Co, Tennesse to join the Confeder acy . The men of Compnay A, 28th Infantry Regiment were kn ow n as "The Cumberland County Confederates". The William Butram who joined with the Derossetts initial l y was shown as age 30, but less than one year later on Ju l y 18, 1862 he was given a medical discharge and shown a s ag e 38. This William Butram, stated he was born in Wayn e Co . Kentucky. Source #20 Parents: Willis BUTRAM and Elisabeth . Spouse: Eleanor TAYLOR. Eleanor TAYLOR and William H. BUTRAM were married on 21 May 1850 in White Co., Tennessee. Spouse: Nancy . William Thomas BUTRAM13 was born on 27 August 1917 in Springville, St. Clair Co., Alabama. He died on 15 September 1979. He has reference number 169. Parents: Joseph Sanford BUTTRAM and Mae R. BUTTRAM. Spouse: Mary SIMMONS. Children were: Effie Mae BUTRAM, Joyce BUTTRAM, William Earl BUTTRAM, David Joe BUTTRAM, Gary Clyde BUTTRAM. Willis BUTRAM311 was born in 1797 in Chatham Co., NC?. He died about 1850 in White County, Tennessee. Willis relocated from Iredell County, North Carolina, To Wayne County, Kentucky with his father about 1815. After traveling a bit as a young man, he married, but no record of the marriage has been located. Willis was charged a Poll Tax in Rhea County, Tennessee in 1828 and again 1829. He shows on the 1830 Wayne County census and two of his children may have been born in Thea County. Later listed on the 1840 White County, Tenessee census on page 43. Willis either prededed or moved to White County, Tennessee with his father, William II, meaning three of William's children were with him during his old age. Spouse: Elisabeth . Elisabeth and Willis BUTRAM were married in 1820.19 Children were: James B. "Jim" BUTTRUM, Mary Louisa BUTRAM, William H. BUTRAM, Nancy BUTRAM, Sarah Jane BUTRAM, John BUTRAM, Jay Hugh BUTRAM, Catharine Butram BUTRAM, Jonathan "John" BUTRAM, John D BUTRAM. Zilpha BUTRAM15 was born in 1826 in Morgan Co., Tennessee. She died. Parents: James BUTTRAM and Gillie Or Tilly KEETON. Spouse: Andrew REED. Randall Eugene BUTRON (private). Parents: Betty Irene HANCOCK. Russell Lyn BUTRON (private). Parents: Betty Irene HANCOCK. Clarissa BUTRUM15 was born about 1825 in Barren Co., Kentucky. She was buried in Old Puncheon Creek Cemetery, Allen Co., Kentucky. Parents: William BUTRUM and Clerecy "Clara" LANE. Spouse: Alfred Dycus LAW. David A. BUTRUM15 was born about 1822 in Barren Co., Kentucky. He died. Parents: William BUTRUM and Clerecy "Clara" LANE. Spouse: Catherine HIBBITH. Delila BUTRUM15 was born about 1808 in Barren Co., Kentucky. She died. Parents: John BUTTRAM and Nancy HAMILTON. Hamilton BUTRUM15 was born about 1820 in Barren Co., Kentucky. He died. Parents: John BUTTRAM and Nancy HAMILTON. James L. BUTRUM15 was born about 1823 in Monroe Co., Kentucky. He died. Parents: William BUTRUM and Clerecy "Clara" LANE. Spouse: Sarah Jane MARTIN. Sarah Jane MARTIN and James L. BUTRUM were married on 12 August 1846 in Caldwell Co., Kentucky. Spouse: Margaret STEENBERGEN. Margaret STEENBERGEN and James L. BUTRUM were married on 5 October 1855 in Monroe Co., Kentucky. John BUTRUM15 was born about 1810 in Barren Co., Kentucky. He died. Parents: William BUTRUM and Clerecy "Clara" LANE. Spouse: Esther KIRBY. Esther KIRBY and John BUTRUM were married on 14 February 1834 in Monroe Co., Kentucky. Martha E. BUTRUM15 was born about 1827 in Tennessee. She died. Parents: John BUTTRAM and Nancy HAMILTON. Ota BUTRUM15 was born in 1806 in Wilkes Co., North Carolina. He died. Parents: William BUTRUM and Rachel KIDWELL. Spouse: Letitia . Letitia and Ota BUTRUM were married about 1827 in Monroe Co., Kentucky. Pleasant BUTRUM15 was born in September 1812 in Barren Co., Kentucky. He died on 13 February 1885 in Lafayette, Macon Co., Tennessee. He was buried in Underwood Cemetery. PLEASANT moved from Monroe Co., Kentucky and was in Smit h C o., Tennessee in 1840 and was in Macon Co., Tennessee i n 18 50 and was still there in the 1870 Census. Pleasant donated the land for the Underwood Cemetery in La f ayette, Macon County, Tennessee and he was the first pers o n to be buried there. A large fire had to be built to g e t the ground warm enough to dig his grave. Parents: William BUTRUM and Clerecy "Clara" LANE. Spouse: Lucinda "Lucy" DRIVER. Lucinda "Lucy" DRIVER and Pleasant BUTRUM were married about 1832 in Monroe Co., Kentucky. Spouse: Harriet V. CAGE. Rachel BUTRUM15 was born about 1820 in Barren Co., Kentucky. She died. Parents: William BUTRUM and Clerecy "Clara" LANE. Sarah BUTRUM15 was born about 1809 in Barren Co., Kentucky. She died. Parents: John BUTTRAM and Nancy HAMILTON. William BUTRUM15 was born about 1775 in Rowan Co NC. He died. Parents: Nicholas L. BUTTRAM and Betsey . Spouse: Clerecy "Clara" LANE. Clerecy "Clara" LANE and William BUTRUM were married in 1809 in Barren Co., Kentucky. Children were: John BUTRUM, Pleasant BUTRUM, Rachel BUTRUM, David A. BUTRUM, James L. BUTRUM, Clarissa BUTRUM. Spouse: Rachel KIDWELL. Rachel KIDWELL and William BUTRUM were married on 6 May 1802 in Wilkes Co., North Carolina. Children were: Ota BUTRUM. William BUTRUM15 was born about 1815 in Barren Co., Kentucky. He died. Parents: John BUTTRAM and Nancy HAMILTON. William Solomon BUTRUM15 was born about 1825 in Wayne Co., Tennessee. He died. WILLIAM served as a corporal in Company F, 48th Tennesse e I nfantry - CSA, during the Civil War. Parents: John BUTTRAM and Nancy HAMILTON. Spouse: Malinda THOMAS. Malinda THOMAS and William Solomon BUTRUM were married on 9 February 1857 in Wayne Co., Tennessee. Samuel BUTT (private). Spouse: Elizabeth SWEARINGEN. John BUTTERUM14 was born in 1610 in England. JOHN Butterum came to America with William Reynolds in 1637 . Soruce #19 Spouse: Ann BANKS. Spouse: Ann BANKS. Children were: Nicholas BUTTERUM. Nicholas BUTTERUM13,14,312 was born about 1640 in Maryland. He was born about 1640 in , , Maryland. He died on 30 October 1686 in Calvert Co., Maryland. Nicholas died on 30 October 1686 in , Calvert Co., Maryland. On 14 June 1680 Lord Baltimore granted to NICHOLAS Buttram a parcel of land containing 400 acres. This land went to Nicholas' son William. These earliest known generations of BUTTRAMS are the work and research of"Topeka" Jack and his brother, the late Karl BURTRAM. I knew them bothpersonally through the Family Reunions we attended with them inHaleyville, Winston Co., Alabama. Descendants of Nicholas Buttram From Genealogy.com Generation No. 1 1. NICHOLAS2 BUTTRAM (JOHN1)1 died 1686 in MD. He married JANE PARKER. Child of NICHOLAS BUTTRAM and JANE PARKER is: From the Archives of Maryland at Annapolis, Maryland as researched by thelate Karl M. BURTRAM for his brother, Jack BURTRAM, of Topeka, Kansas: BUTTRAM, Nicholas, m. by 13 Nov 1679, Elizabeth, widow of AndrewHENDERSON and mother of Roger MOORE (ARMD 51:303) SHEREDINE, Jeremiah, m. by 2 Aug 1687, Jane, widow and admx. of NicholasBUTRAM of CV Co. (INAC 9:358) Inventories and Accounts Were these two different men named Nicholas BUTRAM or BUTTRAM? On 14 June 1680 Lord Baltimore granted to NICHOLAS Butt r a m a parcel of land containing 400 acres. This land des ce nd ed to Nicholas' son William. Source #19 The connection of Nicholas to John Butterum is not prove n . They are just in the right place at the right time to c os ider the relationship. On 14 June 1680 Lord Baltimore granted to NICHOLAS Butt r a m a parcel of land containing 400 acres. This land des ce nd ed to Nicholas' son William. Source #19 The connection of Nicholas to John Butterum is not prove n . They are just in the right place at the right time to c os ider the relationship. Parents: John BUTTERUM and Ann BANKS. Spouse: UNKNOWN. Children were: William BUTTERUM. Spouse: Jane PARKER. Spouse: Elizabeth HENDERSON. William BUTTERUM14,312 was born in 1663 in Pennsylvania Or Maryland. He died before 14 August 1713 in Charles Co., Maryland. Descendants of Nicholas Buttram From Genealogy.com 2. WILLIAM3 BUTTRAM (NICHOLAS2, JOHN1)1 died Bef. August 14, 1713. Notes for WILLIAM BUTTRAM: I have come to the conclusion that John Butterum who came to this countrywith William Reynolds in 1637 is the man we are looking for. On August15, 1637 William Reynolds was granted 200 acres of land in thetransportation of four persons; Morris Jones, Richard Pew, John Butterumand Ann Banks in Charles River County, VA which became York County in1642. I have no further trace of this John Butterum that came with Reynolds,but a Nicholas Butterum showed up in Calvert Co., MD by Jan. 23,1671. Hewas prominent in Calvert County for the next 15 years, until he died in1686, leaving a widow and an unknown number of children. I believe thisNicholas Butterum was a son of John Butterum who had come to this countrywith William Reynolds in 1637 because he was in the right place, at theright time, and with the right name. There were many traces of Butterum/Buttram families in the area between1637 and 1730. During the eighty or so years that Buttrams were inEastern MD, they moved from Calvert Co. in the south to Cecil Co. on thePenn. Border , next to Lancaster Co. This could be important because ifhave been told the William Buttram who went to Pittsylvania, Co BA in1739 came form Pennsylvania. The name Butterum was changing to Buttram and other variations during thetime these people were in MD. Nicholas Butterum was known as NicholasButtram in some of the later records in MD. Butterum was being used less,and Buttram more and more during the time these people were in MD.Nicholas Butterum had a son William who made a Will in 1692 in CharlesCo. MD. This William Buttram died before Aug. 14,1713. I believe thisWilliam was the father of John Buttram who was a prominent in the yearsbetween 1714 and 1727. Now we come to John Buttram who is listed in 12 transactions in EasternMD between 1701 and 1727. Johns name was spelled Butterum 4 times,Buttram once, Buttrum Twice and Burtram five times in the those 12transactions. John Buttram first married Elizabeth Westbury and they hadat least one child, William Buttram, born in 1706. Elizabeth died on May7th, 1714. In June of 1714, William Buttram , aged 8, was bound to DanielScott the Younger, and his wife Elizabeth, with the consent of hisfather, John. John Buttram then married Jane Mayer and the recordsindicate that they were in Cecil Co., MD by 1715. I believe that Johnlived in that area the remainder of his life Child of WILLIAM BUTTRAM is: Children were: John BUTTRAM. BUTTRAM (private). Parents: Levi BUTTRAM and Elizabeth "Eliza" BEDWELL. Aheil "Heil" BUTTRAM Rev.15 was born on 12 September 1795 in Rowan Co., North Carolina. He died on 30 May 1867 in Mcminn Co., Tennessee. He was buried in Buttram Chapel, Methodist Church Cemetery. Parents: Jacob BUTTRAM and Julia Ann KEETON. Spouse: Mary "Polly" HURT. Mary "Polly" HURT and Aheil "Heil" BUTTRAM Rev. were married on 2 April 1818 in Wayne Co., Kentucky. Children were: Calvin BUTTRAM, Lavinia Carroll "Vincy" BUTTRAM, Degenira BUTTRAM, James G. BUTTRAM, Moses K. BUTTRAM, John Grant BUTTRAM, Jane BUTTRAM, Julia Melissa BUTTRAM, Rebecca E. BUTTRAM, William Asbury BUTTRAM, Jacob M. BUTTRAM, Nancy Ann BUTTRAM, Mary C. BUTTRAM, Sarah E. BUTTRAM. Alma Thelma Joyce BUTTRAM (private). Parents: George Emerson BUTTRAM and Beulah Elizabeth KING. Spouse: Melborn SLAYTON. Amanda Lanette BUTTRAM (private). Parents: Richard Allen BUTTRAM and Judy PORTER. |