Home Surname List Name Index Sources | Living CROWE (private). Spouse: Living HOUSE. Children were: Living CROWE, Living CROWE. Living CROWE (private). Parents: Living CROWE and Living HOUSE. Living CROWE (private). Parents: Living CROWE and Living HOUSE. Pansy CROWE (private). Spouse: Vernon GROSS. Children were: Tassie Lynn GROCE. A.J. CROWELL13 was born on 12 April 1857. Parents: Benjamin S. CROWELL and Nancy E. BUTTRAM. Benjamin S. CROWELL13 was born in 1835 in , , North Carolina. He died on 12 May 1862 in , Walker Co., Georgia. BENJAMIN was killed in the Battle of Chattanooga. His fa t h er-in-law raised his and Nancy's children. After the B attle at Shiloh, April 6, 1862, the Confedera t e Army retr eated, first to Corinth, then to central Missi ss ippi. Th e Federal Army moved up to Corinth about the sa m e time . A Detachment of the Federal Army, under the comm an d o f General Ormsby Mitchell, was sent over to occupy No r t h Alabama. Gen. Mitchell's Headquarters was at Athens , A lab ama. President Lincoln was aware that there wa s a pocket of Uni o n Sympathy in the hill country of Nort h Alabama. He inst ru cted General Mitchell to make the mo st of this situatio n . This area, later became known as " The Free State of Wi ns ton'. People who were unwilling t o fight for the Confed era te cause begain to move into thi s area. This becam e a prob lem for the Confederates, an d President Jefferso n Davis iss ued an order to 'shoot the se people on sight'. General Mitchell's troops had no orga nized opposition in t h is area, and they ranged over a wid e area. I believe th a t some of these troops camped in th e "Yankee Patch". I t hi nk they were there for some time , and these are the 'Blu e C oats' who went to the Jones ho me and demanded somethin g t o eat. When it was set befor e them they said that the y wou ld not eat that kind of foo d, and fed it to the dogs , and r ode away. I also believ e one of these Union Soldie rs was i n the Friendship Commu nity and came under the fir e of Wilbu rn Rodgers squirre l gun. In his hasty retreat , he lost hi s hat, and Wilbur n gained a Trophy. The day after the Battle of Chattanooga , an Ohio soldier w a s on the battlefield, and came on th e unburied body o f a de ad Confederate, and he wrote: ' He was not over 15 years of age, and very slender in si z e . He was clothed in a cotton suit, and was barefooted-- b a refooted on that cold and wet 24th of November. I exam i ne d his haversack. For the days ration there was a hand fu l l of black beans, a few pieces of sorghum and a half d oz e n roasted acorns. That was an infinitely poor outfi t fo r m arching and fighting, but that Tennessee Confedera te ha d ma de it answer his purpose'. Benjamin S. Crowel l died on the same battlefield. I do n o t know who checke d his haversack, but his father-in-law , Ha rmon Butram, ra ised his orphaned child for him. Harmon Butram probably sa w smoke from Gen. Sherman's advan c ing army. His family h ad been shattered, a son and son-i n- law dead, and two oth er sons already in Alabama. There i s l ittle doubt that h e had lost whatever he had, and was n eve r satisfied tha t the war was necessary in the first pla ce. He decided h e would take his family, with its orphans an d w idows, t o Alabama and start over. He was forty seven y ear s old w hen he left Georgia to come to Alabama. Source #19 Spouse: Nancy E. BUTTRAM. Nancy E. BUTTRAM and Benjamin S. CROWELL were married on 27 May 1858 in , Carroll Co., Georgia. Children were: A.J. CROWELL, J.H. CROWELL, Sarah Jane CROWELL. J.H. CROWELL13 was born on 14 July 1860. Parents: Benjamin S. CROWELL and Nancy E. BUTTRAM. Sarah Jane CROWELL13 was born on 7 January 1862 in , Carroll Co., Georgia. Parents: Benjamin S. CROWELL and Nancy E. BUTTRAM. Rose Marie CROWL (private). Spouse: Ralph Waldo DALTON. Children were: Dianne DALTON, Sandra DALTON, Adrienne DALTON. Regina Mae CROZIER (private). Spouse: Donald Denton SMITH. Children were: Lori Kay SMITH, Donna Regina SMITH. Helen Faye CRUMM (private). Spouse: Robert Thomas LESSLY. Children were: Shirley Jo LESSLY, Paul Wayne LESSLY. Adam Burttram CRUMP (private). Parents: Randy CRUMP and Tanya Sue COKER. ![]() Spouse: Paul Edward MANSELL. Betty Evon CRUMP and Paul Edward MANSELL were married on 20 March 1950 in Rossville Dade, Georgia. Children were: Cheryl Diane MANSELL, Lisa MANSELL, Paul Edward Jr. MANSELL, Paula Eugenia MANSELL. Chester Charles CRUMP was born on 13 September 1910 in GA. He died on 2 April 1989 in Dallton, GA. Parents: George W. CRUMP and Dovie KING. Spouse: Ethel Edith PATRICK. Children were: Betty Evon CRUMP, Mary Charles CRUMP, Shirly Sue CRUMP. Dakota Gewin CRUMP (private). Parents: Randy CRUMP and Tanya Sue COKER. George W Jr. CRUMP (private). Parents: George W. CRUMP and Dovie KING. George W. CRUMP (private). Spouse: Dovie KING. Children were: George W Jr. CRUMP, Jessie CRUMP, Hazel CRUMP, Grady CRUMP, John CRUMP, Chester Charles CRUMP. Grady CRUMP died in 1995. Parents: George W. CRUMP and Dovie KING. Hazel CRUMP died in 1955 in Chattanooga, Hamilton County, Tennessee. Parents: George W. CRUMP and Dovie KING. Jessie CRUMP (private). Parents: George W. CRUMP and Dovie KING. John CRUMP (private). Parents: George W. CRUMP and Dovie KING. John Alvin CRUMP (private). Parents: Randy CRUMP and Tanya Sue COKER. Mary Charles CRUMP (private). Parents: Chester Charles CRUMP and Ethel Edith PATRICK. Spouse: Theodore Branford WINKLER. Children were: Brad WINKLER, David WINKLER, Linda Gale WINKLER, Carol Ann WINKLER. Randy CRUMP (private). Spouse: Tanya Sue COKER. Children were: John Alvin CRUMP, Adam Burttram CRUMP, Dakota Gewin CRUMP. Shirly Sue CRUMP (private). Parents: Chester Charles CRUMP and Ethel Edith PATRICK. Johnny CRUMRINE (private). Spouse: Johnnie Opel LOOPER. Children were: Sara Yvonne CRUMRINE. Sara Yvonne CRUMRINE (private). Parents: Johnny CRUMRINE and Johnnie Opel LOOPER. Spouse: Charles POLLARD. Children were: Lecia Evonne POLLARD, Christopher Glenn POLLARD, Douglas Alan POLLARD. Billy Gene CRUTCHLEY was born on 7 July 1930. He died on 28 September 1930 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL. Parents: William Lester CRUTCHLEY and Mary Frances TAYLOR. Bobby Dean CRUTCHLEY was born on 7 July 1930. He died on 30 September 1930 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL. Parents: William Lester CRUTCHLEY and Mary Frances TAYLOR. Candace Lynn CRUTCHLEY (private). Parents: William Thomas CRUTCHLEY and Carla Lynn TYLER. Spouse: Jeffrey EPPLEY. Doris Eileen CRUTCHLEY (private). Parents: William Lester CRUTCHLEY and Mary Frances TAYLOR. Spouse: Harvey BLAASE. Children were: Richard BLAASE. Esther Lorine CRUTCHLEY was born on 28 April 1917 in DeWitt Co., Illinois. She died on 16 August 1995 in Arthur, Illinois. Parents: William Lester CRUTCHLEY and Mary Frances TAYLOR. Spouse: William Clau KORTE. Esther Lorine CRUTCHLEY and William Clau KORTE were married on 5 December 1936 in Decatur, Macon Co, IL. Children were: William Robert KORTE, Carol Ann KORTE. Helen Mae CRUTCHLEY was born on 17 December 1922 in DeWitt, California. She died on 13 December 1988 in Vallejo, Solano Co., CA. Parents: William Lester CRUTCHLEY and Mary Frances TAYLOR. Spouse: Hubert Dale HOOPER. Helen Mae CRUTCHLEY and Hubert Dale HOOPER were married in 1939. Children were: Marilyn Sue HOOPER. Spouse: Leonard Marshall NICHOLS. Children were: Glen Alan NICHOLS. Mary Evelyn CRUTCHLEY (private). Parents: William Lester CRUTCHLEY and Mary Frances TAYLOR. Spouse: Frank VAN GELDER. Children were: Linda Marie VAN GELDER, Michael VAN GELDER, Susan Kay VAN GELDER, Daniel David VAN GELDER. Mary Lynn CRUTCHLEY (private). Parents: Roy Francis CRUTCHLEY and Katherine Love HOLCOMB. Spouse: Marvin Tracey JEREW. Children were: Travis James JEREW, Rory Allan JEREW. Pamela Kay CRUTCHLEY (private). Parents: Roy Francis CRUTCHLEY and Katherine Love HOLCOMB. Spouse: Terry Allen YEHLING. Children were: Jennifer Megan YEHLING, Brian Allen YEHLING. Robert Franklin CRUTCHLEY (private). Parents: Roy Francis CRUTCHLEY and Katherine Love HOLCOMB. Spouse: Mary Jane WATKINS. Roy Francis CRUTCHLEY was born on 2 October 1920 in Atlanta, DeWitt Co, IL. He died on 13 March 1996 in Tucson, Arizona. Parents: William Lester CRUTCHLEY and Mary Frances TAYLOR. Spouse: Katherine Love HOLCOMB. Children were: William Thomas CRUTCHLEY, Robert Franklin CRUTCHLEY, Pamela Kay CRUTCHLEY, Mary Lynn CRUTCHLEY. Wendy Teresa CRUTCHLEY (private). Parents: William Thomas CRUTCHLEY and Carla Lynn TYLER. Spouse: Craig SPOOR. William Lester CRUTCHLEY died on 17 February 1981.603 He was born on 9 July 1994.604 Spouse: Mary Frances TAYLOR. Mary Frances TAYLOR and William Lester CRUTCHLEY were married on 2 June 1916 in Clayton, Missouri. Children were: Esther Lorine CRUTCHLEY, Doris Eileen CRUTCHLEY, Roy Francis CRUTCHLEY, Helen Mae CRUTCHLEY, Mary Evelyn CRUTCHLEY, Billy Gene CRUTCHLEY, Bobby Dean CRUTCHLEY. William Thomas CRUTCHLEY (private). Parents: Roy Francis CRUTCHLEY and Katherine Love HOLCOMB. Spouse: Carla Lynn TYLER. Children were: Candace Lynn CRUTCHLEY, Wendy Teresa CRUTCHLEY. Dorothy CRUTHIDS (private). Spouse: David Woodrow TODD. Ross CRYAR (private). Spouse: Frances BURTTRAM. Living CUBLEY (private). Spouse: Albert Ray LONG. Cleo CUDE (private). Spouse: Evelyn Alma CLAIBORN. Jaquelin Cecilia CUELLAR (private). Spouse: Gary Emil GROCE. Children were: Alicia Dawn GROCE, Mary Elizabeth GROCE, James Emil GROCE. William F. CULBERT (private). Spouse: Evaline Kiser JESSEE. Elizabeth CULLAM4 died after 1838. Spouse: Garah MARKLAND. Elizabeth CULLAM and Garah MARKLAND were married on 21 March 1793 in OH-Hamilton County. Children were: George MARKLAND, Thomas MARKLAND, John T. MARKLAND, Cynthia MARKLAND, Amelia MARKLAND, Sovina MARKLAND, Elizabeth MARKLAND, Garah MARKLAND, William MARKLAND, Richard MARKLAND. Okal A. CULLOR (private). Spouse: Carroll Miller KINTON. T C CULVAHOUSE (private). Spouse: Hazel COONS. |