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was born on Mar 22, 1926 in FAYETTE CO., KY..373
He died in Jul 1977.373
Social Security Information for LAWRENCE CROUCH:
Born: 22 Mar 1926 Died: Jul 1977 Last Residence: 45428 (Dayton, Montgomery, OH) Last Benefit: 45417 (Dayton, Montgomery, OH) SSN: 405-28-1191 Issued: Kentucky Parents: LAWRENCE THOMAS CROUCH and MARY LINA DRAGOO. Living was born in 1929. Spouse: Living. Living. Spouse: Herschell Larry COPELAND. Children were: Living, Living. Living. Parents: LAWRENCE THOMAS CROUCH and MARY LINA DRAGOO. Living. Parents: LAWRENCE THOMAS CROUCH and MARY LINA DRAGOO. Living. Parents: LAWRENCE THOMAS CROUCH and MARY LINA DRAGOO. Living. Parents: LAWRENCE THOMAS CROUCH and MARY LINA DRAGOO. Living. Parents: LAWRENCE THOMAS CROUCH and MARY LINA DRAGOO. Living. Parents: LAWRENCE THOMAS CROUCH and MARY LINA DRAGOO. Living. Parents: LAWRENCE THOMAS CROUCH and MARY LINA DRAGOO. LLOYD T. CROUCH51 was born in Apr 1897.51 Parents: CURREN CROUCH and LILLIE LU HORSEMAN. Living was born in 1903 in Kentucky.373 Parents: THEODORE (DORA) CROUCH and Lula MARKLAND. Spouse: ROY M. BROWN. ROY M. BROWN and LONA J. CROUCH were married about 1922.373 Children were: Living, THOMAS M. BROWN, Living, Living. LOUANN CROUCH373 was born about 1901.373 Parents: THEODORE (DORA) CROUCH and Lula MARKLAND. Living. Parents: Living and Marie Elizabeth MARKLAND. Living. Parents: Living and Marie Elizabeth MARKLAND. Living. Parents: Living and Marie Elizabeth MARKLAND. Living. Parents: Living and Marie Elizabeth MARKLAND. RICHARD CROUCH51 was born in Jul 1899.51 Parents: CURREN CROUCH and LILLIE LU HORSEMAN. Living. Parents: Living and Marie Elizabeth MARKLAND. Shelby Freeman CROUCH98 was born on Jul 23, 1907 in Travisville, Pickett, Tennessee. He died on May 8, 1984. He was buried in Sims Cem., Pickett, Tennessee. Spouse: Virgie Mae HASSLER. Shelby Freeman CROUCH and Virgie Mae HASSLER were married on Jan 24, 1937 in Jackson, Tennessee. Children were: Jimmy Wayne CROUCH. THEODORE (DORA) CROUCH373 was born in Jan 1873 in Kentucky.373 He died on Jan 27, 1923.373 1900 Bath County, KY. census location Owingsville taken Jun 15, 1900 household #307: Crouch, Dora head Jan 1873 27 KY/KY/KY; Lula wife Sep 1883 16 KY/KY/KY; Lawrence son Jun 1897 2 KY/KY/KY. Dora and Lula had been married 4 years. Lula had 1 child with 1 still living. 1910 Bath County, KY. census location district 6 taken Apr 16, 1910 household #38: Crouch, Dora head 36 KY/KY/KY; Lula wife 27 KY/KY/KY; Lawrence son 12 KY/KY/KY; Louann dau 9 KY/KY/KY; Lona dau 7 KY/KY/KY; Anni dau 4 KY/KY/KY; Carel son 1 KY/KY/KY. Dora and Lula had been married 14 years. Lula had 5 children with 5 still living. 1920 Bath County, KY. census location Owingsville taken Feb 11, 1920 household #334: Crouch, Dora head KY/US/US; Lullie wife 37 KY/US/US; Lona dau 17 KY/US/US; Annie M. dau 13 KY/US/US; Carroll son 11 KY/US/US; Fannie F. dau 7 KY/US/US; Earl T. son 4 KY/US/US. Spouse: Lula MARKLAND. THEODORE (DORA) CROUCH and Lula MARKLAND were married about 1896.373 Children were: LAWRENCE THOMAS CROUCH, LOUANN CROUCH, Living, Living, CARROLL E. CROUCH, Living, EARL THOMAS CROUCH. Living. Parents: Living and Marie Elizabeth MARKLAND. Living. Spouse: Cynthia Kaye HENDRICKS. Richard Dean CROUSE and Cynthia Kaye HENDRICKS were married on Jun 17, 1972. Dicy Lavada CROW47 died on Jul 18, 1918 in DeKalb County, Alabama. Spouse: Allen DEAN. Allen DEAN and Dicy Lavada CROW were married on Feb 16, 1878 in DeKalb County, Alabama. Children were: Living. Living. Spouse: Ridley Grover PENDERGRASS. Ridley Grover PENDERGRASS and Fannie CROW were married. Living. Spouse: Harriet Ann BULLINGTON. Claude C. CROWDER and Harriet Ann BULLINGTON were married. DeAlva CROWDER was born on Jun 22, 1919.69 She died on Sep 23, 1950 in Bandera, Texas.69 Spouse: Living. Boyd Hart MAYFIELD and DeAlva CROWDER were married Private.69 Living. Spouse: Living. Children were: Living. Living. Parents: Living and Living. Living. Spouse: Living. Living. Spouse: Living. Children were: Living, Living. Living. Parents: Living and Living. Living. Parents: Living and Living. Living was born in 1937.44,45 Spouse: Living. A living couple were married in 1957.44,45 Children were: Living. A.J. CROWELL12 was born on Apr 12, 1857. Parents: Benjamin S. CROWELL and Nancy E. BUTTRAM. Benjamin S. CROWELL12 was born in 1835 in , , North Carolina. He died on May 12, 1862 in , Walker Co., Georgia. BENJAMIN was killed in the Battle of Chattanooga. His fa t h er-in-law raised his and Nancy's children. After the B attle at Shiloh, April 6, 1862, the Confedera t e Army retr eated, first to Corinth, then to central Missi ss ippi. Th e Federal Army moved up to Corinth about the sa m e time . A Detachment of the Federal Army, under the comm an d o f General Ormsby Mitchell, was sent over to occupy No r t h Alabama. Gen. Mitchell's Headquarters was at Athens , A lab ama. President Lincoln was aware that there wa s a pocket of Uni o n Sympathy in the hill country of Nort h Alabama. He inst ru cted General Mitchell to make the mo st of this situatio n . This area, later became known as " The Free State of Wi ns ton'. People who were unwilling t o fight for the Confed era te cause begain to move into thi s area. This becam e a prob lem for the Confederates, an d President Jefferso n Davis iss ued an order to 'shoot the se people on sight'. General Mitchell's troops had no orga nized opposition in t h is area, and they ranged over a wid e area. I believe th a t some of these troops camped in th e "Yankee Patch". I t hi nk they were there for some time , and these are the 'Blu e C oats' who went to the Jones ho me and demanded somethin g t o eat. When it was set befor e them they said that the y wou ld not eat that kind of foo d, and fed it to the dogs , and r ode away. I also believ e one of these Union Soldie rs was i n the Friendship Commu nity and came under the fir e of Wilbu rn Rodgers squirre l gun. In his hasty retreat , he lost hi s hat, and Wilbur n gained a Trophy. The day after the Battle of Chattanooga , an Ohio soldier w a s on the battlefield, and came on th e unburied body o f a de ad Confederate, and he wrote: ' He was not over 15 years of age, and very slender in si z e . He was clothed in a cotton suit, and was barefooted-- b a refooted on that cold and wet 24th of November. I exam i ne d his haversack. For the days ration there was a hand fu l l of black beans, a few pieces of sorghum and a half d oz e n roasted acorns. That was an infinitely poor outfi t fo r m arching and fighting, but that Tennessee Confedera te ha d ma de it answer his purpose'. Benjamin S. Crowel l died on the same battlefield. I do n o t know who checke d his haversack, but his father-in-law , Ha rmon Butram, ra ised his orphaned child for him. Harmon Butram probably sa w smoke from Gen. Sherman's advan c ing army. His family h ad been shattered, a son and son-i n- law dead, and two oth er sons already in Alabama. There i s l ittle doubt that h e had lost whatever he had, and was n eve r satisfied tha t the war was necessary in the first pla ce. He decided h e would take his family, with its orphans an d w idows, t o Alabama and start over. He was forty seven y ear s old w hen he left Georgia to come to Alabama. Source #19 Spouse: Nancy E. BUTTRAM. Benjamin S. CROWELL and Nancy E. BUTTRAM were married on May 27, 1858 in , Carroll Co., Georgia. Children were: A.J. CROWELL, J.H. CROWELL, Sarah Jane CROWELL. J.H. CROWELL12 was born on Jul 14, 1860. Parents: Benjamin S. CROWELL and Nancy E. BUTTRAM. Sarah Jane CROWELL12 was born on Jan 7, 1862 in , Carroll Co., Georgia. Parents: Benjamin S. CROWELL and Nancy E. BUTTRAM. Living. Spouse: Living. A living couple were married in 1944. Children were: Living, Living, Living. Living was born.136 Spouse: Living. A living couple were married.136 Children were: Living, Living. Living was born. Spouse: Robert Thomas LESSLY. Children were: Living, Living. Living. Parents: Living and Living. ![]() Spouse: Paul Edward MANSELL. Paul Edward MANSELL and Betty Evon CRUMP were married on Mar 20, 1950 in Rossville Dade, Georgia. Children were: Living, Lisa MANSELL, Living, Living. Chester Charles CRUMP was born on Sep 13, 1910 in GA. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Social Organiza] He died on Apr 2, 1989 in Dallton, GA. Parents: Living and Living. Spouse: Ethel Edith PATRICK. Children were: Betty Evon CRUMP, Living, Living. Living. Parents: Living and Living. Living. Parents: Living and Living. Living. Spouse: Living. Children were: Living, Living, Hazel CRUMP, Grady CRUMP, Living, Chester Charles CRUMP. Grady CRUMP died in 1995. Parents: Living and Living. Hazel CRUMP died in 1955 in Chattanooga, Hamilton County, Tennessee. Parents: Living and Living. Living. Parents: Living and Living. |