Home Surname List Name Index Sources | Everett BERTRAM (private). Parents: Hayden BERTRAM and Anna CARTON. Spouse: Belva STINSON. Evie BERTRAM (private). Parents: Perry M. BERTRAM and Elizabeth "Betsey" Jane BURTRAM. Ewing BERTRAM (private). Parents: Shelby BERTRAM and Elizabeth Jane HICKS. Spouse: Nadine GUFFEY. Children were: Ruth BERTRAM, Owen BERTRAM, Glenda BERTRAM, Brenda BERTRAM, Nina BERTRAM. Exie BERTRAM (private). Parents: (Reuben)Hutch BERTRAM and Ella A. HICKS. Ezekial W. BERTRAM was born in 1852 in Wayne Co KY. He died in 1853 in Wayne Co KY. Parents: Ahile BERTRAM and Rowena HURT. Female BERTRAM144 was born in 1775. Parents: Cornelius BERTRAM and Nancy MAIDEN. Flora BERTRAM (private). Parents: Robert BERTRAM and Dorothy KING. Florence BERTRAM (private). Parents: Johnny C. BERTRAM and Rebecca EADES. Spouse: Herbert PERDUE. Florence"Flonnie" BERTRAM144 was born in 1871. Parents: John BERTRAM and Caroline HICKS. Spouse: John Wesley LESTER. Florence"Flonnie" BERTRAM and John Wesley LESTER were married on 1 March 1911. Floyd Fred BERTRAM144 was born on 1 October 1882 in Windy, Kentucky. Parents: John BERTRAM and Caroline HICKS. Spouse: Mattie E. BURRIS. Mattie E. BURRIS and Floyd Fred BERTRAM were married on 1 October 1903. Children were: Jesse L. BERTRAM, Verda BERTRAM, Leland F. BERTRAM, Robert T. BERTRAM, Charles O. BERTRAM, Grace BERTRAM, Earl E. BERTRAM. Fount Winfrey BERTRAM (private). Parents: Beckam Lonnie BERTRAM and Alma Lou BROWN. Spouse: Anna Louise SCHULTHEIS. Frances BERTRAM "Whit"144 was born in 1882 in Wayne Co KY. Parents: James Varner BERTRAM and Louisa BROWN. Spouse: W. Dent HICKS. Frances BERTRAM "Whit" and W. Dent HICKS were married on 2 March 1899. Children were: Burton HICKS, Alta HICKS, Ather HICKS. Frances B. BERTRAM was born in 1854 in Wayne Co KY. She died in 1903 in Wayne Co KY. Parents: Martin Luther BERTRAM and Malissa YOUNG. Spouse: Joel Fox , M.D. BERTRAM. Children were: Jonathan Martin BERTRAM. Frank BERTRAM (private). Parents: Porter BERTRAM and Rosa DEROSSETT. Spouse: Ruth DECKER. Children were: Larry BERTRAM, Garry BERTRAM, Margaret BERTRAM. Frank BERTRAM (private). Parents: Brady Franklin BERTRAM and Mary STUMP. Fred BERTRAM (private). Parents: Johnny C. BERTRAM and Rebecca EADES. Spouse: Mollie BROWN. Children were: Oral BERTRAM, Maydell BERTRAM. Freda Kay BERTRAM (private). Parents: Charles R. BERTRAM and Sibyl BUCK. Garry BERTRAM (private). Parents: Frank BERTRAM and Ruth DECKER. Garry BERTRAM (private). Parents: Willie V. BERTRAM and Laura HURT. Gary William BERTRAM (private). Parents: James Alvin BERTRAM and Elma SUVANTO. Gayla Sue BERTRAM (private). Parents: Woodrow Merle BERTRAM and Eudoxie YORK. George BERTRAM (private). Parents: Hayden BERTRAM and Anna CARTON. Spouse: Eulon DENNEY. George BERTRAM was born on 3 January 1841 in Sunnybrook. He died on 19 November 1863 in Chichamauga GA. (9) George W. Butram "Co. D" - enrolled 25 Sept 1861 at Livingston, Overton Co.,TN. Severely wounded 31 Dec 1862 Battle of Murfreesboro. Appointed Sergeant 10 Mar 1863 by order of Capt.Green, Commander of Regt. Killed while carrying colors during Battle of Chicamauga, 19 Sept 1863. G.W. Buttram is listed as one of the enlisted men who distinguishedthemselves at the battle of Chickamaugha during the Civil War onSeptembeer 19th and 20th, 1863 as follows: "Headquarters StewartsDivision, September 29, 1863, Johnsons Brigade, Twenty-fifthTennessee-... G.W. Buttram, Company D carried the colors and acted verynobly, advancing in the face of the most deadly fire to any positionindicated, standing firmly until the regiment advanced to him. He showedhimself worthy of the post he had been called to fill for the time, andwill be appointed to the position.....(was) always in front, not leaving(his) position even for ammunition. (He was) among the few who advancedto the second fence within 20 yards of the battery captured on Saturday." Parents: Elijah BERTRAM and Camellia MILLER. George BERTRAM was born in 1903 in Pickett Co., TN. Parents: Samuel Alonzo BERTRAM and Sarah A. GROCE. Spouse: Hallie WINDLE. Children were: Susan BERTRAM. George BERTRAM was born on 22 July 1903. Parents: Mack BERTRAM and Louisa Ellen DANIELS. Spouse: Ida CATRON. Children were: Benny Dick BERTRAM, Nola Glenneth BERTRAM, Lucy Lillian BERTRAM, Vera Mae BERTRAM. George Arnold BERTRAM (private). Parents: Lilly R. BERTRAM. Spouse: Madge CATRON. George Beckam BERTRAM (private). Parents: Joel Mason BERTRAM and Sarah Matilda MCFARLAND. George H. BERTRAM (private). Parents: Herschel B. BERTRAM and Lilly M. SMITH. Spouse: Opal DISHMAN. George Kenny BERTRAM13 was born on 25 December 1921 in Pleasant Hill, St. Clair Co., Alabama. He died on 17 October 1993 in Tucson, Pima Co., Arizona. He has reference number 193. GEORGE changed the spelling of his last name from Burtr a m t o Bertram. Parents: Kenny Wilson BURTRAM and Artis Lexie GIBB. Spouse: Dorthy Marilyn DESILVA. Children were: Kenny Williams BERTRAM, John Leslie BERTRAM. Spouse: June KUNNER. Georgia May BERTRAM (private). Parents: Alvin BERTRAM and Clerinda HANCOCK. Spouse: Luther M. YORK. Children were: Judith YORK, Peggy Ann YORK. Glee BERTRAM (private). Parents: Oscar BERTRAM and Nina GIBSON. Spouse: Ina SMITH. Children were: Benita Cheryl BERTRAM, Randy BERTRAM. Glenda BERTRAM (private). Parents: Ewing BERTRAM and Nadine GUFFEY. Glenn BERTRAM (private). Parents: Vernon BERTRAM and Lucy CATRON. Glenn Elwood BERTRAM (private). Parents: Benton M. BERTRAM and Amanda HICKS. Spouse: Willie DAVIS. Children were: Troy Glenn BERTRAM, Allene BERTRAM. Glenna BERTRAM (private). Parents: Johnny C. BERTRAM and Bessie DISHMAN. Spouse: Wendell , Rev. HURT. Grace BERTRAM (private). Parents: Floyd Fred BERTRAM and Mattie E. BURRIS. Spouse: Orval POORE. Children were: Sharon POORE, Marylen POORE, Ronnie POORE, Carolyn POORE. Grace BERTRAM (private). Parents: Johnny C. BERTRAM and Bessie DISHMAN. Grace T. BERTRAM144 was born on 21 May 1904 in Sunnybrook, Clinton County, Kentucky. She died on 11 December 1952. Parents: Alvin BERTRAM and Clerinda HANCOCK. Spouse: Robert Edwin BERTRAM. Children were: Carrie Jean BERTRAM, Elizabeth Ann BERTRAM. Greg BERTRAM (private). Parents: Benny Dick BERTRAM and Ann BROWN. Hattie BERTRAM (private). Parents: (Reuben)Hutch BERTRAM and Ella A. HICKS. Hattie BERTRAM (private). Parents: William F. "Billy" BERTRAM and Abbie BURRIS. Spouse: Russell REECE. Children were: Barbara Ann REECE. Hayden BERTRAM (private). Parents: Perry M. BERTRAM and Elizabeth "Betsey" Jane BURTRAM. Spouse: Anna CARTON. Children were: Everett BERTRAM, George BERTRAM, Millie BERTRAM, Betty BERTRAM, Ray BERTRAM, Robbie BERTRAM. Helen BERTRAM (private). Parents: Willie V. BERTRAM and Laura HURT. Henry Clay BERTRAM198 was born about 1848 in Gibson Co., Tennessee. Parents: Simeon BUTRAM and Elizabeth FLETCHER. Henry Elbridge BERTRAM144 was born in 1863. He died in 1931. Parents: Pleasant H. BERTRAM and Harriet UNKNOWN. Herbert Stanley BERTRAM (private). Parents: Ahial BERTRAM and Donna GROCE. Herschel B. BERTRAM144 was born on 26 November 1900 in Sunnybrook, Clinton County, Kentucky. Parents: William Christopher Columbus BERTRAM and Thursa BERTRAM. Spouse: Lilly M. SMITH. Children were: Eugene BERTRAM, William BERTRAM, Norene BERTRAM, James BERTRAM, George H. BERTRAM, Clyde Kenneth BERTRAM. Howard BERTRAM (private). Parents: Addis BERTRAM and Sissie ASBERRY. Howard BERTRAM (private). Parents: Oscar BERTRAM and Nina GIBSON. Spouse: Eula Dean DALTON. Children were: Rhonda Elaine BERTRAM, Sharon Dawn BERTRAM. Hubert Lee BERTRAM144 was born on 10 September 1911. He died in December 1972. Parents: (Leslie) Crume BERTRAM and Cora Irene LESTER. Spouse: Ruby SPENCER. Children were: Arie Lee BERTRAM, Thelma Jean BERTRAM. |