Home Surname List Name Index Sources | ![]() Date, location, groom, bride. 29 Jan 1879, at the house of RTD Zimmerman, John H. Chandler, Francis W. Slone Feb 26, 1891 Bath Co. News Outlook The date I am giving each time is on a Thursday. J. R. Vice of Bether and Ellie Mysers, daughter of Shelton Myers of White Oak were married at the home of Elder R. T. Zimmerman on Wednesday .........This is dated September 22, 1898 John Jones and Miss Minerva Anderson (Both of this community) were married last Thursday at the residence of Elder Zimmerman. Bride is the daughter of the late Cornelius (Cap) Anderson He died on 15 February 1909 at the age of 79 in Bath County, Kentucky. His obituary was written on 15 February 2009.1776 This vicinity was overshadowed by a cloud of sorrow when the death angel entered and took from the midst of us on February 15 Elder R T D Zimmerman He had been a resident of this three a few visits to Western States for some months at a time In the past few years he spent a good deal of the summer months on Licking river fishing Bro Zimmerman had long been a minister of the Gospel and for a number of years preached every first Sunday at Harpers schoolhouse always to a large audience He was a good man and had a remarkable memory While he had no college education he knew the Bible almost by heart He devoted a lot of his time to studying the word of God Elder Zimmerman did a great work throughout this country He had baptized about two thousand people and had married fifteen hundred couples His health had been failing for several months. Had he lived till the 25th of this month he would have been 80 years old. Funeral services were conducted by elder Joe Jones. Let those who loved him and whom he loved indulge the sweet hope that after a life well spent with its every duty well performed the soul of this good man has at last found eternal rest amid the scenes of its creation and in the presence of the God. Ryland T.D. Zimmerman (First_Last) Regiment Name 2 Indiana Cavalry Side Union Company B,D Soldier's Rank_In Pvt. Soldier's Rank_Out Pvt. Alternate Name R.T.D./Zimmerman Notes Film Number M540 roll 86
2nd Regiment, Indiana Cavalry Organized at Indianapolis, Ind., September 20, 1861. Left State for Louisville, Ky., December 15, 1861; thence moved to Camp Wickllffe, Ky. Attached to Cavalry 4th Division, Army of the Ohio, to June, 1862. Cavalry Brigade, Army of the Ohio, to September, 1862. 1st Brigade, Cavalry Division, Army of the Ohio, to November, 1862. 1st Brigade, Cavalry Division, Army of the Cumberlaad, to January. 1863. 2ad Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division, Army of the Cumberland, to October, 1864. 2ad Brigade, 1st Division, Wilson's Cavalry Corps, Military Division of the Mississippi, to July, 1865. SERVICE.-Action at Bowling Green, Ky., February 1, 1862 (Co. "H"). Movement to Nashville, Tenn., February 14-25. Occupation of Nashville February 25. March to Pittsburg Landing, Tenn., March 10-April 8. Reconnoissance in force April 22. Advance on and siege of Corinth, Miss., April 29-May 30. Tuscumbia Creek May 31-June 1. Pursuit to Booneville June 1-3. Osbora and Wolf's Creeks June 4. Buell's Campaign in North Alabama and Middle Tennessee June to August. Raid on Louisville & Nashville R. R. August 19-21 (Detachment). Humboldt Road, near Gallatin, August 21. Murfreesboro, Tenn., August 20-25-27 and September 7. Crab Orchard, Ky., September 10. Vinegar Hill September 22. Near Nashville October 1. Near Perryville, Ky., October 6-7. Chaplin Hills, Perryville, October 8. Near Mountain Gap, Ky., October 14-16. Big Rockcastle River, near Mt. Vernon, October 16. New Haven October 29. Capture of 3rd Georgia Cavalry. Hartsville, Tenn., November 28 and December 7. Regiment complimented in special field orders for recapture of Government train and 200 prisoners. Advance on Murfreesboro December 26-30 (Co. "M"). Lavergne December 26-27 (Co. "M"). Operations near Lavergne December 29-31 (Co. "M"). Battle of Stone's River December 30-31, 1862, and January 1-3, 1863 (Co. "M"). Duty near Nashville, Tenn., till June, 1863. Murfreesboro March 10. Shelbyville Pike, near Murfreesboro, June 6. Triune June 9 and 11. Middle Tennessee (or Tullahoma) Campaign June 23-July 7. Middleton June 24. Guy's Gap, Fosterville and Shelbyville June 27. Bethpage Bridge, Elk River, July 1. Occupation of Middle Tennessee till August 16. Expedition to Huntsville July 13-22. Passage of Cumberland Mountains and Tennessee River and Chickamauga (Ga.) Campaign August 16-September 22. Reconnoissance toward Rome September 11. Alpine September 12. Dirt Town, LaFayette Road, near Chattanooga River, September 12. Reconoissance from Lee and Gordon's Mills toward LaFayette and skirmish September 13. Near Stevens' Gap September 18. Battle of Chickamauga, Ga., September 19-21. Missionary Ridge and Shallow Ford Gap September 22. Operations against Wheeler and Roddy September 30-October 17. Fayetteville October 13-14. Duty along Nashville & Chattanooga R. R. till December. Operations about Dandridge and Mossy Creek December 24-28. Peck's House, near New Market, December 24. Mossy Creek December 26. Talbot Station December 28. Mossy Creek, Talbot Station, December 29. Regiment re-enlisted January 10, 1864. Near Mossy Creek January 11-12. Operations about Dandridge January 16-17. Bend of Chucky Road, near Dandridge, January 16. Dandridge January 17. Operations about Dandridge January 26-28. Fair Garden January 27. Swann's Island January 28. Near Marysvllle February 8. Atlanta (Ga.) Campaign May 1 to September 8. Varnell's Station May 7 and 9. Demonstrations on Dalton May 9-13. Tilton May 13. Battle of Resaca May 14-15. Cassville May 19. Stilesborough May 23. Burnt Hickory May 24. Battles about Dallas May 25-June 5. Ackworth June 3-4. Big Shanty June 6. Operations about Marietta and against Kenesaw Mountain June 10-July 2. Lost Mountain June 15-17. Assault on Kenesaw June 27. Nickajack Creek July 2-5. Chattahoochie River July 5-17. Siege of Atlanta July 22-August 25. McCook's Raid on Atlanta & West Point R. R. July 27-31. Lovejoy Station July 29-30. Clear Creek July 30. Newnan July 30. Expedition to Jasper August 11-15. Flank movement on Jonesboro August 25-30. Rousseau's pursuit of Wheeler September 1-8. Consolidated to a Battalion of 4 Companies September 14. Cartersville September 20. Camp Creek September 30. Operations against Hood in North Georgia and North Alabama October. Moved to Louisville, Ky., to refit. Pursuit of Lyon from Paris, Ky., to Hopkinsville, Ky., December 6, 1864, to January 15, 1865. Hopkinsville, Ky., December 16, 1864. Moved to Nashville, Tenn., duty there till February, 1865, and at Waterloo, Ala., till March. Wilson's Raid from Chickasaw, Ala., to Macon, Ga., March 22-April 24. Near Scottsvllle and Selma April 2. Near Hinton April 10. Montgomery April 12. Columbus Road, near Tuskegee, April 14. West Point and near Opellka April 16. Capture of Macon April 20. Duty at Macon and in the Dept. of Georgia till June. Moved to Nashville, Tean., and there mustered out July 12, 1865. Regiment lost during service 4 Officers and 38 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 3 Officers and 211 Enlisted men by disease. Total 256. http://www.topozone.com/map.asp?lat=38.17167&lon=-83.78833 He had the following military record; .1779 By Mr Kehoe A bill HR 4958 granting an increase of pension to RTD Zimmerman to the Committee on Pensions Also a bill HR 4959 granting an increase of pension to Martin Elswick to the Committee on Invalid Pensions [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE:Note]1780 [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE:Note] 29 Jan 1879, at the house of RTD Zimmerman, John H. Chandler, Francis W. Slone It is hereby certified that under and by virtue of the within License, I did, on the 15th day of October 1901, at the house of R T D Zimmerman in said county, celebrate the rites of Matrimony between the within named Chas P Darnell and Clara Riddle and that J B Darnell and Lizzie Riddle were present and witnessed the celebration. Given under my hand, this 15 day of Oct 1901 RTD Zimmerman Minister Christian Church Groom: Charley CRUMP Bride: Fannie STEWART Date: 13 Feb 1903 Notes: house of RTD Zimmerman Source: Kay Barnes, KTBarnes@webtv.net <mailto:KTBarnes@webtv.net> KY Year 1850 County Fleming: Fed Census Township: 2nd Division Page 365 KY Year: 1860 County: Bourbon County Record Type: Federal Population Schedule Township: Eastern Division Page: 663 Database: KY 1860 Federal Census Index KY Year: 1890 County: Bath County Township: Owingsville Precinct Page: 005 Database: KY 1890 Veterans Schedule
Have a map in 1880 of Owingsville showing that RTD lived where what is now called Hwy 36 on the east side of the road just south of Prickly Ash Creek and North of an Lee Branch.. Marriages 13 Feb 1903, house of RTD Zimmerman, Charley Crump, Fannie Stewart. At the residence of Elder Zimmerman on Thursday, Oct. 2d, Tadg Gilbert and Miss Lucy Bailey. Owingsville Outlook, Thu 09 Oct 1884 Aug. 17th 1893 at the home of Elder Zimmerman near Owingsville, Alpheus Donaldson and Maggie Steele. Bath County World, 18 Aug 1893
Russian Calvert and Miss Myrtle Heddings were married Thursday, Mar. 6th, by Elder R.T.D. Zimmerman. They reside in the Sherburne precinct. Owingsville Outlook, Thu 12 Mar 1896 John Jones and Minerva Anderson were married last Thursday at the residence of Elder Zimmerman. She is a daughter of Cornelius (Cap) Anderson. Owingsville Outlook, Thu 09 Apr 1896 At the residence of R.T.D. Zimmerman on last Thursday, Jessie P. Stephens and Addie Powers, both of Odessa. She is the oldest daughter of Mrs. Annie Powers, widow of Uriah (Bud) Powers. The groom is the son of Thomas S. Stephens. Odessa. Owingsville Outlook, Thu 23 Jul 1896 Wren Vanlandingham and Arra Bradley, both of Wyoming, were married by Elder T.D. Zimmerman at his residence on Wednesday, Oct. 21st. Owingsville Outlook, Thu 29 Oct 1896 George William Stewart, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart of Indian Creek, and Effie Hendrix, daughter of D.H. Hendrix of East Fork, were married on the 4th inst. at Elder R.T.D. Zimmerman's. E Fk Flat Ck. Owingsville Outlook, Thu 12 Nov 1896 John P. Wright of this place and Nora Pierce of Grange City were married Thursday, Nov. 15, at the home of Elder Zimmerman. The bride was the granddaughter of J.M. Pierce. He is the son of Squire J.W. Wright. Forge Hill .Owingsville Outlook, Thu 19 Nov 1896 George Crouch and Edie Donaldson were married last Thursday at the home of Elder Zimmerman near town. She is the daughter of David Donaldson. He is the son of Isaac Crouch, deceased, and a brother of Fletcher Crouch. Owingsville Outlook, Thu 04 Feb 1897 Wednesday, March 3 at Elder Zimmerman's, Miss Minnie Hawkins and J.W. Rodgers. Bride is a daughter of Thomas Hawkins; groom is son of Reuben Rodgers, both of near Sherburne. Okla. Owingsville Outlook, Thu 11 Mar 1897 Wednesday, Jan. 26, at Elder Zimmerman's near Owingsville, G.R. Gray and Anna McLain. She is the second daughter of A. McLain. He is the son of Henry Gray. Okla. Owingsville Outlook, Thu 03 Feb 1898 On the 17th inst., John Summerfield and Ellen Moore by Elder Zimmerman. Owingsville Outlook, Thu 24 Feb 1898 At the home of the bride's parents on White Oak Wednesday March 9th by Elde Zimmerman, Samuel Atchison and Nannie D. Vanlandingham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Vanlandingham. The bride was the wife of George Deatley, but was divorced from him. At the home of B.H. Ross on March 3d, Charlie Coyle and Effie Stephens. He is the son of James B. Coyle; she is the daughter of Shelby Stephens. Owingsville Outlook, Thu 10 Mar 1898 Samuel Corbin, son of the late Martin Corbin, and Annie Palmer, daughter of Richard Palmer, all of Bethel precinct were married at the home of Elder Zimmerman on Wednesday. Owingsville Outlook, Thu 17 Mar 1898 Mar. 1, Effie Everman of near this place, and Isaac Honaker of Burbridge's Branch, were married at the home of and by Elder Zimmerman near Owingsville. She is daughter of Tom Everman. He is a son of George W. Honaker. Reynoldsville. Owingsville Outlook, 09 Mar 1905 Nov. 18 at the home of and by Elder R.T.D. Zimmerman, Clarence Horseman, son of James Horseman of Washington Branch and Lottie Garner, only daughter of Christian Garner. Slate Valley. Owingsville Outlook, 26 Nov 1908
Spouse: Lucinda P. Atchison. Lucinda P. Atchison and Ryland Thomas Dillard ZIMMERMAN were married on 2 August 1849 in Bath County, Kentucky.122,123 It seems the Atchison, Markland and Barber families were acquainted for years. Children were: Mildred Ann Zimmerman, Henry Zimmerman, Margaret Zimmerman, John D. Zimmerman, Marcus B. Zimmerman, Elizabeth Zimmerman, Melvina Jane Zimmerman, William Jerone Zimmerman, James ZIMMERMAN, David Morton Zimmerman, Thomas Ryland Zimmerman. Spouse: Barbara A. SHROUT. Barbara A. SHROUT and Ryland Thomas Dillard ZIMMERMAN were married on 20 September 1877 in Jackson Co., MO. Lee, Sally Ann Zimmerman (private). Parents: Morton Zimmerman and Mildred Barnett. Spouse: Granville T. Boston. Children were: J. V. Boston, Helen Boston, Mary Boston, Bettie Boston. Spouse: Stanford Jackson. Samual Ambrose Zimmerman269 was born on 1 February 1889 in Phelps County, Missouri. He died on 11 August 1966 at the age of 77 in Norman, , Oklahoma. K7179wt Parents: Pleasant Zimmerman and Margaret Catherine Furray. Spouse: Birdie Caroline KEISLING. Birdie Caroline KEISLING and Samual Ambrose Zimmerman were married on 6 January 1929 in Purcell, Oklahoma. Children were: Living Zimmerman. Samuel Zimmerman (private). Parents: Woodford Marshall Zimmerman. Sanford Ian Zimmerman (private). Spouse: Lynn Son Zimmerman. Children were: Brooke Kayla Zimmerman. Sarah Salley Zimmerman was born in 1785 in Culpeper County, Virginia. She died in 1855 at the age of 70 in Jessamine County, Kentucky, United States. [NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE:Nickname] Parents: Frederick Zimmerman Jr. and Judith BOURNE. Spouse: John J. LOWEN. Children were: Andrew Lowen, Frederick Zimmerman Lowen, William Lowen. Spouse: Andrew Bourne. Sarah Salley Zimmerman and Andrew Bourne were married on 9 September 1819 in Jessamine County, Kentucky, United States.280 Sarah Taliaferro Zimmerman (private). Parents: Reuben Zimmerman and Mary Cates Yates. Scott Martin Zimmerman (private). Parents: Jay Marton Zimmerman and Jane Margaret Owen. Spouse: Carla Latier. Children were: Tanner Zimmerman. Simon Zimmerman (private). Parents: William Gibson Zimmerman and Matilda Somersall. Sophia Barbara Zimmerman35 was born on 10 December 1764 in Sulzfeld, Baden-Württemberg, Germany.35 Parents: Bernhard Zimmerman and Christina Schweitzer. Stella Zimmerman was born on 16 October 1894. She died on 11 March 1942 at the age of 47. Parents: Eugene Raymond Zimmerman and Frances Speas. Spouse: Tom Stoltz. Children were: Billy Stoltz. Still Born Zimmerman was born on 2 February 1709. He/she died on 2 February 1709.1749 He/she was born in Sulzfeld, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Parents: Christian Zimmerman and Maria Barbara Edel. Still Born Zimmerman was born on 26 April 1713 in Germany.1505 Parents: Hans Christopher ZIMMERMAN and Dorothea Rottle (Wittler). Still Born Zimmerman35 was born on 2 October 1789.35 He/she died on 2 October 1789 at the age of 0.35 Parents: Christoph Zimmerman and Elisabeth Catharina Fischer. Still Born Zimmerman35 was born on 9 July 1795 in Sulzfeld, Baden-Württemberg, Germany.35 He/she died on 9 July 1795 at the age of 0 in Sulzfeld, Baden-Württemberg, Germany.35 Parents: Phillipp Zimmerman and Margarethe Susanna Klemm. Susan Zimmerman (private). Parents: Frederick Zimmerman and Rosanna Crigler. Susan F Zimmerman1748 was born in 1867 in Kentucky. Parents: Douglas Zimmerman and Adaline Cornell. Susanna ZIMMERMAN (private). Spouse: James Ziegler. Children were: Eleanor Ziegler, Susanna ZIEGLER, Coleman Barnes Ziegler. Susannah Zimmerman (private). Parents: Reuben Zimmerman and Elizabeth Ziegler. Spouse: Leonard Pinegar. Susannah Zimmerman200 was born on 7 May 1769 in Culpeper County, Virginia. She was born on 7 May 1769 in Culpeper County, Virginia. She died in 1850 at the age of 81 in Preble Co. OH. Parents: Christopher Zimmerman and Maria Tanner. Spouse: Michaeal House. Susannah Zimmerman and Michaeal House were married on 8 December 1789 in Culpeper County, Virginia. They were married on 8 December 1789 in Culpeper County, Virginia. 2 Adam House b.1764 ( Conf. age 18 Hebron Church 1782) [ Source for marriages " Madison Co. Va. Marriages "- Vogt/Kethley Jr., 1850 2 Mathias House Jr. b. 1766 ( Conf. 1785 at age 19- Hebron) m. Susanna Floyd There was also an Aaron House who m. Phebe Mitchell 12 Aug 1811 Sources: " Madison Co. Va. Marriages" Vogt/ KethleyJr, " Hebron Church For anyone interested , I have the family of the above Lewis & Elizabeth Utz. Nancy Moyers Dodge
Tammy Lee Zimmerman (private). Parents: Bob Lee Zimmerman and Son Cha Pak. Tanner Zimmerman (private). Parents: Scott Martin Zimmerman and Carla Latier. Thomas P Zimmerman was born on 18 February 1881 in Freeman, Cass County, Missouri.1417 He died WFT Est. 1875-1985.951 Parents: James Dudley Zimmerman and Emilia Victoria Tippach. ![]() 1900 Bath County, KY. census location Owingsville taken Jun 12, 1900 household #232: 1910 Coleman County, TX. census location precinct 2 taken Apr 13, 1910 household #16: 1920 Montgomery County, KY. census location Mt. Sterling taken Jan 5/6, 1920 household #61: Spouse: Drusilla Mae "Drucie" Markland. Drusilla Mae "Drucie" Markland and Thomas Ryland Zimmerman were married in 1890 in Kentucky, United States. Children were: Eddie Zimmerman, David Lee Zimmerman, Charles Dillard Hershell Zimmerman, Eulah L. Zimmerman, Guy Thomas Zimmerman Sr.. Thurman Zimmerman was born on 1 October 1919 in Eldorado, Schleicher, TX. He died on 1 August 1991 at the age of 71 in Tom Green County. He had Social Security Number 466-03-1120. Was issued in Texas. Parents: Charles Dillard Hershell Zimmerman and Vista Florence Jones. Spouse: Margaret Louise Smith. Children were: Glenda Jean Zimmerman Zimmerman, Renee Louise Zimmerman, Don Zimmerman. Twyla Jean Zimmerman (private). Parents: Frederick Augustus Zimmerman and Gloria Evelyn Click. Spouse: Theadore Alan Piel. Children were: Troy Allen Piel, Tracey Jean Piel. Spouse: Tommy Smith. Ula Zimmerman22 was born on 4 March 1892 in Cass County, Missouri.1417 She died on 23 September 1960 at the age of 68. Parents: James Dudley Zimmerman and Emilia Victoria Tippach. Spouse: John Thomsa McCarty. Unknown (2) Zimmerman was born about 1800. Spouse: William H. Zimmerman. Children were: James A. Zimmerman. Verla Mae Zimmerman (private). Parents: Fredrick Cecil Zimmerman and Violet Drusilla Knight. Spouse: Charles Evan Sappington. Children were: Brenda Lou Sappington, Jeffrey Allen Sappington, Teresa Lynne Sappington. Vernora Zimmerman was born in 1892. She died in 1983 at the age of 91. Parents: Eugene Raymond Zimmerman and Frances Speas. Spouse: Oscar M. Kiser. Children were: Frances K. Kiser. Virgina M Zimmerman was born in 1876 in Jessamine County, Kentucky, United States. Parents: Melvin P. Zimmerman and Unknown. Spouse: James P. Minor. Virgina M Zimmerman and James P. Minor were married on 17 June 1896 in Jessamine County, Kentucky, United States. Wesley Zimmerman (private). Parents: William Jerone Zimmerman and Jennie (Minnie?) Honaker. Wilheim Jakob Zimmerman35 was born on 4 April 1799 in Sulzfeld, Baden-Württemberg, Germany.35 He died on 3 November 1800 at the age of 1 in Sulzfeld, Baden-Württemberg, Germany.35 Parents: Phillipp Zimmerman and Margarethe Susanna Klemm. Wilheimine Zimmerman35 was born on 6 December 1798.35 He died in Poland. Parents: Christoph Zimmerman and Elisabeth Catharina Fischer. Wilhelm Zimmerman23 was born on 17 March 1840 in Sulzfeld, Baden-Württemberg, Germany.23 He died on 24 September 1872 at the age of 32 in Sulzfeld, Baden-Württemberg, Germany.23 Never married. Parents: George Wilhelm Zimmerman and Helene Regina Gotter. Wilhelm David Zimmerman311 was born on 26 September 1822 in Sulzfeld, Baden-Württemberg, Germany.311 He died on 16 October 1822 at the age of 0 in Sulzfeld, Baden-Württemberg, Germany.311 Parents: Johann Christian Zimmerman and Johanna Elisabeth Brecht. Wilhelm Engelhard Zimmerman311 was born on 11 May 1815 in Sulzfeld, Baden-Württemberg, Germany.311 He died on 30 May 1815 at the age of 0 in Sulzfeld, Baden-Württemberg, Germany.311 Parents: Johann Christian Zimmerman and Maria Catharina Retschmann. Wilhelmine Katharina Zimmerman311 was born on 26 October 1806 in Sulzfeld, Baden-Württemberg, Germany.311 She died on 13 June 1807 at the age of 0 in Sulzfeld, Baden-Württemberg, Germany.311 Parents: Phillipp Zimmerman and Friederike Schmidt. Wilhelmine Magdalena Zimmerman311 was born on 22 July 1810 in Sulzfeld, Baden-Württemberg, Germany.311 She died on 24 February 1811 at the age of 0 in Sulzfeld, Baden-Württemberg, Germany.311 Parents: Phillipp Zimmerman and Friederike Schmidt. William Zimmerman (private). Parents: William Gibson Zimmerman and Matilda Somersall. ![]() Spouse: Fannie Hawkins. Fannie Hawkins and William Zimmerman were married on 26 August 1814 in Franklin Co. KY. Children were: William H. Zimmerman, Amanda Zimmerman, Douglas Zimmerman, James Zimmerman. William Zimmerman121 was born in 1834 in Kentucky, United States. He died on 12 October 1855 at the age of 21. Parents: Morton Zimmerman and Mildred Barnett. William Zimmerman1195 was born in 1850 in Crawford Co., MO. Parents: Ambrose D. Zimmerman and Ruhama Lane. William Zimmerman was born on 6 October 1881 in Louiseburg, Kansas.1417 He died on 17 July 1945 at the age of 63 in Blackfoot, Bingham County, Idaho.1417 Parents: James Dudley Zimmerman and Emilia Victoria Tippach. Spouse: Dora Lou Ellen McGee. Children were: William Madison Zimmerman, Nelda lee Zimmerman, Lloyd Zimmerman, Robert William Zimmerman, Garvelia Jane Zimmerman, Alice Marie Zimmerman, Carl James Zimmerman, Helen Louise Zimmerman, Nannie Bell Zimmerman, Nellie Jean Zimmerman. William Gibson Zimmerman (private). Parents: Reuben Zimmerman and Mary Cates Yates. Spouse: Matilda Somersall. Children were: Reuben Zimmerman, John Zimmerman, William Zimmerman, Mary Zimmerman, Simon Zimmerman, Bolivar Zimmerman, Lawrence Taliaferro Zimmerman, Alice Catlett Zimmerman, Zerelda Zimmerman. William H. Zimmerman1785 was born about 1814 in Kentucky, United States. He died in LeRoy, McLean, IL, Empire Township. Notes 1820- US Census - Anderson County, KY Call # 186,182 pg. 162, The 1820 Census was in Franklin Co., KY, Lawrenceburg Township. Anderson Co. became a seperate Co. in 1827, used to be Franklin Co. 1 free white male child under 10 1 free white male child 10-16 1 free white male 26-45 2 free white females 16-26 1 free white female 45 and over ********************************************************************** **** ************* 1830 Census Call #007,823 Page 092 5-10 - 1 Free White Male, 1 Free White Female (etc) 10-15 - 1 Male, 1 Female 20-30 - 1 Male 40-50 - 1 Male 50-60 - 1 Female *His wife may have died between 1830-1840 ********************************************************************** **** ************* 1840 Census Call # 007,823 Page 093 15-20 - 1 Free White Male, 1Free White Female 50-60 - 1 " " Male ********************************************************************** **** ************* 1850 Census Call # 007,823 Page 237 William Zimmerman living with another family as a laborer, poss. age 51 ********************************************************************** **** ************* 1860 Census - Page 357 - William Zimmerman living with son James N. Zimmerman and his family in LeRoy, Empire Township, McLean, IL listed as a 60 yr. old man (William was listed as 46 yers old acording of census on file) Parents: William Zimmerman and Fannie Hawkins. Spouse: Unknown (2) Zimmerman. Children were: James A. Zimmerman. William Jerone Zimmerman was born on 8 January 1867 in Indanapolis, Marion County, Indiana. He died on 3 February 1944 at the age of 77 at 509 North Play Street in Nevada, Vernon County, Missiouri.1786 Was burried on 5 February 1944 at Newton Cemetery in Nevada, Vernon County, Missiouri. Parents: Ryland Thomas Dillard ZIMMERMAN and Lucinda P. Atchison. Spouse: Jennie (Minnie?) Honaker. Children were: Marcellus Zimmerman, Wesley Zimmerman, May Zimmerman. William Madison Zimmerman was born on 12 May 1907 in Blackfoot, Bingham County, Idaho.1417 He died on 2 February 1998 at the age of 90 in Blackfoot, Bingham County, Idaho.1417 Parents: William Zimmerman and Dora Lou Ellen McGee. William Maximus Zimmerman (private). Parents: Charles Dillard Hershell Zimmerman and Vista Florence Jones. William R. Zimmerman22 was born on 17 June 1881 in Cass County, Missouri. He died on 18 December 1949 at the age of 68 in Topeka, Shawnee, Kansas. Parents: John B. Zimmerman and Laura Alice Goodell. |