Eleventh Generation

1233. Orpha Helen LESSLY117 was born on 9 August 1912 in Missouri. She died on 20 March 1985. Friday, 16 Aug 1912--Born, on the 9th, to G. E. Lessly and wife, a daughter.

Friday, 29 Feb 1924, Vol 37 No 45--Misses Delphia, Addie and Orphia Lessly visited
their brother, Roy, and family at Clark last week.

Listed in SS Death Index
SSN - 491-07-0934
Born - 9 Aug 1912
Died - Mar 1985
Residence - 67218, Wichita, Sedgwick, KS
Issued - MO before 1951

Thursday, 28 Apr 1927, Vol 40, No 51, Pg. 5 Col. 2--LOCAL AND PERSONAL--Misses Addie and Orphia Lessly, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Lessly, who have been suffering from diphtheria for the past week, are much better, we are glad to state. It was feared Tuesday night of last week that Miss Addie could not live through the night, and but for the fact that Dr. C. F. Burkhalter remained at her bedside all night
and fought for her life by keeping her throat clear, she likely would have passed away. A trained nurse was secured the next day, and each has received every care and attention. An air-tight quarantine was established as soon as the nature of the malady was determined, and there is no fear of the disease spreading. Where they contracted the disease is a mystery. So far as is known there are no other cases in this section.

Thursday, 5 May 1927, Vol 40, No 52, Pg. 1 Col. 3--SCHOOL NOTES--The high
school has been very sorry to lose Nellie Sperry, Addie and Orpha Lessly from their
midst. Nellie has gone to Marshall to live with her parents. Addie and Orpha have been
very ill with diphtheria, and will be unable to return to school.

Jack MC GEE (private).