Home Surname List Name Index Sources | John COPELAND89 was born on 4 March 1795 in Jefferson County, Tennessee.90 He died on 16 February 1878.90 Parents: Solomon COPELAND and Rebecca DAVIS. Spouse: Anna SEWELL. Children were: Emily Jane COPELAND, Martin M. COPELAND, Martha E. COPELAND, Rebecca COPELAND, Isaac Newton COPELAND, William Jasper COPELAND, Joseph T. COPELAND, Francis Marion COPELAND, Thomas Jefferson COPELAND. Spouse: Susannah SEWELL. Children were: Pleasant COPELAND, Eliza COPELAND, James COPELAND, Mary COPELAND, John COPELAND, Sarah COPELAND, Frances COPELAND. John COPELAND89 was born in 1841.90 Parents: James Richardson COPELAND and Sally HYDER. Spouse: Adeline FERRILL. Children were: Maywood COPELAND, Abe COPELAND, Eva COPELAND, Laura COPELAND. John COPELAND210 was born about 1857. He was educated on 5 April 1998.325 He died. Parents: John Matthew COPELAND and Malvina SWAFORD. John B. COPELAND210 was born in 1854 in Overton County, Tennessee.325 He was educated on 5 April 1998.325 He died. Parents: James S. COPELAND and Nancy A. COPELAND. John Bailey COPELAND26,27 was born in June 1885 in Overton County, Tennessee. Parents: William Richard COPELAND and Julia A. JONES. Spouse: Christine XXXXX. Children were: Charley COPELAND, Mary COPELAND, Living COPELAND, Living COPELAND. John Benjamin COPELAND (private). Parents: James Granville COPELAND and Polly Denby EDGE. Spouse: Dora JOHNSON. John Forrester COPELAND89 was born in 1835.90 Parents: Moses Wilkerson COPELAND and Nancy WEBB. John Fred COPELAND68 was born on 2 September 1914 in Maries County, Missouri. He died on 25 September 1965 in Union, MO. He was buried in Union, MO. Parents: John H. COPELAND and Martha RUSSELL. John H. COPELAND89 was born in 1831.90 Parents: Solomon COPELAND and Malinda SAMPLES. John H. COPELAND68 was born on 8 August 1881 in Maries County, Missouri. He died in February 1947 in Union, MO. He was buried in Union, MO. Parents: John Richard COPELAND and Virginia Ellen BISHOP. Spouse: Martha RUSSELL. Martha RUSSELL and John H. COPELAND were married on 31 December 1902 in Maries County, Missouri. Children were: Joseph Dainey COPELAND, Richard Dewey COPELAND, Alfred Otto COPELAND, Arnold Onie COPELAND, John Fred COPELAND, William Woodrow COPELAND, Living COPELAND. John L. COPELAND89 was born in 1807.90 He died in 1875.90 Spouse: Mary Ann COPELAND. John Matthew COPELAND210 was born in 1828 in Overton County, Tennessee.325 He died in 1882 in Overton County, Tennessee.325 He was educated on 31 March 1998.325 Parents: James R. COPELAND and Elizabeth SWALLOWS. Spouse: Malvina SWAFORD. Reference Number:256025Children were: William COPELAND, John COPELAND, Jeff COPELAND, Mary COPELAND, Liz COPELAND, Priley COPELAND, Joseph T COPELAND. John Preston COPELAND17 was born on 17 July 1856 in Johnson, Arkansas. He died on 11 December 1927 in TX. Spouse is nancy A. Castellow. Parents: Esau S. COPELAND and Elizabeth M. BILBREY. Spouse: Nancy A. CASTELLOW. Nancy A. CASTELLOW and John Preston COPELAND were married on 18 May 1880 in Usa. Children were: William A. COPELAND, Ada COPELAND, Ida E. COPELAND, James P. COPELAND, Addie COPELAND, Elton J. COPELAND, Otha M. COPELAND, Living COPELAND. John R. COPELAND68,89 was born on 26 April 1819 in Jefferson County, Tennessee.90 He was born on 26 April 1819 in Jefferson County, Tennessee. He died on 27 October 1876 in Maries County, Missouri.90 John died on 27 October 1876 in Maries County, Missouri. He was buried in Maries County, Missouri. Parents: William M. COPELAND and Martha Elizabeth TAFF. Spouse: Mary America WISEMAN. Mary America WISEMAN and John R. COPELAND were married on 20 December 1838 in Gasconade County, MO. Children were: John Richard COPELAND, Mary COPELAND, Eliza J COPELAND, William M. COPELAND, Francis M. COPELAND, Calvin C. COPELAND, Albert Wiseman COPELAND, Myra D. COPELAND, Telitha COPELAND, Matilda R. COPELAND. John Richard COPELAND68 was born on 16 January 1859 in Maries County, Missouri. He died on 10 October 1949 in Maries County, Missouri. He was buried in Vienna Public Cemetary, Maries County, MO. Parents: John R. COPELAND and Mary America WISEMAN. Spouse: Virginia Ellen BISHOP. Virginia Ellen BISHOP and John Richard COPELAND were married on 10 August 1879 in Maries County, Missouri. Children were: John H. COPELAND, Dora Lee COPELAND, Bunyan Monroe COPELAND, Oscar Davenport COPELAND, Adam Eugene COPELAND, Martha Missouri COPELAND, Sylvia V. COPELAND, Belvia I. COPELAND, Lela E. COPELAND. Joseph COPELAND (private). Parents: James Richardson COPELAND and Sally HYDER. Spouse: Dora GARDENHIRE. Children were: Thomas COPELAND, Quinn COPELAND, Andrew COPELAND, Richardson COPELAND, Shirley COPELAND, Gentry COPELAND, Cassie COPELAND, Eliza COPELAND, Callie COPELAND. Joseph COPELAND was born in 1670 in Isle Of Wight Co. VA. He died on 22 August 1726 in Chuckatuck, VA. JOSEPH COPELAND 384 Born: CA 1670 in Isle of Wight Co., Virginia - probably later if he is a minor in 1694 Parents: Nicholas Copeland & Elizabeth Taberer Married: Mary Woodley about 1694 in Virginia -daughter of Andrew Woodley Children Married To Born Died Died: Aug. 22, 1726 at Chuckatuck, VA Was when the appraisal of his estate was made. Buried: same place He was evidently connected with the Military, in which lie must have gained some distinction; since he bequeathed his silver mounted sword and silver cup to his eldest son John Copeland. He is mentioned in the will of Major Thomas Taberer (his grandfather) written on 24th of Jan., 1692. "and a feather bed I lie on usually to gr. son Joseph Copeland' & "to John Numan the enjoyment of my plantation till gr. son Joseph Copeland comes to age to make no waste upon it and to keep Joseph to school at his own charge till he can write and cipher sufficiently;' INFORMATION ON HIS CHILDREN: John - His estate was ordered appraised Nov. 22, 1736 and on Oct. 24, 1738 "Paid Thomas his part of his fathers estate." It would appear that he never married. Nicholas (see separate page) Thomas Copeland married Holland Applewaite, daughter of Thomas in 1735, they had children: Thomas Ca 1730; Joseph Ca 1738; Mary(Whitefield) Ca 1729; Martha (Summerell) Ca 1727; Sarah (Duck) Ca 1732; I-,-riiiie (Parker) Ca 1723; & Samuel Ca 1746. (It would appear these dates should be earlier than this?) Not much is known about son William - in his will made Nov. 11, 1789 in Chatham County, N.C. lie mentions his sons Richard & John and his wife but not by name. Elizabeth is mentioned in her fathers will. She is also mentioned in the will of John Woodley, that if his children were to die without heirs their estate to go to Elizabeth Copeland. This may indicate that she may have been unmarried and incapacitated in some way. James - There is a record of a will of Robert Johnson who died Jan. 24, 1761 mentions daughter Martha and son-in-lai-i James Copeland. He is not mentioned in Joseph's will. Will of Joseph Copeland 'In the name of God, Amen. February the 25tli, 1725-G": To wife nary Copeland one negro woman, her riding horse, saddle and bridle; to son John Copeland one negro boy Robin, my pistol holsters, and silver-iiilted sword; to son John 3 hhds. tob. shipped on board Capt. Murren to purchase a still of 45 gallons and all necessaries belonging to a still, and if the tobacco sent does not clear the still, son John to pay remainder out of his estate, my wife having half the use of the still during tier life; to dau. Elizabeth Copeland two negroes -a girl and boy,--and one gold ring, the poesie being "As God decreed, we agreed"; to son Thomas two negro girls, my silver headed caine; residue of crops and provisions to be for support of wife and family, and remainder of my estate to be equally divided between wife and children after payment of just debts. Dated 28 Feb, 1726. Witness: Richard Webb, John Lumpo. Proven July 25, 1726. Teste, James Ingil, C.C.
Spouse: Mary WOODLEY. Children were: Nicholas COPELAND. Joseph COPELAND89 was born in 1728 in Chatham County, North Carolina.90 He died on 11 June 1816 in White Pine, Jefferson County, Tennessee.90 JOSEPH COPELAND
Parents: Nicholas Copeland & Nancy Lott Married: Sarah Seehorn (Seahorn) (Sehorn) I have not been able to find who came up with the information she was a Sehorn. It may not be true. There was a person named Sehorn who was executor of Joseph's will. Their daughter Mary named a son John Seehorn Allen Children Married Born Died Ricketts Mary (Polly) - ca 1778 before Sept.30,1844 Solomon Rebecca Davis ca 1772 ca 1822 Died: ca 1816 Buried: Jefferson County, Tenn There has been no proof found that Joseph is the son of Nicholas, some researchers have thought him to be the son of Charles. He did name a son Nicholas but never named one Charles. He acquired a piece of property granted to Nicholas whether by inheritance or otherwise. He lived in Chatham N.C. early in life and all his children were born there, moving to Jefferson County, TN in 1783. His will was made Aug. 10, 1799 and was interred in court June Session of 1816. CHATHAM COUNTY,, NORTH CAROLINA June 29, 1771 (P. 51) Thomas Blyth sold to Joseph Copeland - 52 pds. 122 a. on the North side of Haw River 'concluding an Island". Wit: William Copeland, John Blyth, Jacob Vaughn. Signed by: Thomas (X) Blyth. Oct. 1, 1771 (P.5) - Joseph Copeland sold to Thomas Tucker - 55 pds. 122 a. on the North side of Haw River,, concluding and island -it be in the land granted by deed to the said Joseph Copeland by Thomas Blyth bearing date 1771. Wit: William Copeland, Senr., John (x) Bohannon. Signed: Joseph (E) Copeland. Feb. 18,, 1774 (P. 216) - Joseph Copeland and Sarah his wife to William Clark - 125 pds. - 27 1/2 a. - a tract of land granted to a certain Nicholas Copeland - - being one half of the survey granted to aforesaid Nicholas Plan - - being the land and Plantation whereon Josiah Copeland formerly lived. Wit: John Auld,, George Glasscock, George Herndon. JEFFERSON COUNTY TENNESSEE Joseph Copeland was one of the first settlers to come to Jefferson County, TN coming there in 1783 with eight other settlers. He settled seven miles north of Danridge on the South side of the French Broad (River). He later owned 640 acres of land. October 12, 1793 - Knoxville Gazette - (newspaper article) On the 3rd, , a party of Indians, consisting of 30, plundered the house of Mr. Copeland on the South bank of French Broad, the family only a few minutes before passed over to the North side and were eye witnesses to their number and depredation. INFORMATION ON CHILDREN Stephen settled in Overton County, TN in spring of 1799 and is shown on records as Col. Stephen Copeland. He married Jane Townsen and had children: Zacheus shows be fought in Rev. War in the N.C. line, must have been near the end of the war for he would have been 14 years old when it started. The only known child of his is Hamilton, although there were probably several others. Ricketts (Richard) is shown spelled several different ways, not known if the original documents are not deciphered properly or if they are nick names, and many researchers have thought they were the same person. However, it seems quite evident that there was a Richard and a Ricketts; Richard married Margaret Hartsaw and lived in Overton County while Ricketts moved to Madison & Limestone Counties,, Alabama, , and later to Miss. Ricketts wife is shown on census as Polly. He is on census record in Alabama. He probably died in Oktibbeha County, , MS. before Sept. 1844. He had several children, the two known children were: Nicholas married Dorcas Mathes on Jan. 31, 1797 in Jefferson County. Lived in Jackson County, Ark. until ca 1834. Died May 1845 in Robertson
Mary Copeland (was supposedly born in Surry Co. , No C* ) married William Solomon - see separate sheet
In the name of God, amen. The 10th day of August one thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine, I, Joseph Copeland, of Jefferson County and State of Tennessee, being weakly in body but of perfect mind and memory, thanks be given to almighty God, therefor calling unto mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men onst to die, I do make and ordain this my last will and testament. That is to say, principally and first of all, I give and recommend my soul into the hands of Almighty God that gave it, and my body I recommend to the earth to be buried in a decent Christian burial at the discretion of my Executors, nothing doubting but at the general resurrection I shall receive the same again by the mighty promise of God and as touching such worldly estate wherewith it has pleased God to help me with in this life. I desire Imprimis, I give and bequeath unto my dearly beloved wife Sarah Copeland the third of three hundred acres of land, the lower end of my plantation, with all my moveable property estate as long as she continues my widow. Item: I give unto my beloved Stephen Copeland, the sum of five shilling I likewise constitute, make, and ordain my dearly beloved wife and my beloved friend, John Seahorn, my joint executors of this my last will and testament, and I do hereby alterly disallow, revoke, and disannual all and every former testaments, wills, legacies, bequeaths, and executors by me if any was before named, willed, and bequeathed, ratifying, and confirming by this and no other to be my last will and testament. It witness whereof, I have here unto set my hand and seal the day and year above written. Signed, sealed, published, pronounced, and declared by the said Joseph Joseph IC Copeland
State of Tennessee Then was the last will and testament of Joseph Copeland, deceased duly proven in Open Court by the oaths of George Graham and Reuben Dobkins, two of the subscribing witnesses to the same and ordered to be recorded.
One of the first settlers in Jefferson County, Tennessee, Joseph Copeland settled 7 miles above Dandridge on the south side of the French Broad River where he had a land grant of 640 acres in 1782. Ramsey, The Annals of Tennessee. 1798 - party of 30 Cherokees plundered the home of Joseph COPELAND on the south bank of the French Broad River. The Copeland family escaped by crossing the river and watching the plunder of their home. Carter, The Territorial Papers of the U.S., v. IV, 1790-1796. Parents: Nicholas COPELAND and Nancy LOTT. Spouse: Sarah SEAHORN. Sarah SEAHORN and Joseph COPELAND were married about 1755.90 Children were: W. F. T. COPELAND, Joseph Steven Calvin COPELAND Col., Zacheus COPELAND, Richard COPELAND, Isabel COPELAND, Solomon COPELAND, Susannah COPELAND, Elizabeth COPELAND, Nicholas COPELAND Col., Mary COPELAND. Joseph COPELAND89 was born about 1799.90 He died about 1851 in Leon County, Texas.90 Parents: Nicholas COPELAND Col. and Tores Dorcas MATHES. Joseph COPELAND89 was born in 1801 in Jefferson County, Tennessee.90 He died in Vernon County, Missouri.90 Parents: Solomon COPELAND and Rebecca DAVIS. Joseph COPELAND68 was born in March 1824 in JeffersonCounty, Tennessee. He died in 1877 in Maries County, Missouri. He was buried in Maries County, Missouri. Parents: William M. COPELAND and Martha Elizabeth TAFF. Spouse: Lydia Ann CARNES. Joseph COPELAND89 was born in 1842.90 He died in Pulaski County, Missouri.90 Parents: Solomon COPELAND and Malinda SAMPLES. Joseph COPELAND209 was born on 14 June 1881. He died on 5 January 1906. Parents: Josiah Fort COPELAND and Elizabeth (Betty) Fisher GLENN. Joseph "Josiah" Franklin COPELAND26,27 was born on 28 July 1868 in Overton County, Tennessee.212 He died on 21 August 1938 in Christian County, Missouri. Parents: George Andrew Jackson COPELAND and Emeline Frances WALKER. Spouse: Annie Catherine HORTON. Annie Catherine HORTON and Joseph "Josiah" Franklin COPELAND were married on 8 June 1899 in Greene County, Missouri. They were married on 8 June 1899 in Christian County, Misssouri.212 Children were: Ellis Shird COPELAND, George Jefferson COPELAND, Phillip Benjamin COPELAND. Joseph Anderson COPELAND89 was born in 1821 in Tennessee.90 He died on 27 January 1865 in Wainsboro, Georgia.90 [copeland.FTW] Served in the 25th TN. Co. H. in the Confederacy during the Civil War. He was wounded at Wainsboro, GA and died in a hospital there. Parents: Joseph Jefferson COPELAND and Hannah Thatcher WARD. Spouse: Sarah GORE. Children were: Sarah COPELAND, Mary COPELAND, Sarafine COPELAND, Franklin P. COPELAND. Joseph Dainey COPELAND68 was born on 30 November 1906 in Maries County, Missouri. He was buried in April 1981 in Union, MO. He died on 17 April 1981 in Union, MO. Parents: John H. COPELAND and Martha RUSSELL. Spouse: Effie Myrtle STOWE. Effie Myrtle STOWE and Joseph Dainey COPELAND were married about 1928 in Missouri. Children were: Herbert Dainey COPELAND, Living COPELAND, William Lewis COPELAND. Spouse: Viola BREEDEN. Viola BREEDEN and Joseph Dainey COPELAND were married about 1955 in Union , MO. Joseph F COPELAND210 was born on 5 December 1854 in Williamson County, Texas Formed 1848 From Milam County.325 He died on 10 November 1913 in Williamson County, Texas Formed 1848 From Milam County.325 He was educated on 6 April 1998.325 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE:Will Written]325 Parents: Jefferson Madison COPELAND and Mary Ann COPELAND. Joseph J COPELAND210 was born in 1858 in Overton County, Tennessee.325 He was educated on 5 April 1998.325 He died. Parents: James S. COPELAND and Nancy A. COPELAND. Joseph Jefferson COPELAND89 was born in 1783 in Jefferson, Tennessee.90 He died on 27 April 1857 in Overton County, Tennessee.90 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE:Nickname] [copeland.FTW] Strongest man in Tennessee. Legendary. 1850 Overton County Census TN 8 687 688 Copeland Joseph 67 M Farmer 3,000 Tenn. Spouse: Hannah Thatcher WARD. Children were: Louisa COPELAND, Unknown COPELAND, James Richardson COPELAND, Jefferson Madison COPELAND, Moses Wilkerson COPELAND, Stephen Harrison COPELAND, Joseph Anderson COPELAND, William Allison\Ellison COPELAND, Solomon Addison COPELAND, Sally COPELAND. ![]() Joseph Steven Calvin COPELAND Col.89,468 was born about 1756 in Chatham, North Carolina.90 He owned obtained property on 11 December 1812 in Overton County, Tennessee.469 11 DEC 1812, registered in Overton County. State of Tennessee, #3791; by virtue of a part of Certificate #137 dated 24 Nov 1808 obtained from the Commissioner of West Tennessee by Stephen COPELAND and entered 28 Feb 1809 by #19 as an occupant claim under the Act of 1807; there is granted by the State of Tennessee unto John SEAHORN, assignee of Stephen COPELAND, a parcel of land containing 198 ¾ acres in Overton County, 3rd district, on the west fork of Obeds River, including where Allden BYRUM now lives; beginning on a line with Isaac CARLOCK, thence to the foot of a spur of Cumberland Mountain, along the mountain with a line of Benjamin WALKER.....to line of Wm. SMITH. Surveyed 25 Aug 1808 by James CHISSUM. Signed by Governor Willie BLUNT at Knoxville on 4 Mar 1812. He died on 19 June 1833 in Copeland Cove, Overton, Tennessee.90 [copeland.FTW] One of the first settlers in Overton County, Tennessee. Fought in the War of 1812 and the American Revolution. Laid out the plans for the Roaring River Baptist Church. Jefferson County, Tennessee received its first contingent families as early as 1783. Among these settlers were Joseph Copeland. Joseph was married to Sarah Seehorn and one of their nine children was Stephen Copeland, later to become Colonel Stephen Copeland. Stephen was born in 1756 probably in North Carolina and was married to Jane Townsend. He and his son Joseph, left Jefferson county and came to the wilderness now known as Overton County. It has been reported they planted the first corn crop in the area . After their crop was harvested they went back to Jefferson County only to return with the rest of the family. Shortly, after returning to Overton County, Stephen and Jane had a son, Solomon. He was to be the first white child born in this new wilderness. In 1808, Stephen Copeland was issued a land grant for 5,000 acres. From the Windle Community, he and his family settled in the Okalona Community near the Roaring River. He did not know that he had settled over the Indian line. In time, however, he made friends with Nettle Carrier, chief of a band of Cherokees in the area. It is reported that Nettle Carrier and Colonel Copeland became very good friends and often went hunting togerher. Before 1805, Colonel Copeland laid out and helped to build the long-gone Roaring River Baptist Church. The poplar log structure was said to have had twelve comers; each representing the twelve disciples. It was built in the form of a cross with a square in the middle. On April 19, 1823 Colonel Stephen Copeland for the consideration of sixteen dollars and twenty-five cents sold three acres, including the Roaring River Church to the Roaring River Baptist Association. It is believed this land was in the borders of the land grant received from the state. At the present day, the church has been torn down and the only part left is some of the corner stones at the edges of the tree-grown cemetery. In 1813 Colonel Copeland presented a petition to the Tennessee General Assembly, seeking permission to form a company of 500 mounted men to fight the British and Indians in the War of 1812. It was so granted and he commanded the Third Tennessee Regiment. He served both in the American Revolution and War of 1812 and was very influential in the early history of Overton County. The exact death of Colonel Stephen is not known; however, he died sometime after 1833 and before 1840 and it is said his grave is in the Roaring River Cemetery. However, his grave is unmarked and may not be located as the cemetery has not been kept and a road has made through it. The early Copelands had large families ranging from 9-17 children; and thus, the Copeland descendents of many names are populated throughout Overton, Pickett, and surrounding counties. I am one of the descendents living in Pickett County. Written and Submitted by Joyce Copeland South. Parents: Joseph COPELAND and Sarah SEAHORN. Spouse: Sarah Jane TOWNSEND. Children were: Octavia COPELAND, Stephen Washington Jr. COPELAND, Mary Ann COPELAND, Townsend COPELAND, Joseph Jefferson COPELAND, Sarah COPELAND, Agnes COPELAND, Amelia Elizabeth COPELAND, Solomon COPELAND, Richard COPELAND, James COPELAND, William B. COPELAND. Joseph T COPELAND210 was born on 28 November 1878 in Overton County, Tennessee.325 He died on 25 May 1951 in Overton County, Tennessee.325 He was educated on 5 April 1998.325 Parents: John Matthew COPELAND and Malvina SWAFORD. Joseph T. COPELAND89 was born on 16 November 1840.90 He died on 4 January 1923.90 Parents: John COPELAND and Anna SEWELL. Josiah COPELAND was born WFT Est. 1787-1807.80 He died WFT Est. 1821-1893.80 Spouse: Mary (Marian) MAYFIELD. Mary (Marian) MAYFIELD and Josiah COPELAND were married WFT Est. 1818-1846.80 Children were: Mahala COPELAND. Josiah "Josar" COPELAND1 was born in 1782. He died in Overton County, Tennessee. Parents: Joel (Josiah) COPELAND and Sarah Ann BILBREY. Spouse: Hannah SUTTON. Children were: Richard COPELAND. Josiah F. COPELAND89 was born on 5 December 1855.90 He died on 10 November 1913 in Liberty Hill, Williamson, Texas.90 He was buried in Perry Cemetery, Liberty Hill, Williamson, TX.90 Parents: Jefferson Madison COPELAND and Mary Ann COPELAND. Josiah Fort COPELAND209 was born on 1 January 1822. He died on 19 February 1895 in Corinth, Heard Co., GA. Parents: Richard COPELAND and Margaret Peggy HARTSOE. Spouse: Margaret Ann Esther DEADWYLER. Children were: Lasthenia Hasseltine COPELAND, James Alexander COPELAND, Martha Josephine COPELAND. Spouse: Nancy Pierce BROWN. Children were: Christopher Brown COPELAND, Mollie COPELAND, William Thomsa COPELAND, Ruth Eliza COPELAND, Sallie Fannie COPELAND. Spouse: Elizabeth (Betty) Fisher GLENN. Children were: Joseph COPELAND, Walter Wisdon "Pete" COPELAND, Elizabeth COPELAND. Josiah L. COPELAND (private). Spouse: Sarah Ann SPECK. Children were: Mary Etta COPELAND, Joe Martin COPELAND. Josiah S. COPELAND17 was born about 1788 in Of Overton, Tennessee. Spouse: Mary BILBREY. Josiah Sellers COPELAND26,27,210 was born on 27 February 1839 in Overton County, Tennessee. He died on 12 April 1864 in In the Civil War. Parents: Philip COPELAND and Obedience "Biddie" COX. Joyce COPELAND (private). Parents: Richardson COPELAND and BERDELLA. Kenneth COPELAND (private). Parents: Richardson COPELAND and BERDELLA. L.B. COPELAND17 was born on 7 February 1875. He died on 16 June 1879. Parents: William C. COPELAND and Lucy BOATRIGHT. Larkin COPELAND26,27 was born on 18 April 1872 in Overton County, Tennessee. He was in Teacher in Overton, Tennessee. Parents: Fredric Francis Marion COPELAND Rev and Rebecca WILSON. Larkin Allred COPELAND210 was born in 1858 in Overton County, Tennessee.325 He was educated on 5 April 1998.325 He died. Parents: James S. COPELAND and Nancy A. COPELAND. Larkin Cox COPELAND26,27,210 was born on 22 July 1829 in Overton County, Tennessee. He died in 1889 in Tennessee. He was in Blacksmith in Overton County, Tennessee.
Spouse: Amanda C. XXXXX. Children were: George Washington COPELAND, James Larkin COPELAND, Pauline E. COPELAND. Larkin T. COPELAND26,27 was born in March 1893 in Overton County, Tennessee. Parents: James Larkin COPELAND and Roxina CRABTREE. Children were: Eunice COPELAND, Living COPELAND. Lasthenia Hasseltine COPELAND209 was born in 1846. Parents: Josiah Fort COPELAND and Margaret Ann Esther DEADWYLER. Spouse: W. W. CHANDLER. Laura COPELAND (private). Parents: John COPELAND and Adeline FERRILL. Spouse: Elbert KIMES. Spouse: Louis ZACHERY Dr.. Laura Edith COPELAND (private). Parents: Abraham Conaster COPELAND and Josie Belle RICHARDS. |